I don't know for sure why your here, but if I found this site and clicked it, it would be because of my intense curiosity for all things involving starseeds, but it's not THAT common of a thing that I can't imagine someone not knowing what one is. At any rate my personal definitions and discoveries will hopefully be of use to even someone that's in the know.
BASICALLY- A starseed or wanderer is any Human that was born on Earth who's Soul, prior to its current incarnation, was either from another planet (starseed or wanderer), or who graduated the School of Hard Knocks now known as Earth, and had the choice to leave Earth but chose instead to stay and help (technically a wanderer, but from Earth). I typically use Starseed to differentiate from an Earth based wanderer, who are native to this planet.
From Wikipedia: Star people (New Age belief)
Starseed or star seed may refer to: Star people (New Age belief), individuals who believe they originated from another world, dimension, or planet. Starseeds, space-traveling creatures used by Outsiders to plant life on planets in Larry Niven's Known Space science fiction series.
Well, lots of reasons. My 1st clue was this Star Kid/Star Seed Identification Questionnaire by Dr. Richard Boylan . I had no idea prior to taking this quiz, but thought it was just another silly thing to do with my girlfriend at the time. These days I can't agree with Dr. Boylan's views that ALL E.T.'s are positive, but that's getting ahead of ourselves. While looking for the quiz I took originally I found that there are a ton of quizzes that have come out since, but the questions I read were not very specific or revealing, so I still recommend the old one above. It's just the act of reexamining your childhood with a different lens. It's based on more than just a quiz though.
For me it took years of denial and excuses of why things are the way they are in my life. It's only been through deep searching of the heart that I've finally become comfortable enough with my suspicions to feel like its probably the case for me, though I could still be wrong I admit. If I am wrong it isn't keeping me from living my life or hurting anyone else, or making me think I'm better than anyone else either.
Wrong. In fact being a Starseed is in many ways a disadvantage. Like #1- being labeled crazy if you admit it or bring it up. Also we are not used to this planet or it's conditions. We aren't very good at being sneaky, drama hurts us worse than most, allergies are common, and many of us wind up marginalized by society that labels our symptoms as "illness" when its a natural reaction to life here. To top it all off most of us are unable to have any meaningful feeling of "Home" anywhere on Earth.
Not only all of that mess, but personally I often feel inferior to regular Humans in areas of tolerance to harsh conditions (be they physical, mental, or emotional), and ability to quickly recover from such things. I know I'm constantly both bewildered and humbled by Human responses to hardship and strife. You guys are my heroes in that regard.
According to the most useful sources on the topic, just figuring it out is a giant victory of the Soul's mission here on Earth. Otherwise the potential lessons to be learned while we are here are lost for an entire lifetime. So if you've figured it out - congratulations! Your well on your way to STARTING your mission.
Your not alone though, in the 1980's there were supposedly 65 million of us here, and the number was rapidly growing, so no telling how many of us are here now. We have a lot of "Brothers and Sisters of sorrow" to help wake up. That's what I'm hoping to do here on this blog. To help wake up fellow Starseeds, inform the public about why we are here, and provide moral support and a place we can ALL openly be ourselves, whether E.T., E.D.,Starseed, Wanderer, OR Earth Human ALL are One with the Creator!
One day, far in the future, we may be recognized for what we've done here for good or bad, however that's not our mission. We are here to humbly offer service to Earth in these troubled times, and to help ourselves advance faster BY DOING SO. Not completely selfless, but far more so than most people would be able to understand easily. There's not much "bling" about being a starseed, its more about long term advancement of the soul, and helping everyone on Earth by being of service to those in need.
That picture above is very similar to one of the last things I remember seeing as a non-Human, getting larger in my view screen knowing I was about to crash into it. Very bitter sweet.
Keep checking back, not sure how often yet but there will be more. I'll be posting what I find useful on my journey in the hopes that whoever you are, you might be encouraged one way or another. In the mean time here are some other links I liked:
In5D- Quiz – Are You a Starseed?
Gia.com- Are you a Starseed?
Law Of One category- Wanderers
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