I was at a loss as to what to write next but I think this will be the best thing at this time. I've been personally working with the concept of Oneness, and I'd like to share what I've learned. Don't ever take my word for anything, but if this pulls at your Heart strings, then listen to THAT, listen within to your highest inner voice. Starseed, Wanderer or not.
But how do we know which is our highest voice? This was my challenge, with so many logical and loving ideals running around in my head, to choose from, but which one should I listen to? I offer what I've found in the hopes to spread the infinite Love of the Creator. But your NOT going to like it, not one bit, unless your beyond this lesson, which almost no one truly is (that I've ever met anyway). You may not like how to be humble, but you'll be much happier by the results, AND you can then feel assured that no matter what life throws your way you'll be able to accept it like we are All meant to-- as a blessing. More than that you will be able to finally view hardships with less personal distortions, and make the world a better place to boot. I hope by writing out my recent findings I'll solidify them for myself, and maybe give you another perspective too.
So, the opposite of ego, is humility, right? We know this. I needed a look first at ego, to get to humility. So maybe that will help you out too. If your a Starseed or Wanderer, this will apply to you as well, since we have a way to differentiate ourselves that is a noble purpose, at least by external appearances, we must actually be more vigilant with ourselves. Noble though our cause may be, still we must realize if it is part of our ego, it can be used against us to help us to fall. Yes, I meant "help", because that's what it is, help from our higher selves so that we can make it to the end of the road with dignity and even Joy.
Ego will make the very best logical excuses for our behaviors. It protects the self image, and the narrative we've All made for ourselves. It is the naughty child inside of us All, that has no care for the outside world only our outward appearance. This may, in some small ways, guilt you into acting lovingly for the sake of self preservation, but don't get fooled, it only leads to more heartache and tears, and fear and loathing- the only thing it knows how to create. Don't fight the ego either it has all your knowledge at its disposal, so you can't talk it down, all you can do is accept it in Agape or unconditional Love. Outwardly this ego is nasty, but it is a part of us being guided by our higher selves that is in our future loving us cheering us on, hoping we finally "get it". Even after you "get it" you'll need to be re-tested until you and your higher guides are positive you've got it down pact.
In this article on in5d.com "how to release the ego and transform the world" we get a great detailed look at how to release the ego, by accepting its vital role in our spiritual growth, and even honoring its solemn duties, and finally by being thankful for its naughty behavior. Ouch right? Well it works and it even makes sense, usually. IF we understand it better, it eventually goes quiet. In the article it says:
"The negative aspects of the ego operate through beliefs in separation, competition, scarcity, unworthiness, fear of loss, victimhood and powerlessness, which are all related to survival.
Anyone or anything that activates these survival based beliefs can easily manipulate us – provoking lower vibration beliefs causes fear-based reactions that keep us imprisoned in negative .
For example, if you have an active belief that there is not enough to go around, you become very competitive to get your piece of the pie. If you did not believe in scarcity or competition, you would not make the same choices in your life or teach your children to make those choices."
Well said Nanice Ellis well said, love to you! As a Starseed and as a Human I can see where these internal stories we tell about ourselves, once we try to solidify them, can easily be hurled at us like rocks. If we realize life and therefore WE are in a constant state of flux, like water, its a lot harder to to throw back at us, and much less painful when we are hit with it. Not only that but we become flexible like water, just as Bruce Lee suggested famously. As a Starseed for example this could be thrown back at you when your in an uncomfortable situation, and if its too rigid of an idea, its going to hurt, not just from the negative behavior of others, but also knowing you were prideful.
It does serve a self preservation purpose though, and we wouldn't have made it through this dark society we inhabit, as well as we have without it. So thank it for its service to you, but embrace instead the positive aspects of life and it will eventually take a nap or come along for the ride. That DOES NOT mean life will be smooth sailing but your attitude about it can be.
So now in our lives we have come once again to "The dark night of the Soul" and we still feel as though our "lives" are over. We have a bad attitude, we lash out at those we Love, making things worse, unless we get humble. As Gregg Prescott says in the article:
"In time, you will end up surrendering yourself and your ego to whatever the Universe has in store for you as if it is all now in the “Creator’s hands”. This is where the cleansing begins."Cleansing of our egos that is. When you realize that any negative feelings you harbor are keeping you from learning to be your best, it becomes easier to see how this might actually help. I can't promise you, that you'll immediately see it and feel blessed, but with time it will become apparent. It takes a few tries for most folks to figure it out, but once you do, your free from long term worry about anything.
I was recently blessed with a series of hardships to accept and whether by my hard work I've put into improving my internal issues, or by the Grace of the infinite Creator, I am now able to say with confidence I can see how this really does make things come out for the best. Life is a series of hardships anyway (for now at least) so you can be humble and stay thankful and wait to see how it turns out or you can throw a fit and fall right in it, and wallow in sorrows, your free will choice as always.
Thanks for reading, hope it helped. I hope your able to find a way to accept the hard things in life and see the hidden loving intent of a Creator that wants the best for All.
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