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Saturday, July 9, 2016

So, WHY are Starseeds here?

We are here and we Love you!

Good Question. The answer is as complicated as the Starseeds themselves. Generally speaking we can examine the main reason, but more than that the Starseed themselves can really only answer for sure. So, keep in mind I'm mostly talking about the majority, and nothing I say is from a position of authority, I've just been thinking and reading about this for a while now and I hope by sharing my thoughts and findings I might help out anyone interested in the topic.


In the last article we talked about What a Starseed is, how their Souls are simply from somewhere other than Earth, or could've reincarnated on a new planet. So there is our fist clue as to what's going on here. Starseeds left their families at home and wandered here to take part in what is happening right now on Earth. Wanderer or Starseed, we had much easier options than coming here. So what's happening that's so important to leave the comfort of home, travel across the galaxy, and reincarnate as a human with total amnesia? Well some call it "the Quickening" some call it "end times" or revelations I know a few who call these times Ragnarok but I think the most accurate description would be "the harvest". They all sound bad and the powers that be tell us its all bad, but Starseeds are here to help make sure that won't happen this time (like all the times in the past we've been here before).

Terrible, how did THIS happen...


Those pop quizzes last article are fun for figuring out IF your a Starseed, but for more depth we need to examine "The Law of One-The Ra Material" by L/L Research. Now if your a "proofer" truther your not going to like this book series very much because its channeled material. I know it seems wacked out to base anything on channeled material, but there is a good reason "proof" isn't just laying around everywhere for you to trip over, and as a Starseed this is 99% a question of internal ways of thinking/feeling, never about winning a court case before a judge. Please don't ever ask me for "proof" I'll tell you now I have nothing to show you, its all about internal Self discovery.

The Law of One series is the main thing I've found that seems to fit most closely with what I've seen or felt internally and at any rate the "truth" of it only shines as conviction after conviction in my own personal life. If you think its crazy, that's OK I don't blame you I thought so at first too. So, even though it MIGHT be totally looney, let's just see what it says as to "WHY?". Give it a try it might make sense to you too.

12.26 Questioner: Thank you. Well, you spoke of Wanderers. Who are Wanderers? Where do they come from?
Ra: I am Ra. Imagine, if you will, the sands of your shores. As countless as the grains of sand are the sources of intelligent infinity. When a social memory complex has achieved its complete understanding of its desire, it may conclude that its desire is service to others with the distortion towards reaching their hand, figuratively, to any entities who call for aid. These entities whom you may call the Brothers and Sisters of Sorrow move towards this calling of sorrow. These entities are from all reaches of the infinite creation and are bound together by the desire to serve in this distortion.

So it's explained else where that "intelligent infinity" is the ability to see without distortion (to within a set limit) a beings connection to Source. Basicly this means being 4D+, at least the next level of being above what Humans are now. When a 4D+ person is learning and exploring within this space of seeing the true connections of all things to Source, and while seeking to be of service to other Selfs, they hear the cries of sorrow and suffering here on Earth. Even to the ends of the universe. They are almost drawn like moths to a flame, but in this case its the hell fire Earth finds its self burning in presently. It's also saying that though we are a rag-tag group of diverse individuals we all share a common goal of trying to help sort this big mess out. It does also mention that there have been negative wanderers, but these are extremely rare because its too big of a risk to the negative oriented beings. Also it's usually too humiliating and weakening to them to under go the "veiling process" or forgetting that's just the nature of becoming a wanderer.

There ya go buddy. Fly free as a bird now.


With only a very few exceptions out of at least tens of millions, it is very safe to say if your a Starseed your most likely here to be a positive influence to the out come of what Earth is NOW going through. We heard the pleas for help and couldn't help ourselves, we want to be of service in what ways we can. That's the "WHY?".


I'll be writing about HOW Starseeds seek to be of assistance to the Earth at this troubling time. Something I'm still seeking myself. After we examine the who, what, when, where, and whys, we'll get into more daily life discoveries of a Starseed and I'll be sharing more articles with one Starseed's point of view, and hopefully your comments and participation will help to shape that as well.

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