This article from Justin at Stillness in the Storm is a great over view and detailed analysis of the Full Disclosure Now movement's current state and what we're up against from "the powers that were" and also a look at what any fellow Humans, Wanderers and Starseeds are up against. If you want to understand our world better this is a great place to start! Please support us and join us in our efforts to wake up the world. Also please click on one or two of the ads shown in his blog, as it will help support him and there by the movement in general. Thank you!
by Justin Deschamps
The Aerospace technology giant Boeing is celebrating their centennial or 100-year anniversary in 2016.
The following article provides an overview of the insider testimony that correlates with the Boeing advertisement as well as the partial disclosure agenda currently rolling out to the public. In addition, an analysis of the ad and its subtle influencing methods will be conducted suggesting that it is an effort to steer the collective consciousness of humanity into accepting a limited disclosure scenario.
Goode became aware of this deceptive disclosure effort as a result of his contacts in the SSP Alliance and is doing everything he can to alert the public. This is because an alliance within the higher level SSP—whom he is connected to—is seeking full disclosure.
Full Disclosure vs. Partial Disclosure
This full disclosure scenario, as proposed by the SSP Alliance, and their allies, calls for a complete end to slavery in all its forms (the Babylonian money-magic system), the release of all hidden information and suppressed technology, and a truth and reconciliation style tribunal of the Cabal and their underlings. If the SSP Alliance gets their way, so much of the truth will be made public that attempting to institute a new form of slavery will be almost impossible. Clearly, the criminal syndicates operating on Earth and beyond want to do everything they can to stop this effort, including releasing advertisements that entice the public to accept a partial disclosure narrative.
But for those unaware of the insidious machinations of the Cabal (also known as the Illuminati, the New World Order, and so on)—those in power who have shaped the planet into a glorified form of modern day feudalism or slavery—the partial disclosure initiative will sound like a saving grace; because that's what it's designed to do. It's designed to pacify the people who are the most aware while selling the unaware masses on a space-age style form of neo-enslavement.
Under this limited disclosure agenda, only some of the truth will be revealed to the public and even that will take 100 years. According to Goode and his contacts in the SSP Alliance, the Cabal-run groups, and their allies, have brokered an agreement with certain Earth-based alliances to begin this partial disclosure effort. Apparently, this agreement was made in late 2015 and bolstered in 2016, but this plan was most likely developed much earlier.
In a report issued in June of 2015, Goode stated that he attended a Super-Federation Council meeting wherein the first public allusion of a limited disclosure plan was mentioned:
For example, the initial discovery of exoplanets several years ago was a complete paradigm shift in the way science deals with the search for extraterrestrial life. Prior to this development, it was widely accepted in academia that humanity would most likely never find extraterrestrials—at least not anytime soon. Anyone searching for ETs with seriousness was quietly ridiculed and maligned—but not anymore. This is in part due to the discoveries of the Kepler Mission focusing on the search for habitable exoplanets.
Revised Drake Equation
To exemplify this shift, consider that the Drake Equation was "updated" recently.
This mathematical model from the mid 20th century was a boon for those unwilling to acknowledge the possibility of life evolving elsewhere in the cosmos. In its original form, the equation asserted that it was a statistical certainty that life doesn't exist in the cosmos. But for those in the know, clearly, this isn't true. Earlier this year, a team of scientists proposed changes that completely shifted how we look at the universe.
And it just so happens that in the partial disclosure plan put forth by the Cabal, a central part is the admission of ancient ruins from ET cultures being found throughout the solar system and beyond. This item of information was supplied by Goode and Wilcock during their weekly online series Cosmic Disclosure.
Related Drake Equation Updated with Kepler Exoplanet Data | Scientists Say ET Life Probably Exists, but it's All Extinct – Matches Partial Disclosure Narrative Discussed by Corey Goode
To be clear, Goode and other insiders have confirmed that it is true ancient ruins have been found all throughout the solar system and local star cluster. However, there are also countless extraterrestrial civilizations that have made contact with humanity in the relatively short time the SSP has been active, within the past 100 years. Goode states that there are at 40 to 60 extraterrestrial groups with longstanding outposts within the solar system, which have maintained a Super Federation alliance to ensure their agendas come to fruition. This federation has been actively conducting 22 genetic, social, and spiritual experiments on Earth for thousands of years.
The point being that the partial disclosure narrative only reveals extinct ancient ET cultures and makes no mention of contemporaneous non-terrestrial activities—a half-truth with the power to espouse many false impressions in the minds of the unaware masses.
Ceres Bright Spot
The Ceres bright spot is another point of soft disclosure laying the foundations for a limited disclosure event, as presented by David Wilcock. The planetoid captivated extraterrestrial enthusiasts when, in 2015, the Dawn spacecraft captured images of incredibly bright objects in one of the craters on the desolate surface.
Although mainstream science tells us these bright spots are nothing but
reflective ice fields, certain analysts have suggested that the
luminosity is too great to be a natural reflection.
Related Ceres' Bright Spot Is Composed Of Many Smaller Spots | Closest look yet at Ceres’ bright spots
The discovery of thousands of exoplanets, the revising of the Drake Equation, and the Ceres bright spot are each playing a part in preparing humanity for disclosure.
And while these items will certainly be a part of a disclosure event, without the whole truth, it may not be the full disclosure experience many have been waiting for. These the points alone provide a basis for the Cabal-run media to push the limited disclosure plan, and as was mentioned earlier, involves the devulgence of ancient ruins left by ET races. Another element involves a narrative in which human beings were created from an ancient race of ET giants, known in the SSP as the progenitors or the Ancient Builder race.
To be clear, these elements are a part of the story, but not the whole truth. As such, gaining an understanding of what the whole picture looks like is essential to discerning the limited disclosure effort from the complete or full one.
What Will Partial Disclosure Look Like?
When the big push starts—which we are in the early stages of now—it will seem like the truth has finally been revealed: decades worth of banker fraud will be exposed, war criminals will be arrested, the 9/11 conspiracy will be unveiled, UFOs will be connected to black budget government projects (USAPs), and a financial reset or debt forgiveness will take place. And for those unaware of the greater truths—especially those related to higher level SSP activity—this will seem like our prayers have finally been answered. And again, all these things will probably be part of a full disclosure event, and as such, the Cabal needs certain features to be present within the limited disclosure plan in order to gain support from the public.
The limited plan calls for releasing information about lower level secret space program activity only; nothing about the over 900 extraterrestrial groups we've been actively trading with; nothing about the over 60 million people who were enslaved by the programs during the Brain Drain era of the 1960's; nothing about hundreds of thousands of people who go missing every year disappearing into highly immoral human trafficking operations with extraterrestrial races; nothing about the true power of our collective consciousness and its ability to affect reality; nothing about the organic evolution timeline and the complete fraud of transhumanism; nothing about the malevolent AI (Artificial Intelligence) that has infected the minds of so many high ranking societal figures, and so on.
In short, the partial disclosure agenda is nothing more than a softer and more palatable form of mass mind control and slavery. It is an attempt by despotic elites to regain control over the human population, which is presently showing signs of an organic mass awakening. It will do this by enticing the unawakened and unaware masses to accept a technological leap in society, which will seem like it imparts more freedoms but in reality, causes greater dependency and reliance on the would-be masters of this world.
One of the justifications for this plan, on the part of some of these Earth-based alliance groups pushing for partial disclosure, is that because the West had their 100 years of financial dominance (the Federal Reserve System), the East wants their turn to be masters of humanity. But slavery is still slavery, even if the shackles are a little less heavy.
Related Top Secret UFO Documents 'Prove Britain's Biggest Alien Sighting Was Real' Claims US Naval Officer
And here is another example proving that one can produce precise behavioral results in another if the proper process is used to steer consciousness are harnessed.
At this point, it should be fairly clear that its not only possible to subtly influence a person's mind, its actively taking place in our world today. As far as how to protect oneself from subtle influencing, consider that the conscious mind's power to override suggestion can only take place if we have gained awareness. These softer forms of mind control can only work on an individual that has not developed mental discipline to discern influence from genuine personal desire. But the good news is whether or not a desire came from a suggestion or not doesn't really matter insofar as determining if it is for our highest and best good or if it is moral and honors the rights of others. In short, we can evaluate the ethical and idealistic factors involved in making a choice regardless of whether it came from a subtle suggestion or not, and in this way, the conscious mind—where our free will has the most power—can override even the most well crafted influencing methods.
Related Understanding Mind Control | The Illuminati Formula Used to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave by Fritz Springmeier and Cisco Wheeler
The entire advertisement industry is based around the psychological effect of subtle influencing, with the propaganda machine of the Cabal employing suggestions at all levels of society to entice the masses into following their plans. We need only look out into the world to see the evidence and success of this.
The Suggestion: You Just Wait
Given these methods, the first thing to notice is the title, You just wait. This is an overarching command or suggestion for the whole video. Subtle suggestion works by presenting a series of ideas, concepts or information and then applying a conceptual label or bias over it. In this case, the suggestion is that all the things presented in the video you have to wait for.
For the unawakened masses, they will receive the suggestion or programing fully, due to their lack of conscious recognition of the items presented. When they see images of a futuristic better world of free energy, space age technology and so on, the preconditioned bias in their minds will be to reject the whole idea because they have been programmed to just wait. But as was said earlier, not everyone will have this reaction, it only works on a very specific subset of the population.
There are other layers of conditioning from society influencing the outcome due to the mind's holistic and additive nature. This is why social engineers use the same general framework in all forms of subtle conditioning so that conflicts don't arise. One of these ubiquitous programs is the use of science fiction and the presentation of valid scientific concepts in a fantastic way that conditions the mind to label what is presented as fiction. If we see someone in a movie using telepathy and psychic powers, we might subconsciously assume such things aren't real because they were presented in an unreal context—a fictional work. But when we have a conscious set of knowledge that overrides this subconscious program, we'll draw a different conclusion.
Related Awakening Your Force | Science Fiction and Psychology - Star Wars, Ancient Tibet, and Jedi Training
Arguably, the overarching subtle suggestion to just wait is the most powerful aspect of the Boeing advertisement. Everything else presented in the video supports this suggestion, and acts as a trigger for the program.
Subtle suggestion techniques work by presenting a series of triggers or prepackaged ideas so as to create a contextual framework for the suggestion. This is done by introducing images or lines of dialog that invoke certain ideas within the minds of the audience, which are then woven together into a narrative.
Like telling a story, one needs to present the setting or context first. Then after the proper ideas have been invoked in the viewer's mind, the whole presentation is enshrouded or encased under the umbrella of a suggestion or command.
Here is an advertisement from Lexus as an example.
The ad starts by showing a beautiful woman standing in front of the Arch de Triumph in Paris, the suggestion is: successful men want this woman. Then it goes on to show interlaced shots of the woman walking and the man driving the fancy new car; the guy that every man watching should identify with.
Then the man parks the car in front of the modern version of the Arch, the woman walks into the shot, and the man embraces her in a passionate kiss. The whole time this is happening, the dialog is making a comparison between the old and the new, suggesting that if you want to "stand out," if you want the girl, then you have to redefine sophistication, you have to redefine yourself in the way we are telling you. Then the command or suggestion comes in at the end, this is the pursuit of perfection; or more clearly stated: a Lexus is the pursuit of perfection. In other words, if you want the girl, you need to redefine yourself by buying a Lexus.
This is classic subtle programming. I don't know the precise psychological term to describe it, but I would liken it to the inadequate, dissatisfied, self loathing technique mentioned above; whereby, we're conditioned to believe we aren't good enough, and we need the product being sold to feel whole again.
Now let's go over the transcript and imagery of the Boeing advertisement line by line.
Note: Before doing so, it should be understood that there are no black and white meanings or inferences to make when analyzing subtleties in advertisements. All interpretations are valid in the observers eye, yet the devices employed, as was stated earlier, tend to produce a bell curve effect wherein the majority of responses in a given population fall within a predetermined set.
"Welcome to the World of 2016"
The modern worldview, as promulgated by the media, educational institutions, and science is that of the glory and splendor of our technological progress. It is the belief that human history is a slow and steady progression of advancement; an assumption that peoples of the past were more primitive than the people of the present, and that technology is what fueled this progress.
One alternative researcher termed this notion the belief in the Church of Progress. This modern day belief of endless technological progress is a pretext for the transhumanist agenda. This is the idea that the future is one where man merges with machine in an effort to correct evolutionary errors in the human organism. The partial disclosure timeline would allow the Cabal to develop a transhumanist society, wherein human beings are increasingly dependent on, and enslaved by, technology.
Related Cosmic Disclosure Season 5 - Episode 5: Spiritual Ascension vs. Technology - Summary and Analysis | Corey Goode and David Wilcock
This scene is also another reinforcement of the promise of a better world through technology, again in an effort to entice the audience into believing in the vision presented.
In his commentary on this article, Corey Goode offered that the SSP already has a personal carrier that can seat up to 600 people, he called a Military Personal Carrier.
In Dr. Michael Salla's book, Insiders Reveal Secret Space Programs & Extraterrestrial Alliances, Goode is quoted on page 18 that these carriers can transport someone "anywhere in the world in less than an hour"—eerily similar to the line from the Boeing ad, "across the globe in under an hour."
Goode's statement and Salla's book was released prior to the Boeing advertisements debut.
"Across the Universe and Beyond"
7: Across the universe and beyond – This is when the video transitions back to the young girl with her father. At this point, the many layers of subtle programming are reinforced again before the big reveal of the overarching suggestion.
Reading the preceding line of dialog in succession with this line suggest that Boeing developed technology in the past 100 years to take humanity from, sea planes to space planes, across the universe and beyond.
"And if You Thought that was Amazing..."
It should be abundantly clear that this partial disclosure scenario is progressing at this time.
The western controlled financial system is slowly imploding, lower level SSP disclosure is being released at record pace, soft disclosure from NASA and other space agencies is being ramped up, and all manner of subtle conditioning, like what is presented in The X-files, is taking place.
We Won't Wait—Full Disclosure is the Only Option
What can be done in the face of such an elaborate subtle conditioning or propaganda campaign?
The hope is that truth is on our side. Here is a quote from Raw-Teir-Eir that is of prime importance:
Think of it like a magic trick or an illusion. Even if only one part of the trick goes wrong, the whole thing falls apart. If a magician was trying to make a rabbit disappear, and a tiny piece of the rabbit's ear is visible to the audience, the trick is a failure, no one buys into the illusion, no one believes it.
The partial disclosure plan is equally as delicate, which means that if even a tiny shred of the whole truth makes it into the collective consciousness of humanity, it might be enough to dissolve the illusion and hamper the partial disclosure agenda. The inspiring vision of a brighter future presented in the Boeing ad is a euphemism for a transhumanist nightmare, a vision most people won't want to believe in if they had all the facts.
So as an awakening community, our methodology can be similar to the Boeing advertisement. Our task is to spread as much of the truth as far and as wide as possible. We don't need people to accept what is offered, they just simply need to be exposed to it.
The unconscious receives all information, even if the conscious doesn't accept it, that's why subliminal and subtle conditioning works. In addition, the mechanics of truth receptivity are such that over a long enough span of time, all falsehoods eventually collapse under the weight of unreconciled truth. Hence Goode's call for a grass-roots full disclosure effort.
Steering Consciousness Towards Full Disclosure
But there's something else to consider. The universe has a bias towards positivity and mental coherence.
Related Universal Coherence, Sovereignty and Self Mastery | What Science is Telling Us About Earth’s Electromagnetic Fields and the Healing Power of Coherence
The Cabal are employing forms of manipulation, coercion, and deception in their efforts to steer the collective consciousness of humanity. This means that the coherence or image quality of the idea they are trying to seed needs to be very strong or of a high resolution. They have to devote incredible amounts of energy and resources in promoting and presenting the partial disclosure idea to the masses. And as we discussed above, it only takes a small amount of truth to collapse the elaborate illusion.
The awakening community is uniquely empowered to create a positive coherent thought-form that opposes partial disclosure. This, of course, is a vision of a full disclosure future. This can be charged by group meditations like what has become popular of late, but this in and of itself isn't enough. The more powerfully we ground this full disclosure idea into each moment of life, the more coherent and energized our consciousness becomes, and the more we help steer the collective consciousness of humanity.
Remember that beliefs help us channel creative energy by focusing attention on a worldview or perspective of reality. So first, as an awakening community, we can ask ourselves what we believe, what are our biases? Do we think full disclosure isn't a realistic option? Are we upset because we think someone else should be doing this for us? Are we unwilling to risk our reputation and social graces to share the truth with the world?
Beliefs, like subliminal programming, will prevent us from taking action if we do not find and balance them with more knowledge of the truth.
Part of the reason I wanted to write this compilation was to share as much of the truth as possible so as to dispel any belief that holds the awakening community back. Yet even despite all the data points proving the power of unity, there are as many excuses not to unite as there are grains of sand on a beach.
What Does Unity Look Like?
In closing, I want to discuss what a united awakening community could look like. I think a lot of people think unity means 100% agreement on everything, or that if we disagree about even one thing, we can't work together as a whole.
But we don't have to agree on everything. As a matter of fact, we don't even have to agree on a majority of items. We just need consensus on the big issues we can agree on, and then take actions within those areas.
For example, one person may listen to COBRA, while another person might listen to David Wilcock, and both might think the two sources of information are not in total agreement. But they are in agreement about the big issues. These figures both discuss an energetic shift, they both discuss the power of meditation, they both discuss a secret space program, mass arrests, and an end of the paradigms of control on Earth. So while there is a small amount of disagreement, generally they are far more in harmony than not.
And as followers of information revealers, gurus, ascended masters, whistleblowers, and so on—when we fight with others over what they believe we prevent unity from forming. Instead of attacking people that don't share our beliefs, let's find the courage to seek common ground, because in all likelihood we each have far more in common than not.
As odd as it sounds, we can look to the Cabal as an example of what effective unity looks like.
All the various syndicate groups and organizations that make up the Cabal are loosely allied with each other, and in many cases, they fight about one thing or another. But when it comes to certain issues, like the need for a financial enslavement system, they all agree and act within that consensus to effect changes in the world.
We only have to observe the planet we live on to see how successful their unity efforts have been.
Unity isn't about total uniformity, in some kind of hive-mind where no one thinks for themselves. Unity means recognizing diversity while at the same time not letting our differences divide us on what we all face as a people.
No matter how much we may want to fight with each other, we are all suffering from a world sick with selfishness, scarcity, and ignorance. And the solution is a unified compassionate and well-educated group of awakened people, willing to be the change and show others they can too.
We can do it, and the universe supports us in more ways than we can possibly imagine. If the spheres really are here in the solar system, by the thousands, and they are actually controlled by guardians of the galaxy, this in and of itself indicates the universe is doing everything it can to support a people's uprising for true freedom. Surely if the benevolent forces behind the Sphere Beings can believe in our potential, we can find it within ourselves to do the same.
If doing nothing guarantees at least another 100 years of Cabal rule, then why not take the risk and do something? If a transhumanist world does come about due to our inactions, how will we feel knowing we had a chance to do something and didn't?
Future generations are relying on us to take a stand, and unlike in the past, the opportunity for successfully rising up and freeing this planet is greater than ever.
True Disclosure
Corey Goode via the Full Disclosure Project and with the help of countless inspired individuals, has produced a mainstream website for the purpose of disseminating information to the public.
TrueDisclosure.org is designed to provide high quality insider testimony, declassified documents, and evidence that the unawakened masses can use to gain greater knowledge of our true history and related SSP activities. The amount of energy required to produce this website was vast, but now it can serve as one more venue to help reveal the truth to the people and dissolve any hope of a false partial disclosure scenario.
I hope you have enjoyed this article and found it inspiring.
Know that the work we do to change the planet and restore prosperity happens in all moments of now. When we act with integrity and bravely face the injustices of our world in a way that honors the truth, we become beacons of light amid an ocean of darkness.
The simple act of seeking the truth, sharing it with our fellows, and acting in harmony with it, is arguably one of the single most important things we can do. In this respect, we're each instrumental players in this game of becoming free and ending tyranny, of restoring peace, prosperity and empowerment to the place we call home.
PS: Special thanks to those who have come forward under threat to bring the truth the people.
The preceding text is a Stillness in the Storm original creation. Please share freely.
About The Author
Justin Deschamps is a truth seeker inspired by philosophy and the love of wisdom in all its forms. He was formally trained in physics and psychology, later discovering the spiritual basis of reality and the interconnected nature of all things. He strives to find the path of truth while also walking it himself, sharing what he knows with others so as to facilitate cooperative change for a better future. He is a student of all and a teacher to some. Follow @sitsshow and Facebook Stillness in the Storm_________________________
Stillness in the Storm Editor's note: Did you find a spelling error or grammar mistake? Do you think this article needs a correction or update? Or do you just have some feedback? Send us an email at sitsshow@gmail.com. Thank you for reading.
August 2nd 2016 — A reader sent over several grammar corrections which were made to this article.
[other source information has been embedded throughout the article]
This article from Justin at Stillness in the Storm is a great over view and detailed analysis of the Full Disclosure Now movement's current state and what we're up against from "the powers that were" and also a look at what any fellow Humans, Wanderers and Starseeds are up against. If you want to understand our world better this is a great place to start! Please support us and join us in our efforts to wake up the world. Also please click on one or two of the ads shown in his blog, as it will help support him and there by the movement in general. Thank you!
by Justin Deschamps
The Aerospace technology giant Boeing is celebrating their centennial or 100-year anniversary in 2016.
A campaign was launched in late 2015 along with a 30-second advertisement that debuted in early 2016 with the title You just wait.
It features interplanetary spacecraft, solar energy technology, colonies on Mars, and claims to have taken the world "across the universe and beyond." For those who may not be aware, the narrative presented in the commercial sounds glaringly similar to the testimony of secret space program (SSP) insider and whistleblower Corey Goode. The researcher, writer, and presenter David Wilcock also brings forth information that lends credence to this narrative, but there are many others.
It features interplanetary spacecraft, solar energy technology, colonies on Mars, and claims to have taken the world "across the universe and beyond." For those who may not be aware, the narrative presented in the commercial sounds glaringly similar to the testimony of secret space program (SSP) insider and whistleblower Corey Goode. The researcher, writer, and presenter David Wilcock also brings forth information that lends credence to this narrative, but there are many others.
The following article provides an overview of the insider testimony that correlates with the Boeing advertisement as well as the partial disclosure agenda currently rolling out to the public. In addition, an analysis of the ad and its subtle influencing methods will be conducted suggesting that it is an effort to steer the collective consciousness of humanity into accepting a limited disclosure scenario.
Goode became aware of this deceptive disclosure effort as a result of his contacts in the SSP Alliance and is doing everything he can to alert the public. This is because an alliance within the higher level SSP—whom he is connected to—is seeking full disclosure.
Full Disclosure vs. Partial Disclosure
This full disclosure scenario, as proposed by the SSP Alliance, and their allies, calls for a complete end to slavery in all its forms (the Babylonian money-magic system), the release of all hidden information and suppressed technology, and a truth and reconciliation style tribunal of the Cabal and their underlings. If the SSP Alliance gets their way, so much of the truth will be made public that attempting to institute a new form of slavery will be almost impossible. Clearly, the criminal syndicates operating on Earth and beyond want to do everything they can to stop this effort, including releasing advertisements that entice the public to accept a partial disclosure narrative.
But for those unaware of the insidious machinations of the Cabal (also known as the Illuminati, the New World Order, and so on)—those in power who have shaped the planet into a glorified form of modern day feudalism or slavery—the partial disclosure initiative will sound like a saving grace; because that's what it's designed to do. It's designed to pacify the people who are the most aware while selling the unaware masses on a space-age style form of neo-enslavement.
Under this limited disclosure agenda, only some of the truth will be revealed to the public and even that will take 100 years. According to Goode and his contacts in the SSP Alliance, the Cabal-run groups, and their allies, have brokered an agreement with certain Earth-based alliances to begin this partial disclosure effort. Apparently, this agreement was made in late 2015 and bolstered in 2016, but this plan was most likely developed much earlier.
In a report issued in June of 2015, Goode stated that he attended a Super-Federation Council meeting wherein the first public allusion of a limited disclosure plan was mentioned:
The person at the podium then asked that there be no more Alliance Disclosures through myself or the people I am talking to including David Wilcock until after an agreed upon date in late November of 2015. They said that a well-known public servant would be sacrificed in the operation to implement their plan for an incremental disclosure. (Source)Whether or not the "well-known public servant" was sacrificed remains unclear. On the other hand, partial disclosure efforts have continued to pour out into the public domain. These take on the form of entertainment media, such as films, television shows, and video games, as well as innuendo from science related propaganda outlets, like NASA.
For example, the initial discovery of exoplanets several years ago was a complete paradigm shift in the way science deals with the search for extraterrestrial life. Prior to this development, it was widely accepted in academia that humanity would most likely never find extraterrestrials—at least not anytime soon. Anyone searching for ETs with seriousness was quietly ridiculed and maligned—but not anymore. This is in part due to the discoveries of the Kepler Mission focusing on the search for habitable exoplanets.
Revised Drake Equation
To exemplify this shift, consider that the Drake Equation was "updated" recently.
This mathematical model from the mid 20th century was a boon for those unwilling to acknowledge the possibility of life evolving elsewhere in the cosmos. In its original form, the equation asserted that it was a statistical certainty that life doesn't exist in the cosmos. But for those in the know, clearly, this isn't true. Earlier this year, a team of scientists proposed changes that completely shifted how we look at the universe.
Adam Frank is a professor of physics and astronomy at the University of Rochester who helped co-author a paper proposing changes to the Drake Equation, which incorporate Kepler's exoplanet observations. The team revised the framework of several factors so that instead of asking how likely is it that ET civilizations exist, it instead asks how likely is it that our civilization is the only one to have existed. (Source)The new form of the Drake Equation suggests that it is now a mathematical certainty that ancient ET cultures evolved and then went extinct many times over. Isn't it interesting what changing some of the factors can do to shift the results? This new conclusion is an almost an 180ยบ shift from the previous view. Take a moment to appreciate that within 10 years time, humanity went from "we are totally alone in the universe" to "extinct ancient ET cultures probably existed everywhere."
And it just so happens that in the partial disclosure plan put forth by the Cabal, a central part is the admission of ancient ruins from ET cultures being found throughout the solar system and beyond. This item of information was supplied by Goode and Wilcock during their weekly online series Cosmic Disclosure.
Related Drake Equation Updated with Kepler Exoplanet Data | Scientists Say ET Life Probably Exists, but it's All Extinct – Matches Partial Disclosure Narrative Discussed by Corey Goode
To be clear, Goode and other insiders have confirmed that it is true ancient ruins have been found all throughout the solar system and local star cluster. However, there are also countless extraterrestrial civilizations that have made contact with humanity in the relatively short time the SSP has been active, within the past 100 years. Goode states that there are at 40 to 60 extraterrestrial groups with longstanding outposts within the solar system, which have maintained a Super Federation alliance to ensure their agendas come to fruition. This federation has been actively conducting 22 genetic, social, and spiritual experiments on Earth for thousands of years.
The point being that the partial disclosure narrative only reveals extinct ancient ET cultures and makes no mention of contemporaneous non-terrestrial activities—a half-truth with the power to espouse many false impressions in the minds of the unaware masses.
Ceres Bright Spot
The Ceres bright spot is another point of soft disclosure laying the foundations for a limited disclosure event, as presented by David Wilcock. The planetoid captivated extraterrestrial enthusiasts when, in 2015, the Dawn spacecraft captured images of incredibly bright objects in one of the craters on the desolate surface.
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Image Source. Ceres Bright Spot. |
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Image Source. Ceres Bright Spot seen as it moves from the sun-facing side. Here the luminosity doesn't appear to be reduced as one would expect if it was reflecting sunlight off a surface, leading some to conclude these lights are artificial in nature. |
Related Ceres' Bright Spot Is Composed Of Many Smaller Spots | Closest look yet at Ceres’ bright spots
The discovery of thousands of exoplanets, the revising of the Drake Equation, and the Ceres bright spot are each playing a part in preparing humanity for disclosure.
And while these items will certainly be a part of a disclosure event, without the whole truth, it may not be the full disclosure experience many have been waiting for. These the points alone provide a basis for the Cabal-run media to push the limited disclosure plan, and as was mentioned earlier, involves the devulgence of ancient ruins left by ET races. Another element involves a narrative in which human beings were created from an ancient race of ET giants, known in the SSP as the progenitors or the Ancient Builder race.
To be clear, these elements are a part of the story, but not the whole truth. As such, gaining an understanding of what the whole picture looks like is essential to discerning the limited disclosure effort from the complete or full one.
What Will Partial Disclosure Look Like?
When the big push starts—which we are in the early stages of now—it will seem like the truth has finally been revealed: decades worth of banker fraud will be exposed, war criminals will be arrested, the 9/11 conspiracy will be unveiled, UFOs will be connected to black budget government projects (USAPs), and a financial reset or debt forgiveness will take place. And for those unaware of the greater truths—especially those related to higher level SSP activity—this will seem like our prayers have finally been answered. And again, all these things will probably be part of a full disclosure event, and as such, the Cabal needs certain features to be present within the limited disclosure plan in order to gain support from the public.
The limited plan calls for releasing information about lower level secret space program activity only; nothing about the over 900 extraterrestrial groups we've been actively trading with; nothing about the over 60 million people who were enslaved by the programs during the Brain Drain era of the 1960's; nothing about hundreds of thousands of people who go missing every year disappearing into highly immoral human trafficking operations with extraterrestrial races; nothing about the true power of our collective consciousness and its ability to affect reality; nothing about the organic evolution timeline and the complete fraud of transhumanism; nothing about the malevolent AI (Artificial Intelligence) that has infected the minds of so many high ranking societal figures, and so on.
In short, the partial disclosure agenda is nothing more than a softer and more palatable form of mass mind control and slavery. It is an attempt by despotic elites to regain control over the human population, which is presently showing signs of an organic mass awakening. It will do this by enticing the unawakened and unaware masses to accept a technological leap in society, which will seem like it imparts more freedoms but in reality, causes greater dependency and reliance on the would-be masters of this world.
One of the justifications for this plan, on the part of some of these Earth-based alliance groups pushing for partial disclosure, is that because the West had their 100 years of financial dominance (the Federal Reserve System), the East wants their turn to be masters of humanity. But slavery is still slavery, even if the shackles are a little less heavy.
The following is a compilation and summary of Goode's relevant
high-level SSP testimony, the partial disclosure agenda, and how the
Boeing Centennial advertisement is most likely a propaganda piece to
entice the public into accepting limited disclosure. The advertisement, You just wait, as we will discuss blow, has all the hallmarks of predictive programing and subtle influencing.
In order to fully comprehend the difference between partial and full disclosure, as well as understanding the events that have occurred behind the scenes leading up to the present, we must review the history of the secret space program, how it has developed in modern times, as well as a nefarious Cabal or Illuminati that has worked to enslave the planet. In the process, we'll make clear the logical fallacies of the partial disclosure plan, hopefully immunizing the reader's mind from the trappings of subtle manipulation. By the end, it should hopefully be abundantly clear what we the people of this world can do to effect beneficial change for the future.
Let me say that I think we are at a crucial time in history, when the future of the planet will be decided by those who have spent so many years tirelessly investigating, researching, and coming to understand the greater truths of this world. The truther movement or awakening community is uniquely empowered to act as catalyzing agents for an unparalleled age of light and life, the golden age prophesied in antiquity. But this won't happen from the comfort of an armchair or behind a computer screen.
The planet has fallen into tyranny because the people have been enticed to forget their rightful place as custodians of truth, goodness and freedom for all. We've allowed ourselves to be indoctrinated into all manner of self-destructive beliefs based in selfishness that have kept us distracted and divided for eons. Therefore, our task as a people seeking real change and an end to the paradigms of enslavement is to find the courage to set aside any idea, belief, or point of view that fuels unreasonable division and infighting, while at the same time developing compassion, tolerance and true healing for oneself and others. In short, we need to let go of separation consciousness and restore universal consciouseness and faith in the power of the human family.
The tools of abundance are the same methods used to heal oneself and the world, and these are the same tools we need to unite to spread the whole truth far and wide. This article is an effort to provide the reader with more of the whole truth so that they will be empowered to discern the false partial disclosure agenda.
It is this partial disclosure agenda that is so clearly revealed in the 30-second advertisement by Boeing. Once the full disclosure narrative has been presented, we will analyze the Boeing video to demonstrate the subtle conditioning techniques employed. Hopefully by the end of this article, the reader will be able to recognize the tone of the video with ease.
PS: This article was originally written in March of 2016. Corey Goode was kind enough to review this writing and offer insights to enhance what is provided. I have since that time revised sections and added updated portions to include developments that have happened since that time.
The Early Secret Space Programs
The backstory to this partial disclosure agenda is important to understand. For those who are well versed with this history, feel free to skip ahead to the section entitled "Materially Disproving the Basis of Partial Disclosure"
Here are some of the key points of this very long and complex history. I took the liberty of presenting only essential portions of the narrative. For a broader outline of the history see the below-linked article.
Related David Wilcock and Corey Goode: History of the Solar System and Secret Space Program - Notes from Consciousness Life Expo 2016
Related David Wilcock: The Ascension Mysteries | Cosmic Battle Between Good and Evil -- 2 Billion Year History (2HR Video)
In modern times, several secret societies or occult groups in control of various nation-states, operating behind a veil of government secrecy, developed space programs using advanced technologies hidden from the public eye. The two groups of greatest influence are the German and American secret space programs, which eventually merged in the 1950's and 60's to form a singular multinational corporate conglomerate. This was an umbrella of many different individual and often compartmentalized programs referred to as the Secret Space Program.
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The Early German SSP
Prior to the merger of the German and American programs, the Germans were leading the advancement of aerospace technology in pre-World War II Europe. Some of what emerged had advanced as a result of reverse engineering ancient flying craft known as the Vimana during the 1920's and 30's, as well as documents recovered from antiquity describing antigravity devices.
During this time, the Germans were conducting expeditions all over the world in an effort to recover ancient technology, sacred texts, and secrets kept by various priesthoods. For example, they traveled to the Himalayas and encountered several Tibetan monastic orders who were allegedly in possession of incredibly advanced technical drawings of antigravity craft, as well as possessing records of Earth's early history, passed down through oral tradition. It was through the interrogations of some of these monks that they heard of whole civilizations living within the Earth's crust.
Related Cosmic Disclosure Season 2 - Episode 5: Raiders of Lost Technology - Summary and Analysis | Corey Goode and David Wilcock
Other advances in the early German program occurred as a result of mediumship, or as it is termed today, channeling, via the Virl Society in post World War I Germany. This group made contact with several advanced races, one being a Nordic-looking group calling itself the Agartha Network, which apparently has dwelt within the Earth's crust for millions of years. This group claims to be the first humans to have evolved on the planet and has provided assistance to surface populations in many instances throughout history. They are xenophobic in nature, appearing to other groups as gods or extraterrestrials in an effort to hide their home locations from war-like groups on the surface.
Related Cosmic Disclosure Season 2 - Episode 2: Agarthans: Advancing the Frontier - Summary and Analysis | Corey Goode and David Wilcock
Another race contacted by the Germans was the Draco, an extraterrestrial reptilian group with imperialistic intentions and behavior. According to William Tomkins, another SSP whistleblower and insider, the early German program decided to ally itself with the more militaristic Draco group, and apparently solidified their alliance in 1939. Tompkins also states that it was the Draco in addition to other alliances which "handed over" smaller subterranean caverns below the ice of Antarctica.
Related The Nazi Antarctic Fortress: Base 211 and Operation Highjump
Through their alliances, the German program made great advances during the World War II era of history. They developed spacecraft capable of exploring the solar system and beyond, as well as receiving support from their otherworldly contacts in ancient city sites in Antarctica. The Germans built advanced bases there and set up facilities on the Moon and Mars, with the protection of their Draco allies. By the start of the war, the German group had advanced so far beyond the parent nation that they could rightly be called a breakaway civilization; no longer dependent on Germany and its resources to further their agenda.
Related Cosmic Disclosure Season 2 - Episode 9: Colonizing Mars - Summary and Analysis | Corey Goode and David Wilcock
When the Germans realized that the war was not going to end in their favor, they evacuated key personnel and equipment in the German SSP to Antarctica. The site was already well established prior to the Nazi conquests of Europe, and by the time they were defeated, the antarctic Germans had enjoyed nearly 10 years of uninterrupted development and expansion. But with the loss of the war, the isolated Germans lacked the industrial resources and infrastructure to accomplish their lofty goals of space exploration and conquest, realising this, they turned their gaze to the American programs and the industrial might of the United States.
The Germans Take Over the American Military Industrial Complex
After the war, thousands of top level German scientists and engineers were recruited into the American military industrial complex via Project Paperclip. The Americans had made some advancements of their own by reverse engineering extraterrestrial craft recovered from certain crash sights like Roswell New Mexico in 1947, as well as recovered SSP technology from Germany during WWII. But the Americans were far behind the Germans in technology, advancement and exploration of space. The Germans had made great leaps and bounds due to their non-terrestrial allies and by the time of Project Paperclip, they had almost perfected space travel, employing technology so advanced that the Americans could have easily mistaken it as extraterrestrial in origin.
The Germans wanted to continue development of their programs, but due to the lack of infrastructure and resources, needed the industrial might of the United States. Their plan was to deceive the Americans by providing them older advancements of Alien Reproduction Vehicles, while slowly infiltrating and taking over the military industrial complex, exploiting the manufacturing power of the US. The Americans had a similar goal of infiltrating the German group and stealing their technology for themselves.
The Americans discovered that the Germans had a base in Antarctica, and in 1947, sent Admiral Byrd with a large naval fleet to invade and destroy the German presence, recovering technology in the process. But instead of finding a small poorly armed contingent of higher level German officers, as their intelligence reports suggested, Byrd encountered heavy resistance and extremely advanced aircraft that crippled his fleet.
According to William Tompkins, the Germans were assisted by their off-world allies, using advanced particle beam weapon technology and perfected antigravity craft to beat the Americans into submission. But it appears that total destruction of the American fleet was not the goal, although the Germans could have easily annihilated the ill prepared invasionary forces. This was most likely because the Germans wanted the Americans to limp back and make clear to the military leadership at the time that the they were not equipped to deal with the Germans in an outright conflict. This would provide the Germans the intimidation they needed to force the Americans into a partnership.
Related Operation Highjump and the German UFO Connection | Mid 20th Century Secret Space Program History
The Americans quickly retreated back to the US. Top Brass within the secretive American group was perplexed by what Byrd reported, and they began to interrogate Paperclip Germans in an effort to understand what was happening. The Paperclip Germans were secretly in communication with their allies in Antarctica and beyond. They discovered a point of weakness in the American intelligence apparatus and wanted to take full advantage of it. This weakness was the American policy of hiding the discovery of extraterrestrial life from the public.
The Americans decided after the 1947 Roswell crash, to cover up the UFO phenomenon. During several whitewashes, such as Project Blue book they made an effort to maintain a strict level of secrecy, which the Germans took full advantage of. They realized that the Americans hold over the people was partially due to the energy industry, based on fossil fuel. If word got out that antigravity free-energy technology was being developed in secret, the American elite would lose control of the population. This was another point of pressure the Germans could use to force the Americans to sign treaties that gave the them access to much needed industrial resources.
The Germans were going to engage the Americans by threatening to disclose the truth about the existence of UFOs and advanced technology. This German threat would be made by a show of force and superiority in the US capitol. In 1952, several German highly advanced spacecraft flew over Washington DC, as well as several other sorties over major US cities. They also landed and made direct contact with civilians in the US, presenting themselves as Nordic-looking extraterrestrials.
Related Nazi UFOs Flew Over Washington & Led to SS Infiltration of US Space Program
The Billy Meier case, in particular, could be one such account of a German SSP contactee experience, according to Corey Goode and other insider sources.
Apparently once the Americans got word of Meier's personal contact with otherworldly beings, they dispatched several agents to gather information about the encounter. They presented a series of images to Meier of women that looked like the beings he described, one of which was Maria Orsic, a Vril Society medium and German SSP asset. Apparently, when Meier saw the photo of Orsic, he immediately identified her as the being that made contact with him.
In short, the Germans learned from their Nordic allies that appearing to the surface population as extraterrestrials had its advantages. While the Meier case didn't occur until the mid 1970's, it could be one of the better examples of false extraterrestrial contact, if certain sources promoting this version of events are to be believed.
After a quiet period, the Germans eventually forced the military industrial complex of the US to sign treaties that culminated in the union of both groups, but the Germans were the clear victors. President Dwight D. Eisenhower made his infamous 1961 address, warning that the military industrial complex was out of control, potentially because he knew the Germans had completely taken it over.
Related Agarthans or ETs? | Eisenhower's 1954 Meeting With Extraterrestrials or Ancient Breakaway Civilization Humans From Inner Earth?
After this merger, the now aligned secret space program saw the emergence of several different SSP factions and an industrial scale expansion into space. These developments would realize the emergence of lower level secret space programs that partially acted as a cover to shield higher level operations from the more aware "read-in" persons in the military industrial complex.
In other words, while a forefront of the higher level SSP progressed at a furious pace, a limited version was also developed that acted as a screen to hide other programs. As a result, the information made available to UFO researchers over the years ranges in complexity and is often contradictory in nature. Some whistleblowers, who had access to top secret information, to be sure, were not fully made aware of what was advanced in all the various secret space programs.
Compartmentalization is used to such an extent that one program may be completely unaware of a deeper branch within their own ranks. Steven Greer is one such researcher who has focused on this aspect of what is called Unacknowledged Special Access Programs (USAPS), which intentionally create cover projects for the chief purpose of obfuscating more secretive activities.
Related The Ultimate Secret: Majestic-12 | Secret Space Programs, ET Contacts, UFO's, Above Top Secret
Modern Day Secret Space Programs
After the American military industrial complex was taken over by the Germans, a major industrialization effort of space began. The Americans had many aerospace companies that wanted to develop and expand their operations into space using advanced technology hidden from the public. The Germans already had several bases in the solar system at this time and now allied with the Americans, had the infrastructure needed to maximize production for furthered expansion. Corporate interests in the military industrial complex learned of German mining facilities in the Asteroid belt (care of the Paperclip Germans) and wanted to exploit the resources and technology developed by them. The greed of these corporate giants, one of which being the aerospace company Boeing, allowed the newly merged SSP to flourish.
Related Cosmic Disclosure Season 2 - Episode 10: Conquering the Solar System - Summary and Analysis | Corey Goode and David Wilcock
The Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate
Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate (ICC) is a massive multinational SSP faction that formed to manage the expansion effort into space. Nearly every aerospace and technology company on the planet enjoys membership in this heavily secretive and powerful organization. Over the next 20 years, leading up to the 1980's, a huge recruitment process took place known as the "Brain Drain" era of the 1960's. Millions of top level scientists, engineers, and great thinkers were brought into the program, placed in sites throughout the solar system to further advancement.
In many cases these people and their families were recruited under false pretenses, being told they would be living like "the Jetsons" in a fantastic space age setting. When they arrived at their new off-world location, they would be forced to work in an industrial facility as literal slaves for a Nazi-style run operation. The ICC would use slave labor, the same method employed by the Nazis during the war, to advance their agenda.
By the 1980's, the industrialization of the solar system was well under way. They developed hundreds of highly advanced spacecraft capable of faster than light travel, multiple industrial facilities on Mars, a base on the Moon (Lunar Operations Command), and hundreds of trading agreements with extraterrestrial races. The technology developed through recovered artifacts found on ancient extraterrestrial sites in the solar system secured the SSP a lucrative trading position with other races in the galaxy.
In addition, human biology and genetic material is also highly sought after by non-terrestrial races, which this morally repugnant group had no issues providing in exchange for various items of interest. At present, the ICC is involved in human trafficking, either in direct slave trade or by selling biological material to extraterrestrial races. Apparently a large portion of people who go missing every year, are taken off-world and traded like chattel to other groups.
The Dark Fleet
The Dark Fleet is an enigmatic faction that is arguably the oldest of the programs. According to Goode, it emerged through the early German and Draco alliance, greatly advancing this factions capabilities as a result of their cooperation. The ICC faction helped develop technology for the Dark Fleet but its activities and goals remain mysterious. What little is known about them tells us they primarily work outside of the solar system along side their Draco allies in conquest and defense of acquired territory.
Related Cosmic Disclosure Season 4 - Episode 6: The Dark Fleet - Summary and Analysis | Corey Goode and David Wilcock
Solar Warden
The development of Solar Warden came about as a result of several money laundering schemes, one of which was the Star Wars program or Strategic Defense Initiative, spoken of by President Ronald Reagan in the 1980's. Gary McKinnon hacked into defense department computer systems in 2010, revealing the existence of a special access program given the name Solar Warden, lending further credence to the notion of this faction's existence.
William Tompkins also revealed in 2015 that he helped design some of the Solar Warden spacecraft that were eventually used by this faction.
Solar Warden is responsible for policing the solar system, keeping an eye on all incoming and outgoing traffic, and standing as a modest military force against potential threats.
According to Goode, the skies above the Earth are abuzz with extraterrestrial activity, and in some cases, groups enter in an effort to steal resources, technology or biological material. A protective force was required to keep watch and defend against aggressive smaller groups that enter our stellar neighborhood.
Goode claims to have spent 20 years working on a science research vessel in the Solar Warden program from 1987 to 2007. After leaving the program, he was age regressed, brought back in time to the moment he left, and had his memories wiped or blank-slated. But due to his Intuitive Empath training, he is part of a small population of program participants capable of recovering most of their lost memories. Apparently blank-slating is a common practice for the SSPs at large, especially in the MILAB programs.
Related Solar Warden: Secret Space Program
The Global Galactic League of Nations
The Global Galactic League of Nations (GGLN) is a compartmentalized version of the secret space program. The higher level program participants—member nations like the US—knew that intelligence services of other nations would eventually discover their activities and decided to offer a "token gesture" in the form of a multinational United Nations-style space program, providing cover for higher-level SSP projects. This faction is mainly focused on scientific research, not directly involved in the more nefarious aspects of the ICC, such as human trafficking.
This faction was also how the upper-level SSPs procured cooperation in the recovery of downed ET craft, which was and is taking place using advanced energetic technology developed from Tesla's discoveries. In exchange for their cooperation, which required assisting American teams in recovering downed ET craft, these nations were granted admission into the GGLN, and presumably believed that this was the extent of the secret government programs in space—a deceptive compartmentalization tactic used by the upper-level programs.
Related Cosmic Disclosure Episode 8: Global Galactic League of Nations - Summary and Analysis | Corey Goode and David Wilcock
Military Factions: Lower Level Secret Space Programs
In the midst of these deep cosmic space programs many lower-level heavily compartmentalized projects were created for various purposes, one of which was to add further cover. This faction serves as a layer of secrecy between military intelligence services and deep black SSP projects. It is these lower level factions and their related Earth-based alliances that are of key importance in understanding the limited disclosure agenda. This is partially because the compartmentalized narrative they are provided is a good match for the extinct ancient ETs half-truth story.
Related Cosmic Disclosure Season 4 - Episode 10: The Earth Alliance - Summary and Analysis | Corey Goode and David Wilcock
The lower level secret space program, like the Global Galactic League of Nations, serves a function, but is primarily purposed to hide the higher level programs. Again, the intelligence services of industrialized nations, such as the United States, England, France, Germany, and so on, were tracking unidentified objects in the skies for decades. In order to protect higher level operations from these more in the know groups, a close to Earth orbit cover story needed to be developed and promulgated.
According to Bruce, an insider that has revealed information to David Wilcock, the narrative told to most of these lower level operatives is as follows:
According to Goode, in many cases these operatives have no idea that other operations exist, making it very easy to shield higher level activity. Often in an effort to maintain pride in their organization, any information related to higher level activity that makes it to the public is quickly de-bunked by these lower level operative whistleblowers and insiders. This irreconcilable nature of lower level insider testimony and higher level accounts has greatly confused the Ufology community. As an example of this, consider the exemplary, yet contradictory nature of the whistleblower narratives gathered by interviewer Kerry Cassidy of Project Camelot, and others like Project Avalon—which to their credit—is arguably a wealth of insider data yet to be deciphered and discerned into a cohesive narrative. The fact that so many insiders have a different worldview handed down from their superiors suggests that narratives within the SSPs vary to a great extent in order to facilitate compartmentalization and simultaneously befuttle the public once insiders begin to reveal themselves.
The Secret Space Program Alliance
The SSP Alliance is a group of defectors within the programs at large that realized humanity and the people of Earth have been oppressed by a nefarious group of quasi-Nazis they call the Secret Earth Government and their criminal syndicates. The people of Earth know this group by many names, such as the Cabal, Illuminati, the NWO, the banking Elite, the Dark Occultists, and so on.
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Solar Warden was the first faction to break away from the ICC controlled SSP, which according to Goode, took place in the early 1990's. They began to overtly go against the Cabal-run SSP in earnest during the early 2000's and beyond. Since that time, other defections have slowly taken place, bolstering the SSP Alliance in its ability to combat Cabal-run secret space programs.
Related Cosmic Disclosure Season 5 - Episode 1: Celestial Timeline - Summary and Analysis | Corey Goode and David Wilcock
SSP Alliance Full Disclosure Agenda
The SSP Alliance intends on ending the current era of secrecy and enslavement for the people of Earth and liberate enslaved people in the solar system. Their stated purpose is to take possession of advanced technology and facilities in the hands of Cabal-run SSPs, to eventually hand them over to the people in a way that ensures no one group has an advantage over any other. They plan to do this in what they call massive data dumps or a complete release of all hidden information, history and technology. But in order for these data dumps to be taken seriously by the public, they think two things would need to happen, a catalyzing event and coordination with ground-based liberation groups.
A Catalyzing Event to Reveal "The Matrix"
First a trigger event of some kind is required to jostle the people out of their Stockholm syndrome. The uneasy truth is that the Cabal have coaxed the vast majority of humanity into actually wanting to be enslaved—albeit not in an overt fashion. For example, it has been said, the love of money is the root of all evil and in a way this is true because the monetary system is an key componant in the systems of enslavement.
In order to help comprehend the current state of consciousness of humanity and how powerfully the masses have been indoctrinated to accept slavery, consider what Morpheus from the highly symbolic Matrix film said:
Of course, no one consciously thinks to themselves, "I want to be a slave in the Cabal's NWO," but by our participation in the matrix, we breathe life into it, we consent to it, and we enslave ourselves. In this way there no bystanders, only those working for freedom or those acquiescing to slavery. But on this score, everyone's doing the best they can with what they have to work with.
The Cabal's pyramid of power and control is founded on the people's participation, and if the people see the truth and change themselves, the whole structure will come tumbling down. This is what they fear most, hence endless divide and conquer tactics to keep the people distracted with infighting, all while the Cabal quietly proceeds with their agenda.
The unawakened cannot see the matrix for it is because if they did, their reality bubble—to use Goode's term—would burst. The sleeping masses are too involved in the way they currently live their lives and don't want to give that up, even if it means the whole planet is enslaved and suffers as a result. The medical condition describing when someone continues to do things that are ultimately destructive to themselves or others—beyond their control—is an addiction. The masses are addicted to the Cabal and the destructive society they forced us to create. This means that a reality check moment is needed, similar to an intervention, where the truth about what we created is presented to us so we can realize the error of our ways as a people and choose a different path as a collective.
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This catalyzing event could come in the form of a financial collapse, or other triggers. When people are content and satisfied, when they are fat on bread and distracted by circuses, they usually aren't interested in self-reflection and change. As such, we need to cut off the source of the addictive tendency, and imploding the financial system is one way to cover all the different types of distractions out there, as they usually require money in some fashion.
Before an addict can find the courage to face their addiction, they usually need to feel the burn of what they have chosen. Humanity's participation is essential so as to ensure free will is honored and a truly sovereign and free society emerges from the ashes of this one.
Money in general, has the psychological effect of distorting value perception. Instead of being able to see the value in something inherently, we've been trained to consider it in terms of money, how much it costs or how much we stand to gain. For example, people generally wouldn't lie to another person, just for the sake of doing it but if you offer them enough money, they would usually happily do what is asked of them, especially if you give them a justifiable excuse for doing so. Why? Because in certain areas of life we tend to value money more than their own integrity, although we don't think of it this way. The point is that money has become our artificial value system, a type of cosmic drug that keeps us addicted to separation, scarcity, and slavery—but not all financial systems are like this. Like all addictions, the only way to overcome them is to stop taking the drug and allow the soul to heal.
Ground-based Cooperation for Data Dumps
After a catalyzing event, when the hypnotic trance of the masses has been broken, then the second item of the data dumps can occur; but in order for it to be effective, it must be presented seriously. In other words, the SSP Alliance needs a ground-based ally capable of disseminating the information to the people en masse. And this is where the problem currently lies. The ground-based alliances are not willing to accept a full disclosure scenario. In addition, the present state of the awakening community is not organized enough to handle such a huge task.
Some might be thinking to themselves:
In addition, without media participation or at least a large enough dissemination force (like a grass roots disclosure effort), the Cabal could easily "debunk" any information that comes out, with the well-trained captives of the matrix drinking deep from the cup of government disinformation. And since most people don't want to hear the truth anyway, they will jump at the chance to dismiss the data dumps and continue to believe in the false reality that provides them comforts in life.
Coordination with ground-based groups is essential to ensure people have the best opportunity to receive the truth. The good news is, due how humanity has been programmed to accept information on blind faith, it will be very easy to reach the masses through the media. People rely on TV, Radio, News outlets and so on, to tell them what is real, so if even a handful of media outlets defected to the SSP Alliance, joining the full disclosure initiative, the data dumps could be very effective, very quickly. The propaganda machine of the Cabal could end up being their greatest downfall, as we use the mass media itself to spread the truth like never before.
This Full Disclosure plan will deal a death blow to the paradigm of artificial scarcity and the Babylonian money magic slavery system that has dominated civilization for millennia. The SSP Alliance goal is to restore truth, prosperity, and freedom to all people, everywhere. Given that pandemic ignorance has enabled the Cabal to maintain control over the people, only the whole truth released to all people can ensure no further manipulation takes place.
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Other SSPs and Resistances
COBRA is another insider and spokesman for a resistance group. He claims to represent a gathering of extraterrestrials, inner-Earth peoples and ground-based forces under the common banner of the Resistance Movement. Since early 2012, he has been releasing information related to the secret space program, ongoing alliance activities to free the planet, an energetic shift of the solar system—all under the banner of what he calls The Event.
While there are many aspects of COBRA's SSP narrative that match up with other insiders, it is unclear whether the Resistance Movement and the SSP Alliance mentioned by Goode are one in the same. But, while some aspects of COBRA's narrative conflict with Goode's, the overall intention of the Resistance Movement (to free the planet and have a full disclosure event) are in harmony with the SSP Alliance's intention. This means that the respective groups within the awakening community that have rallied behind these figures need not divide themselves and prevent unification towards common goals.
Related Joint Cobra and Corey Goode Interview by Rob Potter Part 1: Unity For Disclosure, Disclosure Day in July, Spheres Confirmed, Catalyzing Event Needed, and more
And there are still countless other groups, such as the Silver Legion, Ashtar Command, the Galactic Confederation, the Galactic Federation, and so on, all claiming to be here with the goal of freeing the planet and providing assistance to humanity.
What remains unclear is if all these groups are real tangible efforts or if they are elaborate disinformation campaigns orchestrated by the Cabal. Regardless, the people who believe in them do so because of the ideas presented, all of which demonstrates the common bond we share in the quest for truth and freedom.
Which spokesman, narrative, resistance group or alliance we like the most isn't as important as the singular goal that unites them all: freedom for humanity.
For far too long the Cabal have manipulated us into fighting amongst ourselves, that this person is wrong, or that point of view is invalid, all the while forgetting the overarching goal of truth and freedom. We may not agree on everything, but there's one thing we all want, and that's the truth.
Surely we can unite in the pursuit of truth and freedom for humanity if nothing else.
The Sphere Being Alliance
According to the SSP insider Pete Peterson, and confirmed by Corey Goode, in the early 1980's, a massive sphere the size of the planet Neptune entered our solar system. Solar Warden, which was still Cabal-run at the time, intercepted the sphere they were calling The Seeker.
After several failed attempts to communicate with the enormous object, they eventually received a transmission saying, "we are peaceful explorers." The Solar Warden craft observed thousands of smaller craft leaving a port on the side of the sphere, which was apparently 800 miles wide.
The Solar Warden craft told the Seeker to leave immediately, which it did.
The Cabal was disturbed by this event. Heretofore they near autonomy in the solar system, able to continue their plans relatively free from outside interference, save through the interactions of the Super Federation of non-terrestrial races that have worked on 22 different genetic, social, and spiritual experiments on Earth.
A decade would pass before any more spheres would be seen.
In the late 1990's, hundreds of these massive spheres began to enter the solar system, some using the Sun as a type of stargate or portal, whereas others entered from outside the solar system.
These massive objects were observed by amateur astronomers at the time, giving them the name Sun Cruisers. Dozens of Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) images were captured showing massive objects in or around the Sun between the late 1990's and early 2000's.
Related Planet-Sized Spheres Visiting The Solar System by the Thousands - NASA's Secret Discovered: Sun Cruisers | David Wilcock and Corey Goode
The Cabal was initially excited by the appearance of these objects, believing that they were the return of their dark gods. But after no contact could be made with the spheres, they became increasingly anxious.
By the early 2000's, hundreds of spheres had entered the solar system, cloaking themselves from sight so as to avoid detection. The Cabal-run SSP was able to locate the spheres using advanced methods, but was unable to determine what they were doing and why they were here. These spheres were so enormous and entered with such numbers that the SSP could easily have mistaken their presence as an invasionary force, and most likely did.
Related Are Aliens Controlling The Sun? | Earth-facing Solar Quiet Effect and Planet-Sized Spheres
In the midst of this, the Cabal groups on Earth were working towards their NWO agenda, scheduled to go live in 2012. Part of the plan was to start World War III and stage a fake alien invasion using highly advanced space craft that, some say, even the lower level military factions were not aware of. The code name for this plan is Project Blue Beam.
Despite the Cabal's best efforts, they constantly encountered problems when attempting to finalize their dark NWO agenda. UFOs were apparently responsible for disabling nuclear weapons platforms, and failed attempt after failed attempt to start World War III was causing delays in their long-planned timeline.
Related UFOs Shut Down Nuclear Missile Sites — Eyewitness accounts, Government Documents, ET Intervention
Toward the end of 2012, thousands upon thousands of the spheres, some the size of Jupiter, continued to pour into the solar system. By this time, the SSP Alliance had already broken away and began their efforts to combat the Cabal. The Alliance was apparently flying advanced spacecraft in front of International Space Station (ISS) camera feeds in an effort to force disclosure and alert the public.
At some point between 2013 and late 2014, the group of beings who work with the massive spheres made contact with the SSP Alliance. The SSP Alliance gave them the name Sphere Being Alliance. This group is made up of five extremely advanced non-material races, who claim to be 6th to 9th density beings. Within the density system, the Earth is considered a 3rd density sphere, much more material than etheric in nature. The importance is that the Sphere Beings are billions of years ahead of the human race, and many of the extraterrestrial groups currently in the solar system, possessing technology so advanced it renders the most intimidating Cabal-run weaponry obsolete.
The Sphere Beings claim to be custodians of this part of the galaxy and have apparently attempted to contact humanity several times in the past, offering knowledge and wisdom. In each case, the teachings were distorted by the elite priesthoods of Earth at the time, which later evolved into the Cabal, Illuminati or secret Earth governments of today.
The Sphere Beings say that due to their misguided attempts to assist humanity in the past, they are karmically tied to the evolutionary track of the Earth and the people that sojourn here. It was their attempt to impart universal knowledge that ended up creating the dark occult mystery schools. But it was the people's compliance made possible by constant trauma that allowed slavery and tyranny to flourish.
Related Sphere Beings, Guardians and Ancient Builder Race Connections to Thoth and the Law of One | Secret Negotiations over Disclosure of Extraterrestrial Life & Inner Earth Civilizations
Energetic Shift of the Solar System
The Sphere Beings, as the name would imply, are the group in control of the highly advanced large network of spheres that have permeated the solar system, for a very specific purpose. These spheres are not a form of technology as we would conceive of it. According to Goode, they are actually enormous versions of one of the five Sphere Being Alliance races, the Blue Orb beings.
According to the Sphere Beings, and echoed by countless alternative science researchers, the Sun is about to go through a major energetic shift, due to incoming cosmic and galactic waves of energy as a result of our transit through the galaxy. This shift will alter life within the solar system as we know it, and has been spoken of in countless myths and legends as the end of the Great Cycle, the Rapture, the Shift of the Ages, and so on. It has been more contemporaneously called the Ascension, a transition of life into a golden age.
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David Wilcock is a researcher with over 20 years of study in to the fields of alternative science, amassing a great deal of empirical data to confirm this energetic shift he calls the Ascension. According to Goode, the network of spheres are here to help dampen this impending energetic evolution of the solar system, which if left to follow its natural course, would be an incredible shock to the people of Earth, resulting in "end time madness" and a great loss of human life.
Apparently these evolutionary shifts take place as a natural part of cosmic evolution, but normally at this late stage, a civilization has taken the time to prepare by becoming more loving, harmonious and service to others—by transcending selfishness.
Related Science and Evidence For The Transformation of the Solar System | The Divine Cosmos by David Wilcock
Related David Wilcock, Contact in the Desert Compilation (7 Hour Video) – The Solar System Is Moving Into A New Area Of Vibration
The collective consciousness of a planet determines the of polarity the shift, according to Goode and one of the Sphere Being Alliance race members, Raw-Teir-Eir. On a world filled with self-serving beings, the shift moves towards a dark NWO type planet, where the service-to-self path can be explored. Conversely, on a world filled with altruistic unselfish beings, the shift moves toward a loving cooperative type planet—the Golden Age spoken of in myths and legend. But due to the influence of the Cabal, who planned on steering the shift into a darker manifestation, the people of Earth have not prepared enough to take full advantage of a positive transition.
In other words, the Cabal wanted to have a dark ascension, but were unsuccessful in their efforts; however, they were successful in slowing down the positive evolution of humanity. As a result, the Sphere Beings are delaying the energetic shift to give us the time to prepare, to change ourselves from within, and end the madness that has been created without.
As was stated earlier, the Sphere Beings are partially responsible for creating the Cabal, and are here to provide support for the positive transition. The Sphere Beings are not here to rescue humanity, but provide the guidance and environmental supported needed for us to stand up and liberate ourselves. In the process, all those who have not progressed enough along a positive track will gain the experiences needed to make the shift. That is to say, the people of Earth playing a direct role in their own liberation will simultaneously end Cabal rule while propelling us towards the so-called fourth density positive timeline spoken of in the Law of One material.
Related Understanding Service to Other (STO), Service to Self (STS), the Seven Densities of Consciousness, the Astral and Etheric Planes, and more -- by Tom Montalk
The Sphere Being Alliance contacted the SSP Alliance in an effort to provide guidance for their stated intention to free humanity. The SSP Alliance, despite their benevolent intentions, are not angelic beings, as stated by Goode. They are military minded former Cabal-run defectors and groups, with less then gracious methods. They believe they can "bomb their way out of a situation," as stated by Goode. As a result, the SSP Alliance, in its own right, has learning and growth to do just like humanity at large.
The Sphere Beings were initially working through Lt. Col. Gonzales, a member of the SSP Alliance, but after a major event toward the end of 2014, they called for Corey Goode by name. More on this later.
Earth-Based Alliances
The Earth-based Alliances play a part in the partial disclosure and full disclosure agenda in several ways. Firstly, some of these groups have aligned themselves with the partial disclosure camp and others have gone to the opposite end of full disclosure. As such, these groups represent one of the largest hurdles and are simultaneously crucial for bringing forward the data dumps mentioned earlier. Thus, one cannot overlook this aspect of the story.
According to Goode (and made evident by countless other spokesmen, whistleblowers, insiders and White Hats), a great many alliances have long had a desire to free the planet from the yoke of Cabal oppression and enslavement. As one can imagine, the Cabal's methods of coercion, use of violence and intimidation have left a trail of destruction and grievance throughout history. In the process, maligned groups from all walks of life have been given a justifiable reason to seek out other groups that have the common goal of ending Cabal rule.
On the smaller end of the scale, some of these alliance groups are local militias, partially represented by Drake Baily—as one example, and some are quasi-military organizations like Anonymous. Others are dynastic families reaching back into antiquity, such as the Dragon Families of Asia, as reported by Benjamin Fulford and Neil Keenan. Some are within the banking sector and could be represented by spokes persons such as Karen Hudes, and various Revaluation Guru's like Zap or Poofness. And finally, there is the BRICS Alliance, and Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, which at present has dozens of major nations on board.
Some of the names mentioned should stand out as known figures in alternative media with their own stated narrative and plans for ending Cabal rule. And what should also be apparent is that some of these figures that claim mass arrests are coming, an end to the Federal Reserve System, release of free energy technology, and so on—have yet to deliver on their promises. As a result they have inadvertently caused much confusion and disillusionment within the awakening community.
Some of these groups have not been able to affect major change because of advanced time-lensing (looking into possible futures via remote viewing) and AI technology employed by the Cabal. In this case, many plans and efforts by alliances to take actions were ultimately unsuccessful because the Cabal anticipated what was coming. And in other cases, groups disagree what the plan of action should be, and therefore, can't coordinate to effect meaningful change. Their lack of unity combined with advanced Cabal technology has crippled any plan from gaining traction.
As an side, it should be clear that the Cabal, through their greater coherence and unity, have been able to effect greater changes on Earth than all the awakening people and alliance groups combined. This may lead some to conclude that they have some kind of pre-destiny to rule the planet or that perhaps we are on a dark timeline. However, I would argue that the primary cause for their success is co-creative coherence—individuals consenting to their plans either directly or indirectly—along with unity within their ranks. This would suggest that if the Earth-based Alliances and the awakening community can find it within themselves to work together, great change could be realized very quickly.
The Partial Disclosure Argument and Logic
Some of the aforementioned groups want a complete and total end of the paradigm of financial slavery, full disclosure and a release of hidden technology, whereas others want to have their 100 years of power and control over the planet.
For example, the Eastern financial powers, as controlled by the dynastic families of Asia, want to end the Western financial system, and install a more fair system. But ultimately the new system is still financial slavery. They want this because the West had their 100 years of the Federal Reserve System, and now they want their turn to be masters of humanity, according to Goode.
All these groups have worked on their own in an effort to bring about change and only recently began coordinating with each other. There is a more cohesive Earth-based Alliance, but they have recently decided that a partial disclosure agenda is the best option—for them.
Related Lower Level SSP Group Broke Away from SSP Alliance Council, Intends on Pushing Partial Disclosure and Inner-Earth Anshar to Begin Contact with Surface
Goode also disclosed that the Cabal have spent years slowly infiltrating some of these Earth-based groups, and that many of their original intentions have become distorted. Many of the groups now calling for partial disclosure have been corrupted by these infiltrators. Even though the Cabal seems to be losing power and control at every turn, they still foolishly clamor for power; and ultimately this will be their undoing.
Developments in 2015
Now that critical aspects of the background story and key players have been revealed, we can proceed on with developments that lead to today and the partial disclosure agenda that is actively moving forward due-to the Earth-based Cabal-infiltrated alliances.
In December 2014, the Cabal attempted to destroy one of the spheres close to the Earth. The effort was captured on ISS camera feeds, which quickly stopped transmitting video after the event. According to Goode, the Cabal used one of their high tech particle beam weapons to fire at a sphere close to the Moon.
Here's an image of what was captured in the ISS feed:
Related Cosmic Disclosure Season 2 - Episode 16: New Frontiers in the A.I. War - Summary and Analysis | Corey Goode and David Wilcock
Apparently the red line is a particle beam discharge and object struck was a sphere glowing red-hot from the impact. According to NASA, the event was due to a facility attempting to create an artificial star.
This was the first aggressive action taken by the Cabal against the Sphere Beings. What followed was to completely change the game for the Cabal.
Raising The Energy Barrier
According to Goode, shortly after the December 2014 attack, a massive energy barrier went up around the entire solar system and this prevents any group, human or otherwise, from leaving or entering. Communication was also heavily hindered by the raising of this barrier. And apparently one of the Sphere Being Alliance races, the Blue Orb beings, are responsible for the barrier and the Spheres. Goode revealed during an episode of Cosmic Disclosure that the energetic barrier is itself one of these living Blue Orb beings, as well as the thousands of spheres within the solar system at this time.
As a result, the SSP factions were unable to continue their operations outside the solar system. In addition, there were dozens of groups that have been here for hundreds of thousands of years that were also trapped. Finally, the Draco Alliance, the top of the Cabal pyramid of power was also unable to leave the solar system, and it just so happened that the bulk of this group's leadership was trapped here after the barrier was raised.
Apparently many of these groups were intending to vacate prior to the solar shift event, but are now unable to, further exacerbating an already precarious exopolitical situation.
Two Atrocities
As a result of the energy barrier going up, the SSP Alliance had even more defections coming over from Cabal-run groups. Some of these defectors brought actionable intelligence with them regarding production facilities on Mars and elsewhere in the solar system. Certain members of the SSP Alliance decided to take advantage of the situation by destroying two large production facilities, one on Mars and another undisclosed location.
During the Consciousness Life Expo, David Wilcock presented the following image from the Washington Post that he claims confirms that a large facility on Mars was destroyed.
These events occurred around February 17th, 2015. While Cabal-run facilities were destroyed, each location was populated by thousands of innocent laborers, who all lost their lives in the atrocities.
The Sphere Being Alliance, a highly moral and altruistic group, was not pleased by the events, and on February 27th 2015, shortly after these two tragedies, they decided to call on empath Corey Goode by name to represent the Sphere Being Alliance as a delegate to the SSP Alliance.
Corey Goode Requested by the Sphere Being Alliance
The SSP Alliance was already in some form of contact through their appointee Lt. Col. Gonzales and were not pleased by the Sphere Being Alliance's request for Goode. Although Goode had a tour of duty in Solar Warden between 1987 and 2007 (being age regressed and returned back to the time he left) he had been out of the program for decades, and his former position in Solar Warden was low level. To the SSP Alliance Council, Goode was an outsider and they treated him as such.
Goode later appeared before the SSP Alliance Council where he met one of the members of Sphere Being Alliance races, the Blue Avian known as Raw-Teir-Eir. The being connected to Goode telepathically, and he began communicating a message of peace, forgiveness and personal healing to the SSP Alliance, who all but balked at the "hippy love" sentiment.
The SSP Alliance was under the impression that the Sphere Beings were going to reveal a grand plan to kick the Cabal's butt. Instead, they were scolded for the two recent atrocities against Cabal-run facilities and the collateral damage suffered as a result.
The White Royal Draco are an elite class of reptilians in the Draco Alliance. They have been cybernetically enhanced and require looshe or "fear food" generated by the Earth's population in order to survive, according to other insiders.
Related David Wilcock and Corey Goode June 28th OYM Radio Transcript and Notes: ET Alliance, Consciousness Evolution, Disclosure Event, Energetic Ascension, Cabal Take-down & More
The Draco entered the solar system some 370,000 years ago in an effort to turn the Earth into a "fear food factory," as well as other undisclosed plans. The Cabal groups from antiquity have long worshiped these Draco as their gods; and by all accounts, the Draco used their human zealots as pawns in a cosmic game of domination and control. The Draco also have an extra-dimensional overlord that is most likely a malevolent artificial intelligence—the same AI responsible for infecting countless human subjects and computer systems on Earth.
Related Cosmic Disclosure Season 2 - Episode 15: Standing Guard against the A.I. - Summary and Analysis | Corey Goode and David Wilcock
At some point after the energy barrier went up, a major meeting took place between the Draco Alliance and all their various Cabal underlings. The Draco claim to be the top of the Cabal pyramid of power on Earth, with various human and non-human agencies within their employ. The Draco, being high-level Cabal figures, apparently held a meeting wherein they offered to betray all of their underlings to the SSP Alliance for safe passage out of the solar system. The other Cabal groups in attendance were completely taken aback by the offer, and a tremendous amount of infighting took place shortly after.
According to Goode, as revealed by Gonzales during the early part of 2016, the controlled implosion of the Western financial system was halted after an agreement was reached between some of the Earth-based Alliances, presumably those in the East. But despite this alleged development, the global economy, especially within Western nations, has continued to decline.
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Early Talk of Partial or Limited Disclosure in July 2015
In July of 2015, a meeting took place between the human-Cabal groups and the SSP Alliance, with Goode in attendance. During this meeting, the first talk of a partial or limited disclosure plan was spoken of. Here is an excerpt from Goode's July 9th report:
Materially Disproving the Basis of Partial Disclosure
Let's pause in the narrative to review the important points of partial disclosure—as it was just presented by the Cabal during Goode's July 2015 meeting—and materially disprove each one.
The reason for doing this is to point out the flawed logic of the Cabal, to show that their reasoning is in error, and as such, that the partial disclosure proposal is not the best option—it's not even a good idea. This is important within a lawful capacity to demonstrate our competency as an awakening community. In contract law (which is the basis of the legal system and treaties between groups), providing a superior argument is an essential part of rebutting presumptions that form the basis of implied consent, the very same consent issued by the people the Cabal rely on to further their agenda. Instead of saying nothing, and agreeing to the logic of the partial disclosure timeline, we rebut each point to disprove any logical basis thereby invalidating the proposed agenda with precision. In order for an agreement to be binding, the parties defined by it must have a meeting of the minds wherein any logical fallacies (inconsistencies with the truth) are discovered and addressed.
First, the Cabal groups said, they had been forced through generations of mind control and threats to do all of the things that they had done. Granted these poor souls have endured unspeakable hardship, but that is no justification to continue their harmful actions against others. This is a statement attempting to divert culpability away from themselves, in that, they are not as responsible for their actions due to what happened to them. This statement is a reflection of victim consciousness, a state of disempowerment and trauma, requiring healing in order to transcend. But the key point of the rebuttal is that one's own personal suffering is never a valid excuse to continue harming others. The Cabal was notified by many agents of the light that their machinations are wrong, against universal law, and immoral no matter how they look at it. When one is notified of wrongdoing and chooses to continue, they prove their incompetence and dishonor. In law, this forms a basis for defensive actions to be taken by an honorable party. So on this score, their basis for continuing harmful actions in the form of a partial disclosure plan is unfounded and unsupported by the truth.
They said that they want to work with the Alliances in setting up a new financial system that [is] fair to all of humanity. What the "new financial system" actually ends up being is crucial; just because it's "fair to all" doesn't mean it's anymore free, honorable, or abundant for the people. For example, a financial system based on everyone being forced to work as slaves is fair to all because everyone receives the same treatment, hence it is fair. But slavery is still slavery, and as the old saying goes, the devil is in the details. So just because they said they want a more fair system doesn't mean that we should just blindly accept it. In order for this offer to be valid within an contractual capacity, they must define what this new system is with specificity, which they have not done. Therefore, this point lacks substance and as such cannot be taken seriously as a basis to justify partial disclosure. If the full breadth of this fairer system was outlined then we could discern if it is truly fair. Until then, it remains an empty promise.
And as an aside, externalized financial systems like the one we use today are very risky, especially when the population that uses it is not fully educated. I would argue, an ideal financial system is one based on no externalized representations of value at all, a moneyless society. For more on this, see the below linked articles.
Related Cosmic Disclosure Season 3 - Episode 3: Ubuntu and the Blue Avians’ Message Part 1 - Summary and Analysis | Corey Goode and David Wilcock
Related Cosmic Disclosure Season 3 - Episode 9: Ubuntu and the Blue Avians' Message Part 2 - Summary and Analysis | Corey Goode and David Wilcock
They said they wanted to begin a controlled disclosure that would not expose certain crimes and incidents that would incriminate them in their life time. Clearly this is an effort to avoid the people's justice, to avoid being held responsible for their actions. Now I am not advocating a French-Revolution style mass revenge of the Cabal, but like all beings of consciousness, honoring one's creations and deeds, is essential to growth and healing. Ultimately, taking responsibility for one's actions is healing for the individual as well as those who have been harmed because it provides a way for each party to understand the whole truth so as to restore trust—negotiate a fair and equitable resolution. On this score, avoiding justice for 50 years just prevents the healing and reconciliation that we all need to move forward. Without all the facts, an individual can't motivate themselves to grow and change for the better. So on this basis, the proposal of delaying the truth and reconciliation tribunal is unacceptable, as it would prevent the healing everyone needs.
Moving on, they said they believed that this information would also contain too much negative details in a short time for the average person to deal with. Yes the average person is going to have a major adjustment period, but I doubt that it "would lead to riots and suicides on a mass scale." After the World Trade Center attacks of September 11th, 2001, instead of people going crazy because of the horrors of what happened, it brought them together in a big way. New York is a city infamous for the callous indifference of the population, yet even when these hardened city dwellers were faced with a chance to unite in love and kindness, the vast majority did so. Yes, because of people's religious beliefs and the paradigm that had been created by those currently in control, a change will be very difficult, but this is why the whole truth is needed. Only when we make contact with the whole truth can we see the errors of the past, in this case, the errors of religious beliefs that are usually designed to make someone feel disempowered. So again, the whole truth is the only viable option. We can't change into a free and prosperous society without it, and as such, this point has no basis in truth.
Finally, they proposed that a plan be agreed on that allowed the release of certain information and technologies while withholding the majority of information for a 50-year time period. After providing their supportive logic, they state their proposal for the partial disclosure timeline. But this proposal does not provide adequate resolution to the problems at hand. No measure of true healing, restoration of honor, or reconciliation of past crimes can take place under this plan. In other words, it is a token gesture, indicating the Cabal is not ready to truly change their ways.
From a contractual perspective, the Cabal have already positioned themselves as custodians of humanity and the planet, this agreement is already in place (e.g. the Papal Bull Unam Sanctum and the Cestui Que Vie Trusts) and implied consent was issued by the people long ago. But part of this agreement required that the powers that be act as honorable custodians, which they have clearly failed to do. As a result, the people of Earth have a long standing right under this agreement to redress of grievance, or an opportunity to tell the Cabal they have failed to live up to their end of the bargain. If the Cabal want to restore the trust and honor the contract, they must explicitly acknowledge all of our grievances and provide remedy to each harmed person—this is what a truth and reconciliation tribunal is designed to accomplish. And they must cease any and all actions that cause further dishonor of the agreement. But they have done none of these things, and only paid lip service to ending their dishonorable actions that are in breach of contract and trust.
During the delay period put forth in the partial disclosure proposal, the Cabal intends on continuing their transhumanist NWO agenda, enslaving the people, and trying to start wars to depopulate the planet. The Cabal have proven themselves to be untrustworthy, and as such, they are in dishonor insofar as the trust relationship to the people is concerned. Within universal law, when rulers dishonor the public trust, the people are empowered to overthrow them. Considering the Cabal have not even tried to change their ways, despite saying they would, the people have prima facie evidence to move forward with a peoples uprising for an end of Cabal rule. And the universe itself will support us in this supreme effort.
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Although the Cabal imply that they were considering working with the Alliances for disclosure and global change, they seem to have already been moving forward with partial disclosure well before this meeting took place. Here are some examples, in addition to the ones provided at the beginning of this article.
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David Wilcock has also been covering an extensive amount of soft disclosure on his website divinecosmos.com.
So while the Cabal suggests that they have had a change of heart, presumably due-to exopolitical changes resulting from the energy barrier, it seems they haven't changed their agenda of domination and control. And in the midst of these alleged negotiations for peace, the Cabal have continued their machinations against the people, such as, false flag attacks, financial warfare, ceaseless environmental destruction, continued poisoning of food and water, and so on.
Again, if an agreement is to be honorable and binding, made in good faith and based on a demonstration of trust, the Cabal have failed to meet their end of the bargain. Are they honoring their word? Are they making a good faith attempt to stop what they have been forced to do through generations of mind control and threats? No they haven't.
2015 saw more false flag attacks then any other year on record, all in an effort to start more conflict and trigger World War III. The financial system has also seen more manipulation than possibly any other time in history. These are not the actions of a group seeking to earn trust and cooperate to effect change.
More Talk of Partial Disclosure in October 2015
For several months there wasn't much talk of any further developments related to negotiations for disclosure. But as was mentioned earlier, draconian operations of the Cabal continued to make life difficult for the people of Earth, a lack of good faith and a demonstration of dishonor.
In October of 2015, Goode reported that the secret Earth government and their syndicates were still trying to realize armageddon via a biblical prophesy regarding the destruction of Damascus. He also said that some of the Earth-based alliances, the Asian groups, are pushing for their 100 years of financial power, by forcing an implosion of the Western controlled financial system.
Here's an excerpt from Goode's October 2015 report:
More statements from Goode's October 2015 report:
And as frustrating as this is for the SSP Alliance, they cannot move forward with Full Disclosure independent of alliance groups on the surface. For even if the data dumps occurred tomorrow, the propaganda machines of every major nation could easily debunk anything that managed to make it into the public arena.
Solidification of the Partial Disclosure Agenda in 2016
On January 14th, 2016 Goode released an update in regard to on going negotiations taking place between the Cabal or secret Earth government syndicates and Earth-based alliance groups.
Here is an excerpt from the report:
In order to fully comprehend the difference between partial and full disclosure, as well as understanding the events that have occurred behind the scenes leading up to the present, we must review the history of the secret space program, how it has developed in modern times, as well as a nefarious Cabal or Illuminati that has worked to enslave the planet. In the process, we'll make clear the logical fallacies of the partial disclosure plan, hopefully immunizing the reader's mind from the trappings of subtle manipulation. By the end, it should hopefully be abundantly clear what we the people of this world can do to effect beneficial change for the future.
Let me say that I think we are at a crucial time in history, when the future of the planet will be decided by those who have spent so many years tirelessly investigating, researching, and coming to understand the greater truths of this world. The truther movement or awakening community is uniquely empowered to act as catalyzing agents for an unparalleled age of light and life, the golden age prophesied in antiquity. But this won't happen from the comfort of an armchair or behind a computer screen.
The planet has fallen into tyranny because the people have been enticed to forget their rightful place as custodians of truth, goodness and freedom for all. We've allowed ourselves to be indoctrinated into all manner of self-destructive beliefs based in selfishness that have kept us distracted and divided for eons. Therefore, our task as a people seeking real change and an end to the paradigms of enslavement is to find the courage to set aside any idea, belief, or point of view that fuels unreasonable division and infighting, while at the same time developing compassion, tolerance and true healing for oneself and others. In short, we need to let go of separation consciousness and restore universal consciouseness and faith in the power of the human family.
The tools of abundance are the same methods used to heal oneself and the world, and these are the same tools we need to unite to spread the whole truth far and wide. This article is an effort to provide the reader with more of the whole truth so that they will be empowered to discern the false partial disclosure agenda.
It is this partial disclosure agenda that is so clearly revealed in the 30-second advertisement by Boeing. Once the full disclosure narrative has been presented, we will analyze the Boeing video to demonstrate the subtle conditioning techniques employed. Hopefully by the end of this article, the reader will be able to recognize the tone of the video with ease.
PS: This article was originally written in March of 2016. Corey Goode was kind enough to review this writing and offer insights to enhance what is provided. I have since that time revised sections and added updated portions to include developments that have happened since that time.
The Early Secret Space Programs
The backstory to this partial disclosure agenda is important to understand. For those who are well versed with this history, feel free to skip ahead to the section entitled "Materially Disproving the Basis of Partial Disclosure"
Here are some of the key points of this very long and complex history. I took the liberty of presenting only essential portions of the narrative. For a broader outline of the history see the below-linked article.
Related David Wilcock and Corey Goode: History of the Solar System and Secret Space Program - Notes from Consciousness Life Expo 2016
Related David Wilcock: The Ascension Mysteries | Cosmic Battle Between Good and Evil -- 2 Billion Year History (2HR Video)
In modern times, several secret societies or occult groups in control of various nation-states, operating behind a veil of government secrecy, developed space programs using advanced technologies hidden from the public eye. The two groups of greatest influence are the German and American secret space programs, which eventually merged in the 1950's and 60's to form a singular multinational corporate conglomerate. This was an umbrella of many different individual and often compartmentalized programs referred to as the Secret Space Program.
Related Cosmic Disclosure Season 2 - Episode 4: Breakaway Begins - Summary and Analysis | Corey Goode and David Wilcock
The Early German SSP
Prior to the merger of the German and American programs, the Germans were leading the advancement of aerospace technology in pre-World War II Europe. Some of what emerged had advanced as a result of reverse engineering ancient flying craft known as the Vimana during the 1920's and 30's, as well as documents recovered from antiquity describing antigravity devices.
During this time, the Germans were conducting expeditions all over the world in an effort to recover ancient technology, sacred texts, and secrets kept by various priesthoods. For example, they traveled to the Himalayas and encountered several Tibetan monastic orders who were allegedly in possession of incredibly advanced technical drawings of antigravity craft, as well as possessing records of Earth's early history, passed down through oral tradition. It was through the interrogations of some of these monks that they heard of whole civilizations living within the Earth's crust.
Related Cosmic Disclosure Season 2 - Episode 5: Raiders of Lost Technology - Summary and Analysis | Corey Goode and David Wilcock
Other advances in the early German program occurred as a result of mediumship, or as it is termed today, channeling, via the Virl Society in post World War I Germany. This group made contact with several advanced races, one being a Nordic-looking group calling itself the Agartha Network, which apparently has dwelt within the Earth's crust for millions of years. This group claims to be the first humans to have evolved on the planet and has provided assistance to surface populations in many instances throughout history. They are xenophobic in nature, appearing to other groups as gods or extraterrestrials in an effort to hide their home locations from war-like groups on the surface.
Related Cosmic Disclosure Season 2 - Episode 2: Agarthans: Advancing the Frontier - Summary and Analysis | Corey Goode and David Wilcock
Another race contacted by the Germans was the Draco, an extraterrestrial reptilian group with imperialistic intentions and behavior. According to William Tomkins, another SSP whistleblower and insider, the early German program decided to ally itself with the more militaristic Draco group, and apparently solidified their alliance in 1939. Tompkins also states that it was the Draco in addition to other alliances which "handed over" smaller subterranean caverns below the ice of Antarctica.
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Image Source. A map of antarctic bases, some of which were first built out by the Germans, supplied by Corey Goode. |
Related The Nazi Antarctic Fortress: Base 211 and Operation Highjump
Through their alliances, the German program made great advances during the World War II era of history. They developed spacecraft capable of exploring the solar system and beyond, as well as receiving support from their otherworldly contacts in ancient city sites in Antarctica. The Germans built advanced bases there and set up facilities on the Moon and Mars, with the protection of their Draco allies. By the start of the war, the German group had advanced so far beyond the parent nation that they could rightly be called a breakaway civilization; no longer dependent on Germany and its resources to further their agenda.
Related Cosmic Disclosure Season 2 - Episode 9: Colonizing Mars - Summary and Analysis | Corey Goode and David Wilcock
When the Germans realized that the war was not going to end in their favor, they evacuated key personnel and equipment in the German SSP to Antarctica. The site was already well established prior to the Nazi conquests of Europe, and by the time they were defeated, the antarctic Germans had enjoyed nearly 10 years of uninterrupted development and expansion. But with the loss of the war, the isolated Germans lacked the industrial resources and infrastructure to accomplish their lofty goals of space exploration and conquest, realising this, they turned their gaze to the American programs and the industrial might of the United States.
The Germans Take Over the American Military Industrial Complex
After the war, thousands of top level German scientists and engineers were recruited into the American military industrial complex via Project Paperclip. The Americans had made some advancements of their own by reverse engineering extraterrestrial craft recovered from certain crash sights like Roswell New Mexico in 1947, as well as recovered SSP technology from Germany during WWII. But the Americans were far behind the Germans in technology, advancement and exploration of space. The Germans had made great leaps and bounds due to their non-terrestrial allies and by the time of Project Paperclip, they had almost perfected space travel, employing technology so advanced that the Americans could have easily mistaken it as extraterrestrial in origin.
The Germans wanted to continue development of their programs, but due to the lack of infrastructure and resources, needed the industrial might of the United States. Their plan was to deceive the Americans by providing them older advancements of Alien Reproduction Vehicles, while slowly infiltrating and taking over the military industrial complex, exploiting the manufacturing power of the US. The Americans had a similar goal of infiltrating the German group and stealing their technology for themselves.
The Americans discovered that the Germans had a base in Antarctica, and in 1947, sent Admiral Byrd with a large naval fleet to invade and destroy the German presence, recovering technology in the process. But instead of finding a small poorly armed contingent of higher level German officers, as their intelligence reports suggested, Byrd encountered heavy resistance and extremely advanced aircraft that crippled his fleet.
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According to William Tompkins, the Germans were assisted by their off-world allies, using advanced particle beam weapon technology and perfected antigravity craft to beat the Americans into submission. But it appears that total destruction of the American fleet was not the goal, although the Germans could have easily annihilated the ill prepared invasionary forces. This was most likely because the Germans wanted the Americans to limp back and make clear to the military leadership at the time that the they were not equipped to deal with the Germans in an outright conflict. This would provide the Germans the intimidation they needed to force the Americans into a partnership.
Related Operation Highjump and the German UFO Connection | Mid 20th Century Secret Space Program History
The Americans quickly retreated back to the US. Top Brass within the secretive American group was perplexed by what Byrd reported, and they began to interrogate Paperclip Germans in an effort to understand what was happening. The Paperclip Germans were secretly in communication with their allies in Antarctica and beyond. They discovered a point of weakness in the American intelligence apparatus and wanted to take full advantage of it. This weakness was the American policy of hiding the discovery of extraterrestrial life from the public.
The Americans decided after the 1947 Roswell crash, to cover up the UFO phenomenon. During several whitewashes, such as Project Blue book they made an effort to maintain a strict level of secrecy, which the Germans took full advantage of. They realized that the Americans hold over the people was partially due to the energy industry, based on fossil fuel. If word got out that antigravity free-energy technology was being developed in secret, the American elite would lose control of the population. This was another point of pressure the Germans could use to force the Americans to sign treaties that gave the them access to much needed industrial resources.
The Germans were going to engage the Americans by threatening to disclose the truth about the existence of UFOs and advanced technology. This German threat would be made by a show of force and superiority in the US capitol. In 1952, several German highly advanced spacecraft flew over Washington DC, as well as several other sorties over major US cities. They also landed and made direct contact with civilians in the US, presenting themselves as Nordic-looking extraterrestrials.
Related Nazi UFOs Flew Over Washington & Led to SS Infiltration of US Space Program
The Billy Meier case, in particular, could be one such account of a German SSP contactee experience, according to Corey Goode and other insider sources.
Apparently once the Americans got word of Meier's personal contact with otherworldly beings, they dispatched several agents to gather information about the encounter. They presented a series of images to Meier of women that looked like the beings he described, one of which was Maria Orsic, a Vril Society medium and German SSP asset. Apparently, when Meier saw the photo of Orsic, he immediately identified her as the being that made contact with him.
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Image Source. Maria Orsic (left) artist depiction of her alleged appearance during the Billy Meier's case. |
In short, the Germans learned from their Nordic allies that appearing to the surface population as extraterrestrials had its advantages. While the Meier case didn't occur until the mid 1970's, it could be one of the better examples of false extraterrestrial contact, if certain sources promoting this version of events are to be believed.
After a quiet period, the Germans eventually forced the military industrial complex of the US to sign treaties that culminated in the union of both groups, but the Germans were the clear victors. President Dwight D. Eisenhower made his infamous 1961 address, warning that the military industrial complex was out of control, potentially because he knew the Germans had completely taken it over.
Related Agarthans or ETs? | Eisenhower's 1954 Meeting With Extraterrestrials or Ancient Breakaway Civilization Humans From Inner Earth?
After this merger, the now aligned secret space program saw the emergence of several different SSP factions and an industrial scale expansion into space. These developments would realize the emergence of lower level secret space programs that partially acted as a cover to shield higher level operations from the more aware "read-in" persons in the military industrial complex.
In other words, while a forefront of the higher level SSP progressed at a furious pace, a limited version was also developed that acted as a screen to hide other programs. As a result, the information made available to UFO researchers over the years ranges in complexity and is often contradictory in nature. Some whistleblowers, who had access to top secret information, to be sure, were not fully made aware of what was advanced in all the various secret space programs.
Compartmentalization is used to such an extent that one program may be completely unaware of a deeper branch within their own ranks. Steven Greer is one such researcher who has focused on this aspect of what is called Unacknowledged Special Access Programs (USAPS), which intentionally create cover projects for the chief purpose of obfuscating more secretive activities.
Related The Ultimate Secret: Majestic-12 | Secret Space Programs, ET Contacts, UFO's, Above Top Secret
Modern Day Secret Space Programs
After the American military industrial complex was taken over by the Germans, a major industrialization effort of space began. The Americans had many aerospace companies that wanted to develop and expand their operations into space using advanced technology hidden from the public. The Germans already had several bases in the solar system at this time and now allied with the Americans, had the infrastructure needed to maximize production for furthered expansion. Corporate interests in the military industrial complex learned of German mining facilities in the Asteroid belt (care of the Paperclip Germans) and wanted to exploit the resources and technology developed by them. The greed of these corporate giants, one of which being the aerospace company Boeing, allowed the newly merged SSP to flourish.
Related Cosmic Disclosure Season 2 - Episode 10: Conquering the Solar System - Summary and Analysis | Corey Goode and David Wilcock
The Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate
Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate (ICC) is a massive multinational SSP faction that formed to manage the expansion effort into space. Nearly every aerospace and technology company on the planet enjoys membership in this heavily secretive and powerful organization. Over the next 20 years, leading up to the 1980's, a huge recruitment process took place known as the "Brain Drain" era of the 1960's. Millions of top level scientists, engineers, and great thinkers were brought into the program, placed in sites throughout the solar system to further advancement.
In many cases these people and their families were recruited under false pretenses, being told they would be living like "the Jetsons" in a fantastic space age setting. When they arrived at their new off-world location, they would be forced to work in an industrial facility as literal slaves for a Nazi-style run operation. The ICC would use slave labor, the same method employed by the Nazis during the war, to advance their agenda.
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By the 1980's, the industrialization of the solar system was well under way. They developed hundreds of highly advanced spacecraft capable of faster than light travel, multiple industrial facilities on Mars, a base on the Moon (Lunar Operations Command), and hundreds of trading agreements with extraterrestrial races. The technology developed through recovered artifacts found on ancient extraterrestrial sites in the solar system secured the SSP a lucrative trading position with other races in the galaxy.
In addition, human biology and genetic material is also highly sought after by non-terrestrial races, which this morally repugnant group had no issues providing in exchange for various items of interest. At present, the ICC is involved in human trafficking, either in direct slave trade or by selling biological material to extraterrestrial races. Apparently a large portion of people who go missing every year, are taken off-world and traded like chattel to other groups.
The Dark Fleet
The Dark Fleet is an enigmatic faction that is arguably the oldest of the programs. According to Goode, it emerged through the early German and Draco alliance, greatly advancing this factions capabilities as a result of their cooperation. The ICC faction helped develop technology for the Dark Fleet but its activities and goals remain mysterious. What little is known about them tells us they primarily work outside of the solar system along side their Draco allies in conquest and defense of acquired territory.
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Image Source. Artist depiction of the Dark Fleet base and spacecraft on the Moon. |
Related Cosmic Disclosure Season 4 - Episode 6: The Dark Fleet - Summary and Analysis | Corey Goode and David Wilcock
Solar Warden
The development of Solar Warden came about as a result of several money laundering schemes, one of which was the Star Wars program or Strategic Defense Initiative, spoken of by President Ronald Reagan in the 1980's. Gary McKinnon hacked into defense department computer systems in 2010, revealing the existence of a special access program given the name Solar Warden, lending further credence to the notion of this faction's existence.
William Tompkins also revealed in 2015 that he helped design some of the Solar Warden spacecraft that were eventually used by this faction.
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Solar Warden is responsible for policing the solar system, keeping an eye on all incoming and outgoing traffic, and standing as a modest military force against potential threats.
According to Goode, the skies above the Earth are abuzz with extraterrestrial activity, and in some cases, groups enter in an effort to steal resources, technology or biological material. A protective force was required to keep watch and defend against aggressive smaller groups that enter our stellar neighborhood.
Goode claims to have spent 20 years working on a science research vessel in the Solar Warden program from 1987 to 2007. After leaving the program, he was age regressed, brought back in time to the moment he left, and had his memories wiped or blank-slated. But due to his Intuitive Empath training, he is part of a small population of program participants capable of recovering most of their lost memories. Apparently blank-slating is a common practice for the SSPs at large, especially in the MILAB programs.
Related Solar Warden: Secret Space Program
The Global Galactic League of Nations
The Global Galactic League of Nations (GGLN) is a compartmentalized version of the secret space program. The higher level program participants—member nations like the US—knew that intelligence services of other nations would eventually discover their activities and decided to offer a "token gesture" in the form of a multinational United Nations-style space program, providing cover for higher-level SSP projects. This faction is mainly focused on scientific research, not directly involved in the more nefarious aspects of the ICC, such as human trafficking.
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This faction was also how the upper-level SSPs procured cooperation in the recovery of downed ET craft, which was and is taking place using advanced energetic technology developed from Tesla's discoveries. In exchange for their cooperation, which required assisting American teams in recovering downed ET craft, these nations were granted admission into the GGLN, and presumably believed that this was the extent of the secret government programs in space—a deceptive compartmentalization tactic used by the upper-level programs.
Related Cosmic Disclosure Episode 8: Global Galactic League of Nations - Summary and Analysis | Corey Goode and David Wilcock
Military Factions: Lower Level Secret Space Programs
In the midst of these deep cosmic space programs many lower-level heavily compartmentalized projects were created for various purposes, one of which was to add further cover. This faction serves as a layer of secrecy between military intelligence services and deep black SSP projects. It is these lower level factions and their related Earth-based alliances that are of key importance in understanding the limited disclosure agenda. This is partially because the compartmentalized narrative they are provided is a good match for the extinct ancient ETs half-truth story.
Related Cosmic Disclosure Season 4 - Episode 10: The Earth Alliance - Summary and Analysis | Corey Goode and David Wilcock
The lower level secret space program, like the Global Galactic League of Nations, serves a function, but is primarily purposed to hide the higher level programs. Again, the intelligence services of industrialized nations, such as the United States, England, France, Germany, and so on, were tracking unidentified objects in the skies for decades. In order to protect higher level operations from these more in the know groups, a close to Earth orbit cover story needed to be developed and promulgated.
According to Bruce, an insider that has revealed information to David Wilcock, the narrative told to most of these lower level operatives is as follows:
There are no extraterrestrials in the solar system at this time. The objects tracked in the sky that some consider extraterrestrial UFOs are actually advanced military spacecraft. We have near-Earth-orbit and high-Earth-orbit space platforms, and more advanced spacecraft that has been hidden from the public for decades. The National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) is responsible for keeping watch over our skies using cloaked airbases or space platforms.
There are ancient ruins left in the solar system from extraterrestrials, an advanced progenitor race, the Ancient Builders—but they have long since left. Anything we do encounter that isn't ours is part of a group of future humans that have access to time travel technology. These future humans came back into our timeline hundreds of times, assisting humanity to restart civilization after major and minor cataclysms. So there are no current aliens, just humans, either secret military activities or future humans.These lower level programs are heavily militaristic and believe that they have access to the highest level of secrecy on the planet; they think they are the top of the totem pole and that no one knows more than they do. This group, and its narrative, serves as a compartmentalized bubble or barrier that shields higher level operations from persons embedded within deep black projects here on Earth. Essentially, anytime information about higher level programs are leaked to the public, a lower level insider will come out saying that "it's all BS" or untrue. In other words, this group is essentially a microcosmic SSP specifically designed to hide the macrocosmic secret space programs.
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Image Source. Composite of images allegedly caputring Flying Triangle craft, sometimes associated with the TR-3B TRINITY craft developed by McDonnell Douglas. |
According to Goode, in many cases these operatives have no idea that other operations exist, making it very easy to shield higher level activity. Often in an effort to maintain pride in their organization, any information related to higher level activity that makes it to the public is quickly de-bunked by these lower level operative whistleblowers and insiders. This irreconcilable nature of lower level insider testimony and higher level accounts has greatly confused the Ufology community. As an example of this, consider the exemplary, yet contradictory nature of the whistleblower narratives gathered by interviewer Kerry Cassidy of Project Camelot, and others like Project Avalon—which to their credit—is arguably a wealth of insider data yet to be deciphered and discerned into a cohesive narrative. The fact that so many insiders have a different worldview handed down from their superiors suggests that narratives within the SSPs vary to a great extent in order to facilitate compartmentalization and simultaneously befuttle the public once insiders begin to reveal themselves.
The Secret Space Program Alliance
The SSP Alliance is a group of defectors within the programs at large that realized humanity and the people of Earth have been oppressed by a nefarious group of quasi-Nazis they call the Secret Earth Government and their criminal syndicates. The people of Earth know this group by many names, such as the Cabal, Illuminati, the NWO, the banking Elite, the Dark Occultists, and so on.
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Related How and Why "The Money Masters" Took Control (Full Documentary)
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Image Source. Artist depiction of a Secret Space Program Alliance arm badge. |
Solar Warden was the first faction to break away from the ICC controlled SSP, which according to Goode, took place in the early 1990's. They began to overtly go against the Cabal-run SSP in earnest during the early 2000's and beyond. Since that time, other defections have slowly taken place, bolstering the SSP Alliance in its ability to combat Cabal-run secret space programs.
Related Cosmic Disclosure Season 5 - Episode 1: Celestial Timeline - Summary and Analysis | Corey Goode and David Wilcock
SSP Alliance Full Disclosure Agenda
The SSP Alliance intends on ending the current era of secrecy and enslavement for the people of Earth and liberate enslaved people in the solar system. Their stated purpose is to take possession of advanced technology and facilities in the hands of Cabal-run SSPs, to eventually hand them over to the people in a way that ensures no one group has an advantage over any other. They plan to do this in what they call massive data dumps or a complete release of all hidden information, history and technology. But in order for these data dumps to be taken seriously by the public, they think two things would need to happen, a catalyzing event and coordination with ground-based liberation groups.
A Catalyzing Event to Reveal "The Matrix"
First a trigger event of some kind is required to jostle the people out of their Stockholm syndrome. The uneasy truth is that the Cabal have coaxed the vast majority of humanity into actually wanting to be enslaved—albeit not in an overt fashion. For example, it has been said, the love of money is the root of all evil and in a way this is true because the monetary system is an key componant in the systems of enslavement.
In order to help comprehend the current state of consciousness of humanity and how powerfully the masses have been indoctrinated to accept slavery, consider what Morpheus from the highly symbolic Matrix film said:
Morpheus: Unfortunately, no one can be told what the Matrix is. You have to see it for yourself.
Morpheus: The Matrix is everywhere. It is all around us. Even now, in this very room. You can see it when you look out your window or when you turn on your television. You can feel it when you go to work, when you go to church, when you pay your taxes. It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth.
Neo: What truth?The system that Morpheus is describing here is our participation in the matrix of control via our thoughts, beliefs and actions—that's why it is a "prison that you cannot taste or see or touch. A prison for your mind"
Morpheus: That you are a slave, Neo. Like everyone else you were born into bondage. Into a prison that you cannot taste or see or touch. A prison for your mind.
Morpheus: The Matrix is a system, Neo. That system is our enemy. But when you're inside, you look around, what do you see? Businessmen, teachers, lawyers, carpenters. The very minds of the people we are trying to save. But until we do, these people are still a part of that system and that makes them our enemy. You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it. [Bolding added.] - (Source)
Of course, no one consciously thinks to themselves, "I want to be a slave in the Cabal's NWO," but by our participation in the matrix, we breathe life into it, we consent to it, and we enslave ourselves. In this way there no bystanders, only those working for freedom or those acquiescing to slavery. But on this score, everyone's doing the best they can with what they have to work with.
The Cabal's pyramid of power and control is founded on the people's participation, and if the people see the truth and change themselves, the whole structure will come tumbling down. This is what they fear most, hence endless divide and conquer tactics to keep the people distracted with infighting, all while the Cabal quietly proceeds with their agenda.
The unawakened cannot see the matrix for it is because if they did, their reality bubble—to use Goode's term—would burst. The sleeping masses are too involved in the way they currently live their lives and don't want to give that up, even if it means the whole planet is enslaved and suffers as a result. The medical condition describing when someone continues to do things that are ultimately destructive to themselves or others—beyond their control—is an addiction. The masses are addicted to the Cabal and the destructive society they forced us to create. This means that a reality check moment is needed, similar to an intervention, where the truth about what we created is presented to us so we can realize the error of our ways as a people and choose a different path as a collective.
Related A Call for Unity | If We Are Going to Take Down the Establishment, Progressives, Libertarians, Anarchists and Non-Voters Need to Unite
This catalyzing event could come in the form of a financial collapse, or other triggers. When people are content and satisfied, when they are fat on bread and distracted by circuses, they usually aren't interested in self-reflection and change. As such, we need to cut off the source of the addictive tendency, and imploding the financial system is one way to cover all the different types of distractions out there, as they usually require money in some fashion.
Before an addict can find the courage to face their addiction, they usually need to feel the burn of what they have chosen. Humanity's participation is essential so as to ensure free will is honored and a truly sovereign and free society emerges from the ashes of this one.
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Money in general, has the psychological effect of distorting value perception. Instead of being able to see the value in something inherently, we've been trained to consider it in terms of money, how much it costs or how much we stand to gain. For example, people generally wouldn't lie to another person, just for the sake of doing it but if you offer them enough money, they would usually happily do what is asked of them, especially if you give them a justifiable excuse for doing so. Why? Because in certain areas of life we tend to value money more than their own integrity, although we don't think of it this way. The point is that money has become our artificial value system, a type of cosmic drug that keeps us addicted to separation, scarcity, and slavery—but not all financial systems are like this. Like all addictions, the only way to overcome them is to stop taking the drug and allow the soul to heal.
Ground-based Cooperation for Data Dumps
After a catalyzing event, when the hypnotic trance of the masses has been broken, then the second item of the data dumps can occur; but in order for it to be effective, it must be presented seriously. In other words, the SSP Alliance needs a ground-based ally capable of disseminating the information to the people en masse. And this is where the problem currently lies. The ground-based alliances are not willing to accept a full disclosure scenario. In addition, the present state of the awakening community is not organized enough to handle such a huge task.
Some might be thinking to themselves:
"Who cares if they don't have help from ground-based groups, do the data dumps anyway!'As we just discussed, due to pandemic PTSD and Stockhome syndrome, most people are too attached to the status quo for emotional support to even consider the whole truth, let alone be willing to listen to a large presentation of the facts. People have been trained to fear change at all costs, and as such, even if the truth was pouring in from all sides, most people won't accept it because it would also mean the end of their world.
In addition, without media participation or at least a large enough dissemination force (like a grass roots disclosure effort), the Cabal could easily "debunk" any information that comes out, with the well-trained captives of the matrix drinking deep from the cup of government disinformation. And since most people don't want to hear the truth anyway, they will jump at the chance to dismiss the data dumps and continue to believe in the false reality that provides them comforts in life.
Coordination with ground-based groups is essential to ensure people have the best opportunity to receive the truth. The good news is, due how humanity has been programmed to accept information on blind faith, it will be very easy to reach the masses through the media. People rely on TV, Radio, News outlets and so on, to tell them what is real, so if even a handful of media outlets defected to the SSP Alliance, joining the full disclosure initiative, the data dumps could be very effective, very quickly. The propaganda machine of the Cabal could end up being their greatest downfall, as we use the mass media itself to spread the truth like never before.
This Full Disclosure plan will deal a death blow to the paradigm of artificial scarcity and the Babylonian money magic slavery system that has dominated civilization for millennia. The SSP Alliance goal is to restore truth, prosperity, and freedom to all people, everywhere. Given that pandemic ignorance has enabled the Cabal to maintain control over the people, only the whole truth released to all people can ensure no further manipulation takes place.
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Other SSPs and Resistances
COBRA is another insider and spokesman for a resistance group. He claims to represent a gathering of extraterrestrials, inner-Earth peoples and ground-based forces under the common banner of the Resistance Movement. Since early 2012, he has been releasing information related to the secret space program, ongoing alliance activities to free the planet, an energetic shift of the solar system—all under the banner of what he calls The Event.
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While there are many aspects of COBRA's SSP narrative that match up with other insiders, it is unclear whether the Resistance Movement and the SSP Alliance mentioned by Goode are one in the same. But, while some aspects of COBRA's narrative conflict with Goode's, the overall intention of the Resistance Movement (to free the planet and have a full disclosure event) are in harmony with the SSP Alliance's intention. This means that the respective groups within the awakening community that have rallied behind these figures need not divide themselves and prevent unification towards common goals.
Related Joint Cobra and Corey Goode Interview by Rob Potter Part 1: Unity For Disclosure, Disclosure Day in July, Spheres Confirmed, Catalyzing Event Needed, and more
And there are still countless other groups, such as the Silver Legion, Ashtar Command, the Galactic Confederation, the Galactic Federation, and so on, all claiming to be here with the goal of freeing the planet and providing assistance to humanity.
What remains unclear is if all these groups are real tangible efforts or if they are elaborate disinformation campaigns orchestrated by the Cabal. Regardless, the people who believe in them do so because of the ideas presented, all of which demonstrates the common bond we share in the quest for truth and freedom.
Which spokesman, narrative, resistance group or alliance we like the most isn't as important as the singular goal that unites them all: freedom for humanity.
For far too long the Cabal have manipulated us into fighting amongst ourselves, that this person is wrong, or that point of view is invalid, all the while forgetting the overarching goal of truth and freedom. We may not agree on everything, but there's one thing we all want, and that's the truth.
Surely we can unite in the pursuit of truth and freedom for humanity if nothing else.
The Sphere Being Alliance
According to the SSP insider Pete Peterson, and confirmed by Corey Goode, in the early 1980's, a massive sphere the size of the planet Neptune entered our solar system. Solar Warden, which was still Cabal-run at the time, intercepted the sphere they were calling The Seeker.
After several failed attempts to communicate with the enormous object, they eventually received a transmission saying, "we are peaceful explorers." The Solar Warden craft observed thousands of smaller craft leaving a port on the side of the sphere, which was apparently 800 miles wide.
The Solar Warden craft told the Seeker to leave immediately, which it did.
The Cabal was disturbed by this event. Heretofore they near autonomy in the solar system, able to continue their plans relatively free from outside interference, save through the interactions of the Super Federation of non-terrestrial races that have worked on 22 different genetic, social, and spiritual experiments on Earth.
A decade would pass before any more spheres would be seen.
In the late 1990's, hundreds of these massive spheres began to enter the solar system, some using the Sun as a type of stargate or portal, whereas others entered from outside the solar system.
These massive objects were observed by amateur astronomers at the time, giving them the name Sun Cruisers. Dozens of Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) images were captured showing massive objects in or around the Sun between the late 1990's and early 2000's.
Related Planet-Sized Spheres Visiting The Solar System by the Thousands - NASA's Secret Discovered: Sun Cruisers | David Wilcock and Corey Goode
The Cabal was initially excited by the appearance of these objects, believing that they were the return of their dark gods. But after no contact could be made with the spheres, they became increasingly anxious.
By the early 2000's, hundreds of spheres had entered the solar system, cloaking themselves from sight so as to avoid detection. The Cabal-run SSP was able to locate the spheres using advanced methods, but was unable to determine what they were doing and why they were here. These spheres were so enormous and entered with such numbers that the SSP could easily have mistaken their presence as an invasionary force, and most likely did.
Related Are Aliens Controlling The Sun? | Earth-facing Solar Quiet Effect and Planet-Sized Spheres
In the midst of this, the Cabal groups on Earth were working towards their NWO agenda, scheduled to go live in 2012. Part of the plan was to start World War III and stage a fake alien invasion using highly advanced space craft that, some say, even the lower level military factions were not aware of. The code name for this plan is Project Blue Beam.
Despite the Cabal's best efforts, they constantly encountered problems when attempting to finalize their dark NWO agenda. UFOs were apparently responsible for disabling nuclear weapons platforms, and failed attempt after failed attempt to start World War III was causing delays in their long-planned timeline.
Related UFOs Shut Down Nuclear Missile Sites — Eyewitness accounts, Government Documents, ET Intervention
Toward the end of 2012, thousands upon thousands of the spheres, some the size of Jupiter, continued to pour into the solar system. By this time, the SSP Alliance had already broken away and began their efforts to combat the Cabal. The Alliance was apparently flying advanced spacecraft in front of International Space Station (ISS) camera feeds in an effort to force disclosure and alert the public.
At some point between 2013 and late 2014, the group of beings who work with the massive spheres made contact with the SSP Alliance. The SSP Alliance gave them the name Sphere Being Alliance. This group is made up of five extremely advanced non-material races, who claim to be 6th to 9th density beings. Within the density system, the Earth is considered a 3rd density sphere, much more material than etheric in nature. The importance is that the Sphere Beings are billions of years ahead of the human race, and many of the extraterrestrial groups currently in the solar system, possessing technology so advanced it renders the most intimidating Cabal-run weaponry obsolete.
The Sphere Beings claim to be custodians of this part of the galaxy and have apparently attempted to contact humanity several times in the past, offering knowledge and wisdom. In each case, the teachings were distorted by the elite priesthoods of Earth at the time, which later evolved into the Cabal, Illuminati or secret Earth governments of today.
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Image Source. Artist depiction of a Blue Avian, Raw-Teir-Eir, one of the five Sphere Being Alliance races. |
The Sphere Beings say that due to their misguided attempts to assist humanity in the past, they are karmically tied to the evolutionary track of the Earth and the people that sojourn here. It was their attempt to impart universal knowledge that ended up creating the dark occult mystery schools. But it was the people's compliance made possible by constant trauma that allowed slavery and tyranny to flourish.
Related Sphere Beings, Guardians and Ancient Builder Race Connections to Thoth and the Law of One | Secret Negotiations over Disclosure of Extraterrestrial Life & Inner Earth Civilizations
Energetic Shift of the Solar System
The Sphere Beings, as the name would imply, are the group in control of the highly advanced large network of spheres that have permeated the solar system, for a very specific purpose. These spheres are not a form of technology as we would conceive of it. According to Goode, they are actually enormous versions of one of the five Sphere Being Alliance races, the Blue Orb beings.
According to the Sphere Beings, and echoed by countless alternative science researchers, the Sun is about to go through a major energetic shift, due to incoming cosmic and galactic waves of energy as a result of our transit through the galaxy. This shift will alter life within the solar system as we know it, and has been spoken of in countless myths and legends as the end of the Great Cycle, the Rapture, the Shift of the Ages, and so on. It has been more contemporaneously called the Ascension, a transition of life into a golden age.
Related The Day of the Event - A New Star is Born - An Exploration of Possibility for a Long-Awaited Moment
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Image Source. |
David Wilcock is a researcher with over 20 years of study in to the fields of alternative science, amassing a great deal of empirical data to confirm this energetic shift he calls the Ascension. According to Goode, the network of spheres are here to help dampen this impending energetic evolution of the solar system, which if left to follow its natural course, would be an incredible shock to the people of Earth, resulting in "end time madness" and a great loss of human life.
Apparently these evolutionary shifts take place as a natural part of cosmic evolution, but normally at this late stage, a civilization has taken the time to prepare by becoming more loving, harmonious and service to others—by transcending selfishness.
Related Science and Evidence For The Transformation of the Solar System | The Divine Cosmos by David Wilcock
Related David Wilcock, Contact in the Desert Compilation (7 Hour Video) – The Solar System Is Moving Into A New Area Of Vibration
The collective consciousness of a planet determines the of polarity the shift, according to Goode and one of the Sphere Being Alliance race members, Raw-Teir-Eir. On a world filled with self-serving beings, the shift moves towards a dark NWO type planet, where the service-to-self path can be explored. Conversely, on a world filled with altruistic unselfish beings, the shift moves toward a loving cooperative type planet—the Golden Age spoken of in myths and legend. But due to the influence of the Cabal, who planned on steering the shift into a darker manifestation, the people of Earth have not prepared enough to take full advantage of a positive transition.
In other words, the Cabal wanted to have a dark ascension, but were unsuccessful in their efforts; however, they were successful in slowing down the positive evolution of humanity. As a result, the Sphere Beings are delaying the energetic shift to give us the time to prepare, to change ourselves from within, and end the madness that has been created without.
As was stated earlier, the Sphere Beings are partially responsible for creating the Cabal, and are here to provide support for the positive transition. The Sphere Beings are not here to rescue humanity, but provide the guidance and environmental supported needed for us to stand up and liberate ourselves. In the process, all those who have not progressed enough along a positive track will gain the experiences needed to make the shift. That is to say, the people of Earth playing a direct role in their own liberation will simultaneously end Cabal rule while propelling us towards the so-called fourth density positive timeline spoken of in the Law of One material.
Related Understanding Service to Other (STO), Service to Self (STS), the Seven Densities of Consciousness, the Astral and Etheric Planes, and more -- by Tom Montalk
The Sphere Being Alliance contacted the SSP Alliance in an effort to provide guidance for their stated intention to free humanity. The SSP Alliance, despite their benevolent intentions, are not angelic beings, as stated by Goode. They are military minded former Cabal-run defectors and groups, with less then gracious methods. They believe they can "bomb their way out of a situation," as stated by Goode. As a result, the SSP Alliance, in its own right, has learning and growth to do just like humanity at large.
The Sphere Beings were initially working through Lt. Col. Gonzales, a member of the SSP Alliance, but after a major event toward the end of 2014, they called for Corey Goode by name. More on this later.
Earth-Based Alliances
The Earth-based Alliances play a part in the partial disclosure and full disclosure agenda in several ways. Firstly, some of these groups have aligned themselves with the partial disclosure camp and others have gone to the opposite end of full disclosure. As such, these groups represent one of the largest hurdles and are simultaneously crucial for bringing forward the data dumps mentioned earlier. Thus, one cannot overlook this aspect of the story.
According to Goode (and made evident by countless other spokesmen, whistleblowers, insiders and White Hats), a great many alliances have long had a desire to free the planet from the yoke of Cabal oppression and enslavement. As one can imagine, the Cabal's methods of coercion, use of violence and intimidation have left a trail of destruction and grievance throughout history. In the process, maligned groups from all walks of life have been given a justifiable reason to seek out other groups that have the common goal of ending Cabal rule.
On the smaller end of the scale, some of these alliance groups are local militias, partially represented by Drake Baily—as one example, and some are quasi-military organizations like Anonymous. Others are dynastic families reaching back into antiquity, such as the Dragon Families of Asia, as reported by Benjamin Fulford and Neil Keenan. Some are within the banking sector and could be represented by spokes persons such as Karen Hudes, and various Revaluation Guru's like Zap or Poofness. And finally, there is the BRICS Alliance, and Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, which at present has dozens of major nations on board.
Some of the names mentioned should stand out as known figures in alternative media with their own stated narrative and plans for ending Cabal rule. And what should also be apparent is that some of these figures that claim mass arrests are coming, an end to the Federal Reserve System, release of free energy technology, and so on—have yet to deliver on their promises. As a result they have inadvertently caused much confusion and disillusionment within the awakening community.
Some of these groups have not been able to affect major change because of advanced time-lensing (looking into possible futures via remote viewing) and AI technology employed by the Cabal. In this case, many plans and efforts by alliances to take actions were ultimately unsuccessful because the Cabal anticipated what was coming. And in other cases, groups disagree what the plan of action should be, and therefore, can't coordinate to effect meaningful change. Their lack of unity combined with advanced Cabal technology has crippled any plan from gaining traction.
As an side, it should be clear that the Cabal, through their greater coherence and unity, have been able to effect greater changes on Earth than all the awakening people and alliance groups combined. This may lead some to conclude that they have some kind of pre-destiny to rule the planet or that perhaps we are on a dark timeline. However, I would argue that the primary cause for their success is co-creative coherence—individuals consenting to their plans either directly or indirectly—along with unity within their ranks. This would suggest that if the Earth-based Alliances and the awakening community can find it within themselves to work together, great change could be realized very quickly.
The Partial Disclosure Argument and Logic
Some of the aforementioned groups want a complete and total end of the paradigm of financial slavery, full disclosure and a release of hidden technology, whereas others want to have their 100 years of power and control over the planet.
For example, the Eastern financial powers, as controlled by the dynastic families of Asia, want to end the Western financial system, and install a more fair system. But ultimately the new system is still financial slavery. They want this because the West had their 100 years of the Federal Reserve System, and now they want their turn to be masters of humanity, according to Goode.
All these groups have worked on their own in an effort to bring about change and only recently began coordinating with each other. There is a more cohesive Earth-based Alliance, but they have recently decided that a partial disclosure agenda is the best option—for them.
Related Lower Level SSP Group Broke Away from SSP Alliance Council, Intends on Pushing Partial Disclosure and Inner-Earth Anshar to Begin Contact with Surface
Goode also disclosed that the Cabal have spent years slowly infiltrating some of these Earth-based groups, and that many of their original intentions have become distorted. Many of the groups now calling for partial disclosure have been corrupted by these infiltrators. Even though the Cabal seems to be losing power and control at every turn, they still foolishly clamor for power; and ultimately this will be their undoing.
Developments in 2015
Now that critical aspects of the background story and key players have been revealed, we can proceed on with developments that lead to today and the partial disclosure agenda that is actively moving forward due-to the Earth-based Cabal-infiltrated alliances.
In December 2014, the Cabal attempted to destroy one of the spheres close to the Earth. The effort was captured on ISS camera feeds, which quickly stopped transmitting video after the event. According to Goode, the Cabal used one of their high tech particle beam weapons to fire at a sphere close to the Moon.
Here's an image of what was captured in the ISS feed:
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Image courtesy of gaia.com. Allegedly an ISS camera feed image showing one of the spheres being hit by a particle beam weapon. |
Related Cosmic Disclosure Season 2 - Episode 16: New Frontiers in the A.I. War - Summary and Analysis | Corey Goode and David Wilcock
Apparently the red line is a particle beam discharge and object struck was a sphere glowing red-hot from the impact. According to NASA, the event was due to a facility attempting to create an artificial star.
Did ISS cam capture video of a UFO shooting a laser at Earth?
A video recorded from the International Space Station’s live video feed shows a strange red dot in space that seemingly shoots a laser beam towards Earth.
The video was captured and uploaded to YouTube by user Streetcap1 on December 5.
...Goode was told that the Sphere Beings used an Aikido principle to reflect the aggressive energy of this attack back down to its place of origin. Apparently there were many high-level Cabal operatives at the facility, which was almost completely destroyed.
Although it is possible that the ISS camera captured an extraterrestrial UFO, there are other potential explanations for the strange light and the laser beam.
The video was reportedly recorded on December 5. On this date, the European Southern Observatory’s Very Large Telescope fired its laser into the sky to create an artificial star. This process is done periodically to fine-tune the observatory’s telescopes. (Source)
This was the first aggressive action taken by the Cabal against the Sphere Beings. What followed was to completely change the game for the Cabal.
Raising The Energy Barrier
According to Goode, shortly after the December 2014 attack, a massive energy barrier went up around the entire solar system and this prevents any group, human or otherwise, from leaving or entering. Communication was also heavily hindered by the raising of this barrier. And apparently one of the Sphere Being Alliance races, the Blue Orb beings, are responsible for the barrier and the Spheres. Goode revealed during an episode of Cosmic Disclosure that the energetic barrier is itself one of these living Blue Orb beings, as well as the thousands of spheres within the solar system at this time.
As a result, the SSP factions were unable to continue their operations outside the solar system. In addition, there were dozens of groups that have been here for hundreds of thousands of years that were also trapped. Finally, the Draco Alliance, the top of the Cabal pyramid of power was also unable to leave the solar system, and it just so happened that the bulk of this group's leadership was trapped here after the barrier was raised.
Apparently many of these groups were intending to vacate prior to the solar shift event, but are now unable to, further exacerbating an already precarious exopolitical situation.
Two Atrocities
As a result of the energy barrier going up, the SSP Alliance had even more defections coming over from Cabal-run groups. Some of these defectors brought actionable intelligence with them regarding production facilities on Mars and elsewhere in the solar system. Certain members of the SSP Alliance decided to take advantage of the situation by destroying two large production facilities, one on Mars and another undisclosed location.
During the Consciousness Life Expo, David Wilcock presented the following image from the Washington Post that he claims confirms that a large facility on Mars was destroyed.
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The Washington Post: The massive plume on the surface of Mars no one can explain |
These events occurred around February 17th, 2015. While Cabal-run facilities were destroyed, each location was populated by thousands of innocent laborers, who all lost their lives in the atrocities.
The Sphere Being Alliance, a highly moral and altruistic group, was not pleased by the events, and on February 27th 2015, shortly after these two tragedies, they decided to call on empath Corey Goode by name to represent the Sphere Being Alliance as a delegate to the SSP Alliance.
Corey Goode Requested by the Sphere Being Alliance
The SSP Alliance was already in some form of contact through their appointee Lt. Col. Gonzales and were not pleased by the Sphere Being Alliance's request for Goode. Although Goode had a tour of duty in Solar Warden between 1987 and 2007 (being age regressed and returned back to the time he left) he had been out of the program for decades, and his former position in Solar Warden was low level. To the SSP Alliance Council, Goode was an outsider and they treated him as such.
Goode later appeared before the SSP Alliance Council where he met one of the members of Sphere Being Alliance races, the Blue Avian known as Raw-Teir-Eir. The being connected to Goode telepathically, and he began communicating a message of peace, forgiveness and personal healing to the SSP Alliance, who all but balked at the "hippy love" sentiment.
The SSP Alliance was under the impression that the Sphere Beings were going to reveal a grand plan to kick the Cabal's butt. Instead, they were scolded for the two recent atrocities against Cabal-run facilities and the collateral damage suffered as a result.
The White Royal Draco are an elite class of reptilians in the Draco Alliance. They have been cybernetically enhanced and require looshe or "fear food" generated by the Earth's population in order to survive, according to other insiders.
Related David Wilcock and Corey Goode June 28th OYM Radio Transcript and Notes: ET Alliance, Consciousness Evolution, Disclosure Event, Energetic Ascension, Cabal Take-down & More
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Image courtesy of gaia.com. White Royal Draco. |
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Image courtesy of gaia.com. White Royal Draco. |
The Draco entered the solar system some 370,000 years ago in an effort to turn the Earth into a "fear food factory," as well as other undisclosed plans. The Cabal groups from antiquity have long worshiped these Draco as their gods; and by all accounts, the Draco used their human zealots as pawns in a cosmic game of domination and control. The Draco also have an extra-dimensional overlord that is most likely a malevolent artificial intelligence—the same AI responsible for infecting countless human subjects and computer systems on Earth.
At some point after the energy barrier went up, a major meeting took place between the Draco Alliance and all their various Cabal underlings. The Draco claim to be the top of the Cabal pyramid of power on Earth, with various human and non-human agencies within their employ. The Draco, being high-level Cabal figures, apparently held a meeting wherein they offered to betray all of their underlings to the SSP Alliance for safe passage out of the solar system. The other Cabal groups in attendance were completely taken aback by the offer, and a tremendous amount of infighting took place shortly after.
According to Goode, as revealed by Gonzales during the early part of 2016, the controlled implosion of the Western financial system was halted after an agreement was reached between some of the Earth-based Alliances, presumably those in the East. But despite this alleged development, the global economy, especially within Western nations, has continued to decline.
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Early Talk of Partial or Limited Disclosure in July 2015
In July of 2015, a meeting took place between the human-Cabal groups and the SSP Alliance, with Goode in attendance. During this meeting, the first talk of a partial or limited disclosure plan was spoken of. Here is an excerpt from Goode's July 9th report:
[The human elite] stated that they had been forced through generations of mind control and threats to do all of the things that they had done. They further stated that they would prefer to work with the Alliances in setting up a new financial system that was fair to all of humanity and to begin a controlled disclosure that would not expose certain crimes and incidents that would incriminate them in their lifetime. They stated that they believed that this information would also contain too much negative details in a short time for the average person to deal with. They stated that because of people's religious beliefs and the paradigm that had been created by those currently in control that a sudden release of this information would lead to riots and suicides on a mass scale. Taking all of that in consideration they proposed that a plan be agreed on that allowed the release of certain information and technologies while withholding the majority of information for a 50 year time period. [Bolding added.] - (Source)Gonzales and Goode were in attendance during this meeting and reported back to the SSP and Sphere Being Alliance.
Materially Disproving the Basis of Partial Disclosure
Let's pause in the narrative to review the important points of partial disclosure—as it was just presented by the Cabal during Goode's July 2015 meeting—and materially disprove each one.
The reason for doing this is to point out the flawed logic of the Cabal, to show that their reasoning is in error, and as such, that the partial disclosure proposal is not the best option—it's not even a good idea. This is important within a lawful capacity to demonstrate our competency as an awakening community. In contract law (which is the basis of the legal system and treaties between groups), providing a superior argument is an essential part of rebutting presumptions that form the basis of implied consent, the very same consent issued by the people the Cabal rely on to further their agenda. Instead of saying nothing, and agreeing to the logic of the partial disclosure timeline, we rebut each point to disprove any logical basis thereby invalidating the proposed agenda with precision. In order for an agreement to be binding, the parties defined by it must have a meeting of the minds wherein any logical fallacies (inconsistencies with the truth) are discovered and addressed.
First, the Cabal groups said, they had been forced through generations of mind control and threats to do all of the things that they had done. Granted these poor souls have endured unspeakable hardship, but that is no justification to continue their harmful actions against others. This is a statement attempting to divert culpability away from themselves, in that, they are not as responsible for their actions due to what happened to them. This statement is a reflection of victim consciousness, a state of disempowerment and trauma, requiring healing in order to transcend. But the key point of the rebuttal is that one's own personal suffering is never a valid excuse to continue harming others. The Cabal was notified by many agents of the light that their machinations are wrong, against universal law, and immoral no matter how they look at it. When one is notified of wrongdoing and chooses to continue, they prove their incompetence and dishonor. In law, this forms a basis for defensive actions to be taken by an honorable party. So on this score, their basis for continuing harmful actions in the form of a partial disclosure plan is unfounded and unsupported by the truth.
They said that they want to work with the Alliances in setting up a new financial system that [is] fair to all of humanity. What the "new financial system" actually ends up being is crucial; just because it's "fair to all" doesn't mean it's anymore free, honorable, or abundant for the people. For example, a financial system based on everyone being forced to work as slaves is fair to all because everyone receives the same treatment, hence it is fair. But slavery is still slavery, and as the old saying goes, the devil is in the details. So just because they said they want a more fair system doesn't mean that we should just blindly accept it. In order for this offer to be valid within an contractual capacity, they must define what this new system is with specificity, which they have not done. Therefore, this point lacks substance and as such cannot be taken seriously as a basis to justify partial disclosure. If the full breadth of this fairer system was outlined then we could discern if it is truly fair. Until then, it remains an empty promise.
And as an aside, externalized financial systems like the one we use today are very risky, especially when the population that uses it is not fully educated. I would argue, an ideal financial system is one based on no externalized representations of value at all, a moneyless society. For more on this, see the below linked articles.
Related Cosmic Disclosure Season 3 - Episode 3: Ubuntu and the Blue Avians’ Message Part 1 - Summary and Analysis | Corey Goode and David Wilcock
Related Cosmic Disclosure Season 3 - Episode 9: Ubuntu and the Blue Avians' Message Part 2 - Summary and Analysis | Corey Goode and David Wilcock
They said they wanted to begin a controlled disclosure that would not expose certain crimes and incidents that would incriminate them in their life time. Clearly this is an effort to avoid the people's justice, to avoid being held responsible for their actions. Now I am not advocating a French-Revolution style mass revenge of the Cabal, but like all beings of consciousness, honoring one's creations and deeds, is essential to growth and healing. Ultimately, taking responsibility for one's actions is healing for the individual as well as those who have been harmed because it provides a way for each party to understand the whole truth so as to restore trust—negotiate a fair and equitable resolution. On this score, avoiding justice for 50 years just prevents the healing and reconciliation that we all need to move forward. Without all the facts, an individual can't motivate themselves to grow and change for the better. So on this basis, the proposal of delaying the truth and reconciliation tribunal is unacceptable, as it would prevent the healing everyone needs.
Moving on, they said they believed that this information would also contain too much negative details in a short time for the average person to deal with. Yes the average person is going to have a major adjustment period, but I doubt that it "would lead to riots and suicides on a mass scale." After the World Trade Center attacks of September 11th, 2001, instead of people going crazy because of the horrors of what happened, it brought them together in a big way. New York is a city infamous for the callous indifference of the population, yet even when these hardened city dwellers were faced with a chance to unite in love and kindness, the vast majority did so. Yes, because of people's religious beliefs and the paradigm that had been created by those currently in control, a change will be very difficult, but this is why the whole truth is needed. Only when we make contact with the whole truth can we see the errors of the past, in this case, the errors of religious beliefs that are usually designed to make someone feel disempowered. So again, the whole truth is the only viable option. We can't change into a free and prosperous society without it, and as such, this point has no basis in truth.
Finally, they proposed that a plan be agreed on that allowed the release of certain information and technologies while withholding the majority of information for a 50-year time period. After providing their supportive logic, they state their proposal for the partial disclosure timeline. But this proposal does not provide adequate resolution to the problems at hand. No measure of true healing, restoration of honor, or reconciliation of past crimes can take place under this plan. In other words, it is a token gesture, indicating the Cabal is not ready to truly change their ways.
From a contractual perspective, the Cabal have already positioned themselves as custodians of humanity and the planet, this agreement is already in place (e.g. the Papal Bull Unam Sanctum and the Cestui Que Vie Trusts) and implied consent was issued by the people long ago. But part of this agreement required that the powers that be act as honorable custodians, which they have clearly failed to do. As a result, the people of Earth have a long standing right under this agreement to redress of grievance, or an opportunity to tell the Cabal they have failed to live up to their end of the bargain. If the Cabal want to restore the trust and honor the contract, they must explicitly acknowledge all of our grievances and provide remedy to each harmed person—this is what a truth and reconciliation tribunal is designed to accomplish. And they must cease any and all actions that cause further dishonor of the agreement. But they have done none of these things, and only paid lip service to ending their dishonorable actions that are in breach of contract and trust.
During the delay period put forth in the partial disclosure proposal, the Cabal intends on continuing their transhumanist NWO agenda, enslaving the people, and trying to start wars to depopulate the planet. The Cabal have proven themselves to be untrustworthy, and as such, they are in dishonor insofar as the trust relationship to the people is concerned. Within universal law, when rulers dishonor the public trust, the people are empowered to overthrow them. Considering the Cabal have not even tried to change their ways, despite saying they would, the people have prima facie evidence to move forward with a peoples uprising for an end of Cabal rule. And the universe itself will support us in this supreme effort.
Related Understanding True Law and The Fraud of the Existing System | The Golden "Rule of Law" Means: No One is Above the Law
Although the Cabal imply that they were considering working with the Alliances for disclosure and global change, they seem to have already been moving forward with partial disclosure well before this meeting took place. Here are some examples, in addition to the ones provided at the beginning of this article.
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David Wilcock has also been covering an extensive amount of soft disclosure on his website divinecosmos.com.
So while the Cabal suggests that they have had a change of heart, presumably due-to exopolitical changes resulting from the energy barrier, it seems they haven't changed their agenda of domination and control. And in the midst of these alleged negotiations for peace, the Cabal have continued their machinations against the people, such as, false flag attacks, financial warfare, ceaseless environmental destruction, continued poisoning of food and water, and so on.
Again, if an agreement is to be honorable and binding, made in good faith and based on a demonstration of trust, the Cabal have failed to meet their end of the bargain. Are they honoring their word? Are they making a good faith attempt to stop what they have been forced to do through generations of mind control and threats? No they haven't.
2015 saw more false flag attacks then any other year on record, all in an effort to start more conflict and trigger World War III. The financial system has also seen more manipulation than possibly any other time in history. These are not the actions of a group seeking to earn trust and cooperate to effect change.
More Talk of Partial Disclosure in October 2015
For several months there wasn't much talk of any further developments related to negotiations for disclosure. But as was mentioned earlier, draconian operations of the Cabal continued to make life difficult for the people of Earth, a lack of good faith and a demonstration of dishonor.
In October of 2015, Goode reported that the secret Earth government and their syndicates were still trying to realize armageddon via a biblical prophesy regarding the destruction of Damascus. He also said that some of the Earth-based alliances, the Asian groups, are pushing for their 100 years of financial power, by forcing an implosion of the Western controlled financial system.
Here's an excerpt from Goode's October 2015 report:
I was told several things a few weeks ago (Intel that most write off as "fear porn") about the dynamics occurring on the planet which include the (“controlled implosion”) demise of the western controlled financial system, the fall of the leaders of certain syndicates as well as infiltration by other syndicates into various Earth Alliance Groups to push for an agreement that would allow the east to have their one hundred years of financial rule. [Bolding added.] - (Source)From the earlier proposal in July of 2015, the tone changed somewhat. The point of interest in Goode's account is that infighting and positioning is taking place on the world stage. Dozens of cabal groups (secret government syndicates) as well as Earth-based alliances are all clamoring to have their version of a new world come to fruition; and some of these visions are not benevolent. Goode also says the Cabal have infiltrated some of these Earth-based alliances and is actively manipulating them to accept the partial disclosure agenda, most-likely using the rationale that we disproved above.
More statements from Goode's October 2015 report:
If this heavily pushed [partial disclosure] plan were to win out over the SSP Alliance Full Disclosure Event and Data Dump plan, we would start off with a limited disclosure that would slowly unfold into full disclosure and transition the world into new technologies and social programs that would make the transition into a “Star Trek” type society more manageable and less of a shock to society. There is talk of limited trials of certain syndicate leaders that are the most well-known while others may receive a pass of sorts.
This is all still under fairly fluid of course but with the infiltrations of some ground-based alliance groups, a general anxiety of completely giving up a monetary system and beginning a new system of living on top of the disturbing information contained in the databases that would be “dumped”, this plan seems to be gaining more and more popularity in “think tanks” on both sides. This is not at all how the SSP Alliance Council wants to see things unfold but cooperation of the ground alliance (Combining essential resources and infrastructure) is essential in the SSP Alliance Councils plan coming into fruition. This has been cause of consternation between Earth Alliance groups as well as quite a lot of anger and frustration within the SSP Alliance Groups. The uncomfortable fact is that there are compromised people in both alliances and it is causing trust and fragmentation issues throughout. Infiltrating organizations, creating conflicting agendas and ideology between its members is something these syndicates seem to do almost effortlessly. [Bolding added.] - (Source)Essentially, Goode is reporting on the negotiations between Earth-based groups in their formation of the partial disclosure plan. These developments were still fluid at the time. The Cabal groups seemed to spend the time they had doing what they do best, manipulating and intimidating others into complying with their plans, by any means necessary. Possibly these Earth-based groups had a more benevolent agenda at one time.
And as frustrating as this is for the SSP Alliance, they cannot move forward with Full Disclosure independent of alliance groups on the surface. For even if the data dumps occurred tomorrow, the propaganda machines of every major nation could easily debunk anything that managed to make it into the public arena.
Solidification of the Partial Disclosure Agenda in 2016
On January 14th, 2016 Goode released an update in regard to on going negotiations taking place between the Cabal or secret Earth government syndicates and Earth-based alliance groups.
Here is an excerpt from the report:
The SSP Alliance meetings I attended were mostly briefings on the negotiations between the Earth Alliance Groups and the Secret Earth Governments and their Syndicates. I saw nearly half a dozen plans put forth that ranged from a NWO 2.0 with a little bit of disclosure to plans for an overt military conflict between these groups.
With the most negative forces threatening to detonate 1 to 3 super volcanoes located under the oceans. If memory serves correctly there is one large 1 in the Atlantic Ocean and 2 in the Pacific Oceans located in both hemispheres. The majority of these Secret Earth Government Syndicates however are coming to the table with the Earth Alliance to negotiate a bloodless financial coup and a limited yet slowly unfolding disclosure narrative.
The controlled collapse of Western Economics is only one front in what will be called a "different kind of Stealth World War" by History. This "world War" (that is occurring between the Secret Earth Syndicates and the various Earth Alliance Groups is being fought through proxy armies, massive hacks/electronic attacks and attacks against financial/government/corporate entities that make up the opposition.
The SSP Alliance and the Sphere Being Alliance has made it clear that we as a collective consciousness are choosing a path or future timeline. We are at a critical juncture to where our future could be one of a NWO 2.0 with some debt forgiveness, a bit of free currency and a new Babylonian Money Magic Slave System OR we have a full disclosure event during this time of social catalyst. [Bolding added.] - (Source)
From this report we can infer that the Secret Earth Syndicates and the various Earth Alliance Groups are fighting against financial/government/corporate entities that make up the opposition. This
means that some of the Earth-based alliances have joined the secret
Earth syndicates and their partial disclosure agenda. Furthermore, these
groups are actively attacking the opposition or any group that wants full disclosure.
Related Lower Level SSP Group Broke Away from SSP Alliance Council, Intends on Pushing Partial Disclosure and Inner-Earth Anshar to Begin Contact with Surface
Based on this report, the stealth World War is focused on forcing other groups to comply with partial disclosure.
Three days after Goode released this update, the Boeing advertisement, You just wait, debuted on television. The overtones of this ad are congruent with the limited disclosure agenda, as will be detailed shortly.
Developments of 2016
In the midst of all this, several mainstream media outlets covered UFO whistleblower stories.
Related Thousands of Documents Disclosing Aliens-UFOs soon to be released by US Navy Whistleblower
Related Lower Level SSP Group Broke Away from SSP Alliance Council, Intends on Pushing Partial Disclosure and Inner-Earth Anshar to Begin Contact with Surface
Based on this report, the stealth World War is focused on forcing other groups to comply with partial disclosure.
Three days after Goode released this update, the Boeing advertisement, You just wait, debuted on television. The overtones of this ad are congruent with the limited disclosure agenda, as will be detailed shortly.
Developments of 2016
In the midst of all this, several mainstream media outlets covered UFO whistleblower stories.
Related Thousands of Documents Disclosing Aliens-UFOs soon to be released by US Navy Whistleblower
Related Top Secret UFO Documents 'Prove Britain's Biggest Alien Sighting Was Real' Claims US Naval Officer
There was also a sensational story covered by the Mirror about human women giving birth to alien-human hybrid children.
Arguably one of the most obvious examples of the partial disclosure agenda is season 10 of The X-files,
which came back after a decade long hiatus. The fact that the show came
out right as the partial disclosure agenda was being solidified is
probably no coincidence considering that it is one of the most overt
presentations of secret government activity in television history.
Related The X-Files "My Struggle" Part 2: The Depopulation Agenda, Partial Disclosure, Predictive Programing, and Reprogramming the Mind
Related Partial or Limited Disclosure Agenda Revealed in 2016 X-FILES Season 10
Related Partial or Limited Disclosure Agenda Revealed in 2016 X-FILES Season 10
On February 14th, 2016, Goode reported
that there were developments occurring behind the scenes between the
Cabal and Earth-based alliances. He cited a meeting between Henry
Kissinger and Vladimir Putin as evidence, and made light of some other
Here is an excerpt from that mid February 2016 update:
[The powers that] TPT (were) are indeed showing signs of capitulation in this great struggle and negotiation between their syndicates and various Earth Based Alliance groups. Some are feigning compliance while working on dirty tricks and false flags in the background. They do not realize it will only make their situation worse.
There are many meetings between people/groups that many may scratch their heads over and wonder why the meeting is occurring. There is much that hasn't been reported recently about the quiet movement of troops to various cities in the U.S. driving in unmarked caravans and wearing plain clothes.
One tries not to get their hopes up too much but things are looking to be coming to an end for one group and a beginning for another group (their 100 years).
All the signs are there and the movement that is now occurring in the public eye is enough to cause knee jerk reaction stories and indeed they make you wonder.
Kissinger was not meeting Putin to discuss global finances or their old "friendship" in his recent flight to Moscow. IMHO you could see the shame and confusion on his face. [Bolding added.] - (Source)
Related Corey
Goode on: Disclosure, Mass Arrests Rumor: Pope Francis signed off on
what is being called a binding “Galactic Agreement” this past Sunday
This excerpt implies that cohesion of various Earth-based groups towards the partial disclosure plan has taken place, things are coming to an end for one group and beginning for another (their 100 years of power).
On February 16th, 2016, Goode posted an update stating he was warned to back off of the full disclosure narrative as it is 'irresponsible to the public'.
Related Corey Goode Warned to Back Off of Full Disclosure Narrative, Partial Disclosure of Lower Level Secret Space Programs Actively Rolling Out
This was three days prior to Goode's scheduled appearance at the Consciousness Life Expo event. He and David Wilcock intended to present material at their Friday night talk, which would "blow the lid off of" the partial disclosure agenda. During that talk, they did present a huge volume of full disclosure related information, data that if it were made public would make partial disclosure impossible.
Related David Wilcock and Corey Goode: History of the Solar System and Secret Space Program - Notes from Consciousness Life Expo 2016
This suggests that the Cabal and Earth-based alliance groups had enough agreement on the partial disclosure agenda to feel threatened by what Goode is revealing to the public. This in and of itself is a major indication that the agenda has been agreed to at some level, and is actively moving forward. And it also indicates that a grassroots effort is a clear and present danger to the partial disclosure agenda, a point we must not forget.
100 Year Partial Disclosure Boeing Ad "You just wait"
And now, without further ado, here is the analysis of the Boeing Ad.
Watch the short ad yourself to see what you can glean. Now that the background story has been presented, the theme of partial disclosure should hopefully be quite obvious.
Subtle Influencing

In this example, the word "SEX" is made by a red skittle placed next to the word "Explosion." Notice how the first two letters of explosion are capitalized, emphasizing the supraliminal association that this product has with sex. In other words, the overt message would read something like this:
In each moment of experience, the mind records everything in our perception as embedded concepts or ideas, along with our emotional state. We could call this a mind tree. An object within the field of our perception is charged with meaning from past experience, present emotional states, and intuitive insights. Simply observing something subconsciously triggers recollections that associate and activate thought-forms at a subconscious level that influence our point of view and resulting moment to moment impressions.
For example, to a non-smoker, seeing an ashtray on a dining room table can invoke feelings of disgust and unpleasantness. This reaction, most would agree, affects our abilities after the fact, as a feeling of disgust often does. But these are conscious triggers, wherein we can recognize or trace back how our state of being was altered via an object in our perception. Subtle processes work in the same way, except we don't recognize the triggering stimulus, yet the effect on our state of being is just as strong. Via subliminal (subconscious) or supraliminal (conscious) triggers, thought-forms within the unconscious can be activated that affects perception, altering our desires and methods of achieving them.
Here is a short video to emphasize the mechanics we're discussing here. The terms used by the presenter are slightly different than my own, but the conceptual framework is essentially the same.
The ability to manipulate consciousness by subtle means is well established, but just how powerfully can this work? Is it just a mild influence or can we actually be made to do specific things?
The short answer is both. The mind itself is a meaning generating machine, its constantly receiving influences from the environment and altering our consciousness as a result. So on the question of are we being influenced, the answer is most definitely yes. Now the question is, can these influences be focused such that a person's behavior can be precisely controlled? For many reading this article, who are aware of the insidious nature of the Cabal, the answer is obvious, but in the interest of objectivity, let's assume it is not.
The following short video demonstrates, first that it is possible to alter someone's behavior by subtly influencing them in a very precise way. In order to do this, knowledge of a person's mental syntax or structure in consciousness as it is relates to the world is required. Since everyone has different life experiences, the language through which we conceptualize our reality is different. Everyone possesses a different Semantic Network, to use the psychology term mentioned above, and as such, the larger the target population the more difficult it is to guarantee specific results.
This excerpt implies that cohesion of various Earth-based groups towards the partial disclosure plan has taken place, things are coming to an end for one group and beginning for another (their 100 years of power).
On February 16th, 2016, Goode posted an update stating he was warned to back off of the full disclosure narrative as it is 'irresponsible to the public'.
Related Corey Goode Warned to Back Off of Full Disclosure Narrative, Partial Disclosure of Lower Level Secret Space Programs Actively Rolling Out
This was three days prior to Goode's scheduled appearance at the Consciousness Life Expo event. He and David Wilcock intended to present material at their Friday night talk, which would "blow the lid off of" the partial disclosure agenda. During that talk, they did present a huge volume of full disclosure related information, data that if it were made public would make partial disclosure impossible.
Related David Wilcock and Corey Goode: History of the Solar System and Secret Space Program - Notes from Consciousness Life Expo 2016
This suggests that the Cabal and Earth-based alliance groups had enough agreement on the partial disclosure agenda to feel threatened by what Goode is revealing to the public. This in and of itself is a major indication that the agenda has been agreed to at some level, and is actively moving forward. And it also indicates that a grassroots effort is a clear and present danger to the partial disclosure agenda, a point we must not forget.
100 Year Partial Disclosure Boeing Ad "You just wait"
And now, without further ado, here is the analysis of the Boeing Ad.
Watch the short ad yourself to see what you can glean. Now that the background story has been presented, the theme of partial disclosure should hopefully be quite obvious.
Subtle Influencing
that the Cabal are masters of subliminal influencing and subconscious
programming. From a psychological point of view, any information we are
exposed to but don't not consciously acknowledge and understand, affects
our mental processes, our desires, insights, and intuitions. This is
generally referred to as Subtle Influence.
The lens through which we perceive the world is affected by the subconscious mind, influencing what we see and the meanings generated therefrom. But due to the unique perspective and experience of each person, the end result of subtle influencing is not always the same. However, in the main, these effects act on populations in a bell curve capacity, with the majority falling in line with the desired outcome of the suggestion—if the proper pre-existing conditioning is present within an individual. Social engineering or propaganda spread liberally throughout society through the media ensures that the masses are well conditioned to receive updates on programing with ease.
The lens through which we perceive the world is affected by the subconscious mind, influencing what we see and the meanings generated therefrom. But due to the unique perspective and experience of each person, the end result of subtle influencing is not always the same. However, in the main, these effects act on populations in a bell curve capacity, with the majority falling in line with the desired outcome of the suggestion—if the proper pre-existing conditioning is present within an individual. Social engineering or propaganda spread liberally throughout society through the media ensures that the masses are well conditioned to receive updates on programing with ease.
of subliminal or supraliminal influence and predictive programming
assume that if it were possible to manipulate someone's consciousness in
this way, everyone should have the same reaction but this is not how
the science works. Pre-existing triggers, usually provided by
indoctrination of cultural norms, provides the foundation for subliminal
conditioning. This is why some advertisements work very well on some
demographics whereas others have no effect.
example, ads targeting women won't work on men because the cultural
cues are different. In another example, sexual repression programming in
society enables advertising with sexually suggestive imagery to
stimulate these suppressed regions, usually invoking a desire for
whatever product it is associated with, as we'll see in a moment.
first program installed into a person's consciousness is the
thought-form of self doubt and fear. Fear of life itself is programmed
in via the use of reinforcement parenting methods, according to Joseph
Chilton Pearce, author of Magical Child.
He says positive or negative reinforcement trains our children to fear
life because at a young age they can't understand these techniques the
way adults do, taking them very personally. The child understand
positive reinforcement as unconditional, and when there is no
reinforcement it is subconsciously understood as lack of love, which
slowly manifests as an abandonment complex. Negative reinforcement has a
similar and more obvious effect of making a child feel abandoned as a
subtle message. Pearce says that the key is to teach our children how to
explore and play, something they do naturally, with techniques that
help them avoid the pitfalls of life.
Once the program of fear has been installed, it blossoms in to a host of psychological triggers that can be manipulated by subtle influence. In advertising, the feeling of inadequacy or dissatisfaction with oneself and the world can be associated with all manner of things to invoke a desire for a product in the target. This is used to get us to buy things we think we need to feel satisfied. Subconsciously, we may not feel like we're attractive enough, smart enough, good enough for our friends and loved ones, and so on, and once this self-loathing belief has been firmly implanted, we can be baited into all sorts of things if the right buttons are pushed. When pressured into a state of wanting or needing, a kind of mild fight or flight response occurs, taking over such that we seek or desire things to restore equanimity—"products and services" pushed by the Cabal.
Once the program of fear has been installed, it blossoms in to a host of psychological triggers that can be manipulated by subtle influence. In advertising, the feeling of inadequacy or dissatisfaction with oneself and the world can be associated with all manner of things to invoke a desire for a product in the target. This is used to get us to buy things we think we need to feel satisfied. Subconsciously, we may not feel like we're attractive enough, smart enough, good enough for our friends and loved ones, and so on, and once this self-loathing belief has been firmly implanted, we can be baited into all sorts of things if the right buttons are pushed. When pressured into a state of wanting or needing, a kind of mild fight or flight response occurs, taking over such that we seek or desire things to restore equanimity—"products and services" pushed by the Cabal.
a fairly obvious example of a sexually targeted image, designed to
stimulate the subconscious sexual programming of the observer.
Interestingly enough, this candy is targeting children, which via their
exposure to various forms of media, receive their sexual repression
training early on in life.

In this example, the word "SEX" is made by a red skittle placed next to the word "Explosion." Notice how the first two letters of explosion are capitalized, emphasizing the supraliminal association that this product has with sex. In other words, the overt message would read something like this:
If you feel sexually repressed and inadequate, like you just aren't getting enough good sex in your life. Look no further! Skittles can satisfy all your sexual needs.One reason why subtle influencing works is because the mind is a storehouse of knowledge and experiences recorded as a mesh of information that psychologists call a Semantic Network.
In each moment of experience, the mind records everything in our perception as embedded concepts or ideas, along with our emotional state. We could call this a mind tree. An object within the field of our perception is charged with meaning from past experience, present emotional states, and intuitive insights. Simply observing something subconsciously triggers recollections that associate and activate thought-forms at a subconscious level that influence our point of view and resulting moment to moment impressions.
For example, to a non-smoker, seeing an ashtray on a dining room table can invoke feelings of disgust and unpleasantness. This reaction, most would agree, affects our abilities after the fact, as a feeling of disgust often does. But these are conscious triggers, wherein we can recognize or trace back how our state of being was altered via an object in our perception. Subtle processes work in the same way, except we don't recognize the triggering stimulus, yet the effect on our state of being is just as strong. Via subliminal (subconscious) or supraliminal (conscious) triggers, thought-forms within the unconscious can be activated that affects perception, altering our desires and methods of achieving them.
Here is a short video to emphasize the mechanics we're discussing here. The terms used by the presenter are slightly different than my own, but the conceptual framework is essentially the same.
The ability to manipulate consciousness by subtle means is well established, but just how powerfully can this work? Is it just a mild influence or can we actually be made to do specific things?
The short answer is both. The mind itself is a meaning generating machine, its constantly receiving influences from the environment and altering our consciousness as a result. So on the question of are we being influenced, the answer is most definitely yes. Now the question is, can these influences be focused such that a person's behavior can be precisely controlled? For many reading this article, who are aware of the insidious nature of the Cabal, the answer is obvious, but in the interest of objectivity, let's assume it is not.
The following short video demonstrates, first that it is possible to alter someone's behavior by subtly influencing them in a very precise way. In order to do this, knowledge of a person's mental syntax or structure in consciousness as it is relates to the world is required. Since everyone has different life experiences, the language through which we conceptualize our reality is different. Everyone possesses a different Semantic Network, to use the psychology term mentioned above, and as such, the larger the target population the more difficult it is to guarantee specific results.
And here is another example proving that one can produce precise behavioral results in another if the proper process is used to steer consciousness are harnessed.
At this point, it should be fairly clear that its not only possible to subtly influence a person's mind, its actively taking place in our world today. As far as how to protect oneself from subtle influencing, consider that the conscious mind's power to override suggestion can only take place if we have gained awareness. These softer forms of mind control can only work on an individual that has not developed mental discipline to discern influence from genuine personal desire. But the good news is whether or not a desire came from a suggestion or not doesn't really matter insofar as determining if it is for our highest and best good or if it is moral and honors the rights of others. In short, we can evaluate the ethical and idealistic factors involved in making a choice regardless of whether it came from a subtle suggestion or not, and in this way, the conscious mind—where our free will has the most power—can override even the most well crafted influencing methods.
Related Understanding Mind Control | The Illuminati Formula Used to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave by Fritz Springmeier and Cisco Wheeler
The entire advertisement industry is based around the psychological effect of subtle influencing, with the propaganda machine of the Cabal employing suggestions at all levels of society to entice the masses into following their plans. We need only look out into the world to see the evidence and success of this.
The Suggestion: You Just Wait
Given these methods, the first thing to notice is the title, You just wait. This is an overarching command or suggestion for the whole video. Subtle suggestion works by presenting a series of ideas, concepts or information and then applying a conceptual label or bias over it. In this case, the suggestion is that all the things presented in the video you have to wait for.
For the unawakened masses, they will receive the suggestion or programing fully, due to their lack of conscious recognition of the items presented. When they see images of a futuristic better world of free energy, space age technology and so on, the preconditioned bias in their minds will be to reject the whole idea because they have been programmed to just wait. But as was said earlier, not everyone will have this reaction, it only works on a very specific subset of the population.
There are other layers of conditioning from society influencing the outcome due to the mind's holistic and additive nature. This is why social engineers use the same general framework in all forms of subtle conditioning so that conflicts don't arise. One of these ubiquitous programs is the use of science fiction and the presentation of valid scientific concepts in a fantastic way that conditions the mind to label what is presented as fiction. If we see someone in a movie using telepathy and psychic powers, we might subconsciously assume such things aren't real because they were presented in an unreal context—a fictional work. But when we have a conscious set of knowledge that overrides this subconscious program, we'll draw a different conclusion.
Related Awakening Your Force | Science Fiction and Psychology - Star Wars, Ancient Tibet, and Jedi Training
Arguably, the overarching subtle suggestion to just wait is the most powerful aspect of the Boeing advertisement. Everything else presented in the video supports this suggestion, and acts as a trigger for the program.
Subtle suggestion techniques work by presenting a series of triggers or prepackaged ideas so as to create a contextual framework for the suggestion. This is done by introducing images or lines of dialog that invoke certain ideas within the minds of the audience, which are then woven together into a narrative.
Like telling a story, one needs to present the setting or context first. Then after the proper ideas have been invoked in the viewer's mind, the whole presentation is enshrouded or encased under the umbrella of a suggestion or command.
Here is an advertisement from Lexus as an example.
The ad starts by showing a beautiful woman standing in front of the Arch de Triumph in Paris, the suggestion is: successful men want this woman. Then it goes on to show interlaced shots of the woman walking and the man driving the fancy new car; the guy that every man watching should identify with.
Then the man parks the car in front of the modern version of the Arch, the woman walks into the shot, and the man embraces her in a passionate kiss. The whole time this is happening, the dialog is making a comparison between the old and the new, suggesting that if you want to "stand out," if you want the girl, then you have to redefine sophistication, you have to redefine yourself in the way we are telling you. Then the command or suggestion comes in at the end, this is the pursuit of perfection; or more clearly stated: a Lexus is the pursuit of perfection. In other words, if you want the girl, you need to redefine yourself by buying a Lexus.
This is classic subtle programming. I don't know the precise psychological term to describe it, but I would liken it to the inadequate, dissatisfied, self loathing technique mentioned above; whereby, we're conditioned to believe we aren't good enough, and we need the product being sold to feel whole again.
Now let's go over the transcript and imagery of the Boeing advertisement line by line.
Note: Before doing so, it should be understood that there are no black and white meanings or inferences to make when analyzing subtleties in advertisements. All interpretations are valid in the observers eye, yet the devices employed, as was stated earlier, tend to produce a bell curve effect wherein the majority of responses in a given population fall within a predetermined set.
"Welcome to the World of 2016"
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"Welcome to the world of 2116" |
1. Welcome to the world of 2116 – With this first line of dialog,
the idea of a high tech future world is invoked in the minds of the
audience, with a specific date associated to it of 2116. This brighter
future concept is further reinforced by the high tech city skyline.
A man and what could be his daughter are marveling at the world they live in. Although it's hard to make out, they are both smiling, suggesting to the audience that they are happy and content, which most people can empathize with. When we see that other people are happy, we want to know why, because we want to be happy too, so we'll draw our attention to what they are looking at, the world of 2116. This device triggers curiosity with a bias of positivity.
This also subtly creates the pretext of dissatisfaction within the observer, because if we are drawn in by the offer to empathize with happy people, we are unconsciously telling ourselves we're not happy. This foundation of dissatisfaction created by recognizing the satisfaction of others is a commonly used technique in the advertising industry. These techniques are so subtle most people never notice them.
The suggestion or pre-packaged idea in this section is a brighter future everyone can enjoy with those closest to them. This is a technique for enticing the audience to buy into the vision being presented; it is the bait, the carrot on a stick. This draws the focus of the audience into the world being created by the images and dialog in the ad. The brighter future theme is the overt message everyone consciously recognizes and will be later associated with the command you just wait.
The majority of the conceptual invocation of the brighter future took place within the first few seconds of the ad, the remaining portions of the video reinforce the foundation laid down by this first scene.
"You Can Fly Across Town in Minutes"
A man and what could be his daughter are marveling at the world they live in. Although it's hard to make out, they are both smiling, suggesting to the audience that they are happy and content, which most people can empathize with. When we see that other people are happy, we want to know why, because we want to be happy too, so we'll draw our attention to what they are looking at, the world of 2116. This device triggers curiosity with a bias of positivity.
This also subtly creates the pretext of dissatisfaction within the observer, because if we are drawn in by the offer to empathize with happy people, we are unconsciously telling ourselves we're not happy. This foundation of dissatisfaction created by recognizing the satisfaction of others is a commonly used technique in the advertising industry. These techniques are so subtle most people never notice them.
The suggestion or pre-packaged idea in this section is a brighter future everyone can enjoy with those closest to them. This is a technique for enticing the audience to buy into the vision being presented; it is the bait, the carrot on a stick. This draws the focus of the audience into the world being created by the images and dialog in the ad. The brighter future theme is the overt message everyone consciously recognizes and will be later associated with the command you just wait.
The majority of the conceptual invocation of the brighter future took place within the first few seconds of the ad, the remaining portions of the video reinforce the foundation laid down by this first scene.
"You Can Fly Across Town in Minutes"
2. You can fly across town in minutes – In this section, the
general idea of a high tech brighter future is expanded. The implied
inference presented in the first scene is bolstered and reinforced by
the statement we can fly across town in minutes.
This notion of faster travel or commuting times is enticing to most people in the modern world who feel that precious free time is slipping through their fingers. This scene triggers the pre-existing belief that life is too short and we need to do everything we can to get more time. This adds a level of excitement for the audience, who was already interested in a brighter future, but now has something more specific to look forward to. The scene is meant to "pull the heart strings" of the people, to sell them something tangible they consciously want. And the view from that altitude of space would be quite breathtaking, adding even more mystique to the offer.
Just as this image is transitioning, the next line of dialog begins.
"Or Across the Globe in Under an Hour"
3. Or across the globe in under an hour – This is another section reinforcing the brighter future concept. Most people would love the idea of traveling to different parts of the globe in a short period of time. The image of serenely content people gazing out of the cabin window adds another layer of empathetic enticement. It's almost as if the people in this scene are blissed out or on some kind of sedative.
Notice the red seat backs. Red is a subtle command color used to compel someone into action. The act being suggested by this scene is to enter into a trancelike state of wonder and amazement, to accept the suggestion to just wait.
"Whole Communities Are Living on Mars"
This notion of faster travel or commuting times is enticing to most people in the modern world who feel that precious free time is slipping through their fingers. This scene triggers the pre-existing belief that life is too short and we need to do everything we can to get more time. This adds a level of excitement for the audience, who was already interested in a brighter future, but now has something more specific to look forward to. The scene is meant to "pull the heart strings" of the people, to sell them something tangible they consciously want. And the view from that altitude of space would be quite breathtaking, adding even more mystique to the offer.
Just as this image is transitioning, the next line of dialog begins.
"Or Across the Globe in Under an Hour"
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"Or across the globe in under an hour" |
3. Or across the globe in under an hour – This is another section reinforcing the brighter future concept. Most people would love the idea of traveling to different parts of the globe in a short period of time. The image of serenely content people gazing out of the cabin window adds another layer of empathetic enticement. It's almost as if the people in this scene are blissed out or on some kind of sedative.
Notice the red seat backs. Red is a subtle command color used to compel someone into action. The act being suggested by this scene is to enter into a trancelike state of wonder and amazement, to accept the suggestion to just wait.
"Whole Communities Are Living on Mars"
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"Whole communities are living on Mars" |
4. Whole communities are living on Mars – The same technique of
enhancing the brighter future theme is further refined in this scene,
but in a personal way. In this case, there are no happy people, there
are no smiling faces. Instead, we see the backside of a man quickly
pointing out a marvel to his friend on the right, which invokes
curiosity in the minds of the audience. This is a conditioning device
that stimulates interest and desire, to get us to sit up in our chairs and
focus our attention on what they are pointing to. But the fact we can't
see clearly ensures a vacuum of understanding is created, which
naturally triggers an observers imagination into action. In response to
not knowing what these two are marveling at the subconscious mind
generates positive images we personally are interested in, a kind of
self fulfilled feedback effect of enticement. We imagine what we would be excited seeing and then subconsciously project that feeling onto the imagined world presented on the screen.
The end result is an increased excitement level in what is being presented in a personally tailored way. By this I mean, what we imagine they are looking at is reflective of what we think is exciting to us as individuals. This has the effect of drawing us into the imagined world via associating unconscious desires onto the images. Movie teasers, as opposed to previews, employ the same methodology by showing very little but faint glimpses of a film, which causes the viewer to fill in the gaps with what they want to see, and therefore, increasing interest.
Consider that in a crowd, most people want to fit in, so if there is something captivating the group that we can't see, we'll want to know what they are focused on. This introduces a Group Think suggestion of going along with the pack or wanting to do what everyone else is doing. A secondary suggestion in addition to the personal investment device discussed earlier.
Furthermore, this is also the first scene showing actual Mars bases or communities, an obfuscation technique of "hiding the truth in plain sight."
As was outlined above, the secret space programs have had advanced bases on Mars, the Moon and elsewhere for decades. By showing us this image of Mars colonies, under the overarching suggestion of You just wait, we are being told that the partial disclosure agenda will not be revealing the existence of real Mars bases; we have to wait for that.
Another point to consider on this topic of Mars bases is the recruitment of astronauts for Mars missions by NASA earlier this year.
Related NASA Is Recruiting Farmers, Teachers, And Technicians To Explore Mars -- Partial Disclosure?
"And Solar Satellites Provide Earth with Unlimited Clean Power"
5. And solar satellites provide Earth with unlimited clean power – In a scene that looks like a classroom setting on Mars, the dialog states: And solar satellites provide Earth with unlimited clean power.
On the surface, this entices the audience to conceive of an environmentally responsible future, free of energy production that pollutes the planet, and who wouldn't want that?. But I think there is much more going on in this scene. The phrase unlimited clean power is a subtle reference to free energy or over unity production methods that produce unlimited energy; but is this energy provided to the people in a free way? I don't think it is in this case.
Immediately afterward, an image of high tech satellites are shown hovering above the Earth.
The end result is an increased excitement level in what is being presented in a personally tailored way. By this I mean, what we imagine they are looking at is reflective of what we think is exciting to us as individuals. This has the effect of drawing us into the imagined world via associating unconscious desires onto the images. Movie teasers, as opposed to previews, employ the same methodology by showing very little but faint glimpses of a film, which causes the viewer to fill in the gaps with what they want to see, and therefore, increasing interest.
Consider that in a crowd, most people want to fit in, so if there is something captivating the group that we can't see, we'll want to know what they are focused on. This introduces a Group Think suggestion of going along with the pack or wanting to do what everyone else is doing. A secondary suggestion in addition to the personal investment device discussed earlier.
Furthermore, this is also the first scene showing actual Mars bases or communities, an obfuscation technique of "hiding the truth in plain sight."
As was outlined above, the secret space programs have had advanced bases on Mars, the Moon and elsewhere for decades. By showing us this image of Mars colonies, under the overarching suggestion of You just wait, we are being told that the partial disclosure agenda will not be revealing the existence of real Mars bases; we have to wait for that.
Another point to consider on this topic of Mars bases is the recruitment of astronauts for Mars missions by NASA earlier this year.
Related NASA Is Recruiting Farmers, Teachers, And Technicians To Explore Mars -- Partial Disclosure?
"And Solar Satellites Provide Earth with Unlimited Clean Power"
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"And solar satellites provide Earth with unlimited clean power" |
5. And solar satellites provide Earth with unlimited clean power – In a scene that looks like a classroom setting on Mars, the dialog states: And solar satellites provide Earth with unlimited clean power.
On the surface, this entices the audience to conceive of an environmentally responsible future, free of energy production that pollutes the planet, and who wouldn't want that?. But I think there is much more going on in this scene. The phrase unlimited clean power is a subtle reference to free energy or over unity production methods that produce unlimited energy; but is this energy provided to the people in a free way? I don't think it is in this case.
Immediately afterward, an image of high tech satellites are shown hovering above the Earth.
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Scene just after the line: "and solar satellites provide Earth with unlimited clean power." |
The type of clean power being refer to here is probably not
decentralized "free energy" for the people. The suggestion is that a
centralized power company or agency may still be at work, which is a
euphemism for a Cabal-controlled energy industry, a central pillar in
their matrix of control. The systems used to produce this energy maybe free, as in over unity production methods, but it isn't free to the people, who still need to earn-a-living to receive it.
But why depict the classroom on Mars?
Earlier, the teacher was showing her Martian students how the Earth pulls energy from the Sun. While the dialog talks of solar satellites, the imagery associated with it implies that the Earth is drawing energy and resources from Mars: and solar satellites provide Earth with unlimited clean power. Ambiguity in relation to where these solar satellites draw their energy translates as a suggestion to the subconscious mind.
I think the inference here is that in this future version of Earth, the Martian colonies are still going to be serving the Cabal as production facilities; like the British colonies of the past were forced to serve the Crown.
Also, remember that according to Goode, these facilities on Mars are essentially slave plantations wherein the corporate interests of the ICC, home-based on Earth, can exploit the resources of the solar system. I think the suggestion here is that the disclosure of these sites to the public won't happen until 2116, and even then, they may still be glorified slave plantations.
"In Less Than a Century, Boeing Took the World from Sea Planes, to Space Planes."
But why depict the classroom on Mars?
Earlier, the teacher was showing her Martian students how the Earth pulls energy from the Sun. While the dialog talks of solar satellites, the imagery associated with it implies that the Earth is drawing energy and resources from Mars: and solar satellites provide Earth with unlimited clean power. Ambiguity in relation to where these solar satellites draw their energy translates as a suggestion to the subconscious mind.
I think the inference here is that in this future version of Earth, the Martian colonies are still going to be serving the Cabal as production facilities; like the British colonies of the past were forced to serve the Crown.
Also, remember that according to Goode, these facilities on Mars are essentially slave plantations wherein the corporate interests of the ICC, home-based on Earth, can exploit the resources of the solar system. I think the suggestion here is that the disclosure of these sites to the public won't happen until 2116, and even then, they may still be glorified slave plantations.
"In Less Than a Century, Boeing Took the World from Sea Planes, to Space Planes."
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"In less than a century, Boeing took the world from sea planes..." |
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"... to space planes." |
6: In less than a century, Boeing took the world from sea planes, to space planes
– In this scene the reinforcement of the brighter future idea continues
by invoking societal propaganda of technological progress.
The modern worldview, as promulgated by the media, educational institutions, and science is that of the glory and splendor of our technological progress. It is the belief that human history is a slow and steady progression of advancement; an assumption that peoples of the past were more primitive than the people of the present, and that technology is what fueled this progress.
One alternative researcher termed this notion the belief in the Church of Progress. This modern day belief of endless technological progress is a pretext for the transhumanist agenda. This is the idea that the future is one where man merges with machine in an effort to correct evolutionary errors in the human organism. The partial disclosure timeline would allow the Cabal to develop a transhumanist society, wherein human beings are increasingly dependent on, and enslaved by, technology.
Related Cosmic Disclosure Season 5 - Episode 5: Spiritual Ascension vs. Technology - Summary and Analysis | Corey Goode and David Wilcock
This scene is also another reinforcement of the promise of a better world through technology, again in an effort to entice the audience into believing in the vision presented.
In his commentary on this article, Corey Goode offered that the SSP already has a personal carrier that can seat up to 600 people, he called a Military Personal Carrier.
In Dr. Michael Salla's book, Insiders Reveal Secret Space Programs & Extraterrestrial Alliances, Goode is quoted on page 18 that these carriers can transport someone "anywhere in the world in less than an hour"—eerily similar to the line from the Boeing ad, "across the globe in under an hour."
Goode's statement and Salla's book was released prior to the Boeing advertisements debut.
"Across the Universe and Beyond"
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"Across the universe and beyond" |
7: Across the universe and beyond – This is when the video transitions back to the young girl with her father. At this point, the many layers of subtle programming are reinforced again before the big reveal of the overarching suggestion.
Reading the preceding line of dialog in succession with this line suggest that Boeing developed technology in the past 100 years to take humanity from, sea planes to space planes, across the universe and beyond.
In less than a century, Boeing took the world from sea planes, to space planes; across the universe and beyond.Of course this perfectly matches what many SSP whistleblowers have stated, that humanity possesses technology capable of "taking ET home." This glaring admission in the advertisement will be placed under the overarching subtle suggestion of You just wait, meaning disclosure of these interstellar technologies will not come until 2116.
"And if You Thought that was Amazing..."
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"And if you thought that was amazing..." |
8: And if you thought that was amazing... – The same general
imagery is presented for this section, again reinforcing the splendor of
a brighter technological future, but with a subtle change.
Notice that the father character is pointing toward the Moon, while the narration reads "and if you thought that was amazing..." This is the same invocation of desire or curiosity technique used above in the Martian communities scene. It is used to fan the flames of interest, to create a fervor of excitement and anticipation in the minds of the audience, all in preparation for the final overarching suggestion or command. The father is not just pointing to the Moon, but pointing to everything else in the scene as a final attempt to get us to agree just how amazing this world is.
"You Just Wait"
9. You just wait - As they say in the film industry, this is the
"money shot." This scene is where all the previous ground work
culminates in a completed thought form, the suggestion or command to
just wait.Notice that the father character is pointing toward the Moon, while the narration reads "and if you thought that was amazing..." This is the same invocation of desire or curiosity technique used above in the Martian communities scene. It is used to fan the flames of interest, to create a fervor of excitement and anticipation in the minds of the audience, all in preparation for the final overarching suggestion or command. The father is not just pointing to the Moon, but pointing to everything else in the scene as a final attempt to get us to agree just how amazing this world is.
"You Just Wait"
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"You just wait" |
They finally reveal the face of the young girl from the beginning.
Notice the same calm trancelike wonder and amazement from the earlier
scenes. This girl represents the inner child of the audience, that part
of us that seeks novelty and the fantastic. The audience will take all
the previous suggestions of enticement and solidify them into their
consciousness, by identifying with the little girl.
The command is that we must wait for all the things presented in the advertisement; we must wait till 2116; we must wait 100 years.
Sound familiar?
Seeding the Collective Consciousness of Humanity
To me, it seems obvious that the Boeing advertisement is trying to get people to believe in partial disclosure. And there's a big reason why. Belief collapses possibilities, it collapses timelines because we usually can't imagine something beyond the limits of what is believed to be true. This is why observing a double slit experiment collapses waves into a particles.
If you believe the world is flat, anything to do with a spherical Earth sounds like disinformation. If you believe that there are no cures for cancer, you won't bother looking for them, even though they exist. If you believe you are unattractive and undesirable, you won't pursue relationships with others.
Using these very simple examples, the power of belief should be clearly recognized. Beliefs steer our consciousness toward a particular outcome, along a timeline or track. Now belief in and of itself won't move mountains, but it will change how we see the world, and as a result what we choose to do in life. Beliefs provide a channel or pathway for our creative energy to express itself; what we think is possible determines what we will try to do.
At this point, let's go back and review what Raw-Teir-Eir said to Goode after his meeting from July of 2015.
When people see this advertisement and get excited about what is presented, they unconsciously choose to accept it; they believe in the imaginary world created. When we desire something it is an indication the image of it is firmly placed within the mind, for we can't desire what we can't imagine. The advertisement is a tool to get us to believe in the partial disclosure timeline, and as such, use our collective consciousness to help manifest it.
This is proof of concept for what Raw-Teir-Eir told Goode after the July meeting. We now have a tangible proof of concept for steering collective consciousness to contemplate. This is a central point that must be understood properly in order to realize what we need to do next.
The Energetic Shift Could Be Delayed
On Saturday night of the Consciousness Life Expo talk, Wilcock released a critical piece of information supplied by Goode.
Apparently the Sphere Beings told the SSP Alliance that if a grassroots full disclosure effort from within the awakening community was not successful in steering the collective consciousness of humanity, the Sphere Beings would delay the solar shift for an age. This is not their choice, they must honor humanity's free will if it chooses to delay.
While many were surprised and shocked to hear this, it actually matches what the Sphere Beings have said from the beginning, as we just detailed.
To be clear, the Sphere Beings are not enforcing a partial disclosure plan, they are simply stating the fact that the collective consciousness of humanity is in charge of what happens next, not the Sphere Beings, the SSP Alliance, the Cabal or the Earth-based alliances.
And while this might sound like a cop-out by the Sphere Beings, it is consistent with their message and reinforces the idea that our destiny is truly in our hands.
Would we really want it any other way?
Wilcock's Description of Partial Disclosure
In an article by David Wilcock, he described what partial disclosure might look like.
I want to present this information so that those in the awakening community—hopefully those who see the value of a grass-root disclosure effort—will be empowered to point this out to their fellows. When you recognize the magicians trick, you are now empowered to tell others so they won't be deceived.
Here is an excerpt from Wilcock's March 2016 update:
Related The X-Files "My Struggle" Part 2: The Depopulation Agenda, Partial Disclosure, Predictive Programing, and Reprogramming the Mind
The items emphasized relate to the same time of invocations presented in the Boeing advertisement.The command is that we must wait for all the things presented in the advertisement; we must wait till 2116; we must wait 100 years.
Sound familiar?
Seeding the Collective Consciousness of Humanity
To me, it seems obvious that the Boeing advertisement is trying to get people to believe in partial disclosure. And there's a big reason why. Belief collapses possibilities, it collapses timelines because we usually can't imagine something beyond the limits of what is believed to be true. This is why observing a double slit experiment collapses waves into a particles.
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If you believe the world is flat, anything to do with a spherical Earth sounds like disinformation. If you believe that there are no cures for cancer, you won't bother looking for them, even though they exist. If you believe you are unattractive and undesirable, you won't pursue relationships with others.
Using these very simple examples, the power of belief should be clearly recognized. Beliefs steer our consciousness toward a particular outcome, along a timeline or track. Now belief in and of itself won't move mountains, but it will change how we see the world, and as a result what we choose to do in life. Beliefs provide a channel or pathway for our creative energy to express itself; what we think is possible determines what we will try to do.
At this point, let's go back and review what Raw-Teir-Eir said to Goode after his meeting from July of 2015.
I had a short communication with “Tear-Eir” where, as usual, I began to report what happened and he interrupted me by raising his hand. He then communicated that much of what we call "Full Disclosure" is not in any one group's hands. As more of this info is reported by "US" that the more it awakens people and enters their mass consciousness. That the awakening population and their mass consciousness/co-creative abilities will determine when or how soon some of these events occur. He further communicated that we should keep up what we are doing and keep the information flowing at a high rate through trusted sources. As this information spreads among the awakened and awakening the quicker we will cause the timeline of disclosure to happen with the power of the mass consciousness that we still do not fully understand. [Bolding added.] - (Source)What Tear-Eir is telling Goode is that the collective consciousness of humanity is the deciding factor for what shapes the future: whether we have full or partial disclosure. The Cabal know this all to well and use the methods to steer consciousness in their favor.
When people see this advertisement and get excited about what is presented, they unconsciously choose to accept it; they believe in the imaginary world created. When we desire something it is an indication the image of it is firmly placed within the mind, for we can't desire what we can't imagine. The advertisement is a tool to get us to believe in the partial disclosure timeline, and as such, use our collective consciousness to help manifest it.
This is proof of concept for what Raw-Teir-Eir told Goode after the July meeting. We now have a tangible proof of concept for steering collective consciousness to contemplate. This is a central point that must be understood properly in order to realize what we need to do next.
The Energetic Shift Could Be Delayed
On Saturday night of the Consciousness Life Expo talk, Wilcock released a critical piece of information supplied by Goode.
Apparently the Sphere Beings told the SSP Alliance that if a grassroots full disclosure effort from within the awakening community was not successful in steering the collective consciousness of humanity, the Sphere Beings would delay the solar shift for an age. This is not their choice, they must honor humanity's free will if it chooses to delay.
While many were surprised and shocked to hear this, it actually matches what the Sphere Beings have said from the beginning, as we just detailed.
To be clear, the Sphere Beings are not enforcing a partial disclosure plan, they are simply stating the fact that the collective consciousness of humanity is in charge of what happens next, not the Sphere Beings, the SSP Alliance, the Cabal or the Earth-based alliances.
And while this might sound like a cop-out by the Sphere Beings, it is consistent with their message and reinforces the idea that our destiny is truly in our hands.
Would we really want it any other way?
Wilcock's Description of Partial Disclosure
In an article by David Wilcock, he described what partial disclosure might look like.
I want to present this information so that those in the awakening community—hopefully those who see the value of a grass-root disclosure effort—will be empowered to point this out to their fellows. When you recognize the magicians trick, you are now empowered to tell others so they won't be deceived.
Here is an excerpt from Wilcock's March 2016 update:
The partial disclosure timeline requires very large-scale events to happen very quickly. In order for this to occur, a certain sequence of catalysts are expected.
We are expecting a relatively sudden, dramatic collapse of the Euro, the US dollar and the "too big to fail" mega-banks.
For a period of time, it may be that any money you have in the bank will be inaccessible and / or nearly worthless. It will be returned after the dust settles.
Silver is currently around 15 dollars per ounce coin. This is due to Cabal price-fixing and manipulation. It costs 26 dollars to manufacture a silver ounce coin.
Silver may go as high as 400, at least for a period of time, and insiders recommend it as your best bet to secure assets right now.
Gold is now 81 times more pricey than silver at the same weight, which is an all-time high in history. So silver is a much better buy than gold right now.
Some degree of rioting and violence is expected to occur when people lose their money -- and this depends upon the overall level of public outrage.
The negative groups are hoping for large-scale loss of life when this happens. It is very likely not going to turn out that way, but there probably will be some.
THE BLACKOUTRelated Analysis of X-Files Episode 1: "My Struggle" by Deus Nexus | The X-Files Disclosure of 2016!
At some point we lose power and internet access, at least throughout America and possibly Europe, for up to 2-3 weeks. Most people are in a blackout.
You do want to make sure you have whatever you need on hand to get through that much time with storable food, water, supplies and books to read.
That being said, I highly recommend that you not panic. That creates exactly the type of energy that will anchor in the negative timeline.
I have done what I need to do to prepare. It is possible that nothing may happen. I have already eaten through a previous round of storable food.
During the blackout there will be small-scale but intense military conflicts between opposing groups in many, if not most major American and European cities.
Both sides of these skirmishes are already in position now and waiting for it to start. Multiple insiders have confirmed this.
Without going into too much detail, these battles will likely focus on areas where the Cabal and its assets are the most concentrated.
Most of the targeted people inside will be brought out in handcuffs and arrested, not shot and killed, as this happens.
When the lights come back on, everything will have changed. The controlled media will be telling a completely different story.
Even in the partial timeline, it will appear at first as if everything we have worked so hard to achieve on this site has actually happened.
Although nothing is solid, and plans are completely flexible and ready to change at a moment's notice, here are the most likely outcomes in the aftermath:
It will include 9/11 truth and the arrests of many high-level people we will be happy to see get brought to justice.
It will include a financial system reboot, and very likely some sort of tribute payments to everyone who was screwed by the system.
It will include the gradual release of "forbidden" technologies, including clean energy, anti-gravity and some new health breakthroughs.
It will include the revealing of a "lower level" military space program that already has the ability to travel around our solar system in cool new ships.
It will include, maybe not at first, the revealing of an "Ancient Builder Race" that left artifacts behind in our solar system millions of years ago.
It will attempt to include the idea that there are no living ETs visiting us now, and anything we thought we were seeing is the work of the now-defeated Cabal.
The first and second episodes of the X-Files miniseries reboot were a veritable manifesto for the partial disclosure roll-out. The rest were relatively unrelated.
Related The X-Files "My Struggle" Part 2: The Depopulation Agenda, Partial Disclosure, Predictive Programing, and Reprogramming the Mind
The Cabal groups are furious with Corey and me for interfering with this "partial disclosure" timeline. They would kill us if they could get it authorized.
They are already grooming whistleblowers who will come forward as the heroic cosmic astronauts of a new age.
Imagine the public's surprise when they are shown new ships, told these are the UFOs everyone has been seeing, and watch films of them traveling through the solar system.
Imagine the surprise of having them de-cloak in our skies and take certain selected witnesses from earth onboard to see it and film it for themselves.
Imagine the surprise of finally knowing, on a collective level, that we are not alone in the universe and "Ancient Aliens" built all kinds of structures in the solar system.
Imagine the first day that someone from here gets to walk through these ruins in a spacesuit, while it is filmed and beamed back to earth for all to marvel at.
Imagine the volumes of new information that people will be able to binge on, as the "Accepted Real Truth(TM)", once this all happens.
The bad guys go to jail, everyone gets a decent chunk of money, and we are all distracted by an incredible new story spurring endless internet flame wars.
Meanwhile, "business as usual" continues, with the Cabal groups continuing to work behind the scenes for another 100 years of gradual roll-out.
It should be abundantly clear that this partial disclosure scenario is progressing at this time.
The western controlled financial system is slowly imploding, lower level SSP disclosure is being released at record pace, soft disclosure from NASA and other space agencies is being ramped up, and all manner of subtle conditioning, like what is presented in The X-files, is taking place.
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We Won't Wait—Full Disclosure is the Only Option
What can be done in the face of such an elaborate subtle conditioning or propaganda campaign?
The hope is that truth is on our side. Here is a quote from Raw-Teir-Eir that is of prime importance:
"As more of this info is reported by "US" ... the more it awakens people and enters their mass consciousness."The partial disclosure agenda cannot be successful if even part of the whole truth is revealed. This is why Goode was warned to stop pushing full disclosure. And this is also why the Cabal stops at nothing to discredit anyone talking about the whole truth.
Think of it like a magic trick or an illusion. Even if only one part of the trick goes wrong, the whole thing falls apart. If a magician was trying to make a rabbit disappear, and a tiny piece of the rabbit's ear is visible to the audience, the trick is a failure, no one buys into the illusion, no one believes it.
The partial disclosure plan is equally as delicate, which means that if even a tiny shred of the whole truth makes it into the collective consciousness of humanity, it might be enough to dissolve the illusion and hamper the partial disclosure agenda. The inspiring vision of a brighter future presented in the Boeing ad is a euphemism for a transhumanist nightmare, a vision most people won't want to believe in if they had all the facts.
So as an awakening community, our methodology can be similar to the Boeing advertisement. Our task is to spread as much of the truth as far and as wide as possible. We don't need people to accept what is offered, they just simply need to be exposed to it.
The unconscious receives all information, even if the conscious doesn't accept it, that's why subliminal and subtle conditioning works. In addition, the mechanics of truth receptivity are such that over a long enough span of time, all falsehoods eventually collapse under the weight of unreconciled truth. Hence Goode's call for a grass-roots full disclosure effort.
Steering Consciousness Towards Full Disclosure
But there's something else to consider. The universe has a bias towards positivity and mental coherence.
Related Universal Coherence, Sovereignty and Self Mastery | What Science is Telling Us About Earth’s Electromagnetic Fields and the Healing Power of Coherence
The Cabal are employing forms of manipulation, coercion, and deception in their efforts to steer the collective consciousness of humanity. This means that the coherence or image quality of the idea they are trying to seed needs to be very strong or of a high resolution. They have to devote incredible amounts of energy and resources in promoting and presenting the partial disclosure idea to the masses. And as we discussed above, it only takes a small amount of truth to collapse the elaborate illusion.
The awakening community is uniquely empowered to create a positive coherent thought-form that opposes partial disclosure. This, of course, is a vision of a full disclosure future. This can be charged by group meditations like what has become popular of late, but this in and of itself isn't enough. The more powerfully we ground this full disclosure idea into each moment of life, the more coherent and energized our consciousness becomes, and the more we help steer the collective consciousness of humanity.
Remember that beliefs help us channel creative energy by focusing attention on a worldview or perspective of reality. So first, as an awakening community, we can ask ourselves what we believe, what are our biases? Do we think full disclosure isn't a realistic option? Are we upset because we think someone else should be doing this for us? Are we unwilling to risk our reputation and social graces to share the truth with the world?
Beliefs, like subliminal programming, will prevent us from taking action if we do not find and balance them with more knowledge of the truth.
Part of the reason I wanted to write this compilation was to share as much of the truth as possible so as to dispel any belief that holds the awakening community back. Yet even despite all the data points proving the power of unity, there are as many excuses not to unite as there are grains of sand on a beach.
What Does Unity Look Like?
In closing, I want to discuss what a united awakening community could look like. I think a lot of people think unity means 100% agreement on everything, or that if we disagree about even one thing, we can't work together as a whole.
But we don't have to agree on everything. As a matter of fact, we don't even have to agree on a majority of items. We just need consensus on the big issues we can agree on, and then take actions within those areas.
For example, one person may listen to COBRA, while another person might listen to David Wilcock, and both might think the two sources of information are not in total agreement. But they are in agreement about the big issues. These figures both discuss an energetic shift, they both discuss the power of meditation, they both discuss a secret space program, mass arrests, and an end of the paradigms of control on Earth. So while there is a small amount of disagreement, generally they are far more in harmony than not.
And as followers of information revealers, gurus, ascended masters, whistleblowers, and so on—when we fight with others over what they believe we prevent unity from forming. Instead of attacking people that don't share our beliefs, let's find the courage to seek common ground, because in all likelihood we each have far more in common than not.
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As odd as it sounds, we can look to the Cabal as an example of what effective unity looks like.
All the various syndicate groups and organizations that make up the Cabal are loosely allied with each other, and in many cases, they fight about one thing or another. But when it comes to certain issues, like the need for a financial enslavement system, they all agree and act within that consensus to effect changes in the world.
We only have to observe the planet we live on to see how successful their unity efforts have been.
Unity isn't about total uniformity, in some kind of hive-mind where no one thinks for themselves. Unity means recognizing diversity while at the same time not letting our differences divide us on what we all face as a people.
No matter how much we may want to fight with each other, we are all suffering from a world sick with selfishness, scarcity, and ignorance. And the solution is a unified compassionate and well-educated group of awakened people, willing to be the change and show others they can too.
We can do it, and the universe supports us in more ways than we can possibly imagine. If the spheres really are here in the solar system, by the thousands, and they are actually controlled by guardians of the galaxy, this in and of itself indicates the universe is doing everything it can to support a people's uprising for true freedom. Surely if the benevolent forces behind the Sphere Beings can believe in our potential, we can find it within ourselves to do the same.
If doing nothing guarantees at least another 100 years of Cabal rule, then why not take the risk and do something? If a transhumanist world does come about due to our inactions, how will we feel knowing we had a chance to do something and didn't?
Future generations are relying on us to take a stand, and unlike in the past, the opportunity for successfully rising up and freeing this planet is greater than ever.
True Disclosure
Corey Goode via the Full Disclosure Project and with the help of countless inspired individuals, has produced a mainstream website for the purpose of disseminating information to the public.
TrueDisclosure.org is designed to provide high quality insider testimony, declassified documents, and evidence that the unawakened masses can use to gain greater knowledge of our true history and related SSP activities. The amount of energy required to produce this website was vast, but now it can serve as one more venue to help reveal the truth to the people and dissolve any hope of a false partial disclosure scenario.
I hope you have enjoyed this article and found it inspiring.
Know that the work we do to change the planet and restore prosperity happens in all moments of now. When we act with integrity and bravely face the injustices of our world in a way that honors the truth, we become beacons of light amid an ocean of darkness.
The simple act of seeking the truth, sharing it with our fellows, and acting in harmony with it, is arguably one of the single most important things we can do. In this respect, we're each instrumental players in this game of becoming free and ending tyranny, of restoring peace, prosperity and empowerment to the place we call home.
- Justin
PS: Special thanks to those who have come forward under threat to bring the truth the people.
The preceding text is a Stillness in the Storm original creation. Please share freely.
About The Author
Justin Deschamps is a truth seeker inspired by philosophy and the love of wisdom in all its forms. He was formally trained in physics and psychology, later discovering the spiritual basis of reality and the interconnected nature of all things. He strives to find the path of truth while also walking it himself, sharing what he knows with others so as to facilitate cooperative change for a better future. He is a student of all and a teacher to some. Follow @sitsshow and Facebook Stillness in the Storm_________________________
Stillness in the Storm Editor's note: Did you find a spelling error or grammar mistake? Do you think this article needs a correction or update? Or do you just have some feedback? Send us an email at sitsshow@gmail.com. Thank you for reading.
August 2nd 2016 — A reader sent over several grammar corrections which were made to this article.
[other source information has been embedded throughout the article]
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